MyHeritage's Upcoming Live Webinars (3)

Tue, December 10 2024: 19:00 UTC
Leveraging MyHeritage DNA Tools to Make New Discoveries
Tue, December 10 2024: 19:00 UTC
Your DNA Match list is full of incredible discoveries waiting to be made...with the right tools and a little know-how. MyHeritage offers the most comprehensive set of DNA tools on the market, making it ideal for genetic genealogy. In this session, Ran Snir, VP Product at MyHeritage, will give you an overview of the DNA tools available on MyHeritage and show you how you can use them to make breakthroughs in your research.
Your DNA Match list is full of incredible discoveries waiting to be made...with the right tools and a little know-how. MyHeritage offers the most comprehensive set of DNA tools on the market, making it ideal for genetic genealogy. In this session, Ran Snir, VP Product at MyHeritage, will give you an overview of the DNA tools available on MyHeritage and show you how you can use them to make breakthroughs in your research.
Tue, December 10 2024: 19:00 UTC
Thu, December 12 2024: 12:00 UTC
La généalogie et les enfants : comment intéresser les jeunes générations à leur histoire familiale
Thu, December 12 2024: 12:00 UTC
Qu’adviendra-t-il de votre généalogie lorsque vous passerez du statut de généalogiste de la famille à celui d’ancêtre ? Les jeunes générations de votre famille aimeront-elles la généalogie comme vous ? Contribueront-elles à faire vivre vos histoires familiales ? Découvrez comment utiliser les fonctionnalités de MyHeritage pour impliquer vos enfants et petits-enfants.
Qu’adviendra-t-il de votre généalogie lorsque vous passerez du statut de généalogiste de la famille à celui d’ancêtre ? Les jeunes générations de votre famille aimeront-elles la généalogie comme vous ? Contribueront-elles à faire vivre vos histoires familiales ? Découvrez comment utiliser les fonctionnalités de MyHeritage pour impliquer vos enfants et petits-enfants.
Thu, December 12 2024: 12:00 UTC
Tue, January 28 2025: 19:00 UTC
Latest Updates to the MyHeritage Mobile App
Tue, January 28 2025: 19:00 UTC
More and more, people are preferring to use their mobile devices to access their favorite software and services — and genealogists shouldn't be left behind. MyHeritage continues to improve the genealogy-on-the-go experience from the MyHeritage mobile app, making it easier than ever to manage your family tree and conduct research from the palm of your hand. In this session, Gilad Katz, Senior Product Manager at MyHeritage, will show you the latest developments in the mobile app.
More and more, people are preferring to use their mobile devices to access their favorite software and services — and genealogists shouldn't be left behind. MyHeritage continues to improve the genealogy-on-the-go experience from the MyHeritage mobile app, making it easier than ever to manage your family tree and conduct research from the palm of your hand. In this session, Gilad Katz, Senior Product Manager at MyHeritage, will show you the latest developments in the mobile app.
Tue, January 28 2025: 19:00 UTC

MyHeritage's Webinars (172)