Les nouvelles collections françaises sur MyHeritage

Elisabeth Zetland
Jan 25, 2022
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Play. Playing.
8m 23s
Play. Playing.
Naissances, mariages et décès
15m 18s
Play. Playing.
9m 00s
Play. Playing.
Documents d'inhumation et militaires
5m 07s
Play. Playing.
Index de l'état civil et naturalisations
6m 16s
Play. Playing.
Prix et annonces
3m 26s
Play. Playing.
4m 06s

About this webinar

MyHeritage a publié des millions de documents historiques français répartis en diverses collections, notamment des actes de naissance, mariage, et décès, des recensements, des documents militaires et d’inhumation. Ces données, renforcée par notre technologie Record Matching, offrent de nouvelles perspectives et pistes de recherche à tous ceux qui ont des racines en France.

About the speakers

About the speakers

French-born Elisabeth Zetland earned her Ph.D. (with Honors) in medieval history from Paul Valéry University in Montpellier, France. Her ground-breaking original research traced the family trees of Jewish families residing in Florence, Italy in th
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MyHeritage is the leading global destination for discovering, preserving and sharing family history. Our platform and DNA kits make it easy for anyone, anywhere to embark on a meaningful journey into their past and treasure their family stories fo
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