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Bridging the Gaps: Using DNA to get results in Eastern Europe
Family historians researching in Poland and Ukraine have to deal with gaps in records that could make progress next to impossible. Thanks to genetic genealogy, we can bridge those gaps. Geographic clues from your matches might get you looking in the right direction. This session includes some DNA success stories, based on geography and backed by documented research. It also offers pointers on how to get more value from your tests.
Family historians researching in Poland and Ukraine have to deal with gaps in records that could make progress next to impossible. Thanks to genetic genealogy, we can bridge those gaps. Geographic clues from your matches might get you looking in the right direction. This session includes some DNA success stories, based on geography and backed by documented research. It also offers pointers on how to get more value from your tests.
Wed, June 5 2024: 18:00 UTC
Full, Half, and 3/4 Siblings
Siblings are siblings, but when working with DNA, we need to know the difference. What do these terms mean?
Siblings are siblings, but when working with DNA, we need to know the difference. What do these terms mean?
Mon, June 3 2024: 14:00 UTC
Strategies to Analyze Endogamous DNA
This lecture will discuss how best to weed out false-positive DNA Matches that test-takers from endogamous groups face daily. After discussing how endogamous matches differ from typical DNA matches, chromosome mapping tools such as DNA painter will be demonstrated to help identify more likely matches. The strengths and weaknesses of every testing company will be considered, when specifically considering endogamy.
This lecture will discuss how best to weed out false-positive DNA Matches that test-takers from endogamous groups face daily. After discussing how endogamous matches differ from typical DNA matches, chromosome mapping tools such as DNA painter will be demonstrated to help identify more likely matches. The strengths and weaknesses of every testing company will be considered, when specifically considering endogamy.
Wed, May 1 2024: 18:00 UTC
What’s Your DNA Problem? Too Few Matches? Too Many?
Let’s diagnose your DNA match list. Do you have too few matches to work with? Or so many that it’s overwhelming? Learn WHY that may be and WHAT you can do about it, whether you need MORE matches or you need to whittle them down. Take a close look at your own tree with the tools I’ll give you and leave with next-step strategies to address your own DNA problem.
Let’s diagnose your DNA match list. Do you have too few matches to work with? Or so many that it’s overwhelming? Learn WHY that may be and WHAT you can do about it, whether you need MORE matches or you need to whittle them down. Take a close look at your own tree with the tools I’ll give you and leave with next-step strategies to address your own DNA problem.
Fri, April 12 2024: 20:00 UTC
Clustering with MyHeritage Labels
This webinar will explain how you can use MyHeritage labels to organize and cluster your match list. Michelle will outline different clustering strategies that can be employed in different situations and will provide step-by-step guidance to help you on the path to a more organised MyHeritage match list!
This webinar will explain how you can use MyHeritage labels to organize and cluster your match list. Michelle will outline different clustering strategies that can be employed in different situations and will provide step-by-step guidance to help you on the path to a more organised MyHeritage match list!
Thu, April 11 2024: 22:00 UTC
Solving a Virginia Mystery Using DNA
Family lore tells a different story than the records for the paternity of a southwest Virginia great-grandfather. Learn how DNA helps solve the mystery!
Family lore tells a different story than the records for the paternity of a southwest Virginia great-grandfather. Learn how DNA helps solve the mystery!
Wed, April 3 2024: 18:00 UTC
Using DNA To Identify Irish Ancestral Locations
For many of us who have Irish ancestry, the major question is ‘but where in Ireland?’ Like millions of other descendants of Irish emigrants, Michelle Leonard has Irish ancestors who left Ireland in the 1840s-60s and on nearly all documents she can find for them their birthplaces were given simply as ‘Ireland’. In many cases traditional research is not able to narrow down exactly where in Ireland our ancestors lived and trying to trace them across the seas is often a ‘needle in a haystack’ endeavour. In this personal case study, Michelle will outline how she managed to identify exact locations in Ireland for her Irish lines using the power of DNA testing and will provide strategies and top tips that could help you do the same.
For many of us who have Irish ancestry, the major question is ‘but where in Ireland?’ Like millions of other descendants of Irish emigrants, Michelle Leonard has Irish ancestors who left Ireland in the 1840s-60s and on nearly all documents she can find for them their birthplaces were given simply as ‘Ireland’. In many cases traditional research is not able to narrow down exactly where in Ireland our ancestors lived and trying to trace them across the seas is often a ‘needle in a haystack’ endeavour. In this personal case study, Michelle will outline how she managed to identify exact locations in Ireland for her Irish lines using the power of DNA testing and will provide strategies and top tips that could help you do the same.
Wed, March 6 2024: 19:00 UTC
Boosting Your Family History Discoveries with MyHeritage DNA
The secret to unlocking the potential of DNA testing for genealogy is knowing how to analyze your DNA matches. Learn how to leverage your matches and use MyHeritage’s DNA tools to gain new insights and make important discoveries.
The secret to unlocking the potential of DNA testing for genealogy is knowing how to analyze your DNA matches. Learn how to leverage your matches and use MyHeritage’s DNA tools to gain new insights and make important discoveries.
Thu, February 29 2024: 19:00 UTC
Anchors are the Way: Leveraging Multiple forms of DNA Evidence in your Research
Autosomal DNA, Y-DNA, X-DNA, and mtDNA testing and results all have their pros and cons for helping to solve a genealogy mystery. When used in tandem, the synergy of these various forms of DNA evidence aids in pinpointing (or ruling out) relationship scenarios and the source of shared DNA.
Autosomal DNA, Y-DNA, X-DNA, and mtDNA testing and results all have their pros and cons for helping to solve a genealogy mystery. When used in tandem, the synergy of these various forms of DNA evidence aids in pinpointing (or ruling out) relationship scenarios and the source of shared DNA.
Wed, February 7 2024: 19:00 UTC
Explore Uncharted Paths in Tracing Brick Wall Ancestors Through DNA Network Graphs
When documentary research has been exhausted, DNA can be employed to suggest new avenues for research. Network graphs create clusters of DNA matches to research and find new possibilities for ancestral origins. ** Update: recent DNA-related events relating to privacy have changed the way DNAGedcom interfaces with DNA-related websites. Before using DNAGedcom, please check its status as it relates to connecting to these websites on their Facebook group.
When documentary research has been exhausted, DNA can be employed to suggest new avenues for research. Network graphs create clusters of DNA matches to research and find new possibilities for ancestral origins. ** Update: recent DNA-related events relating to privacy have changed the way DNAGedcom interfaces with DNA-related websites. Before using DNAGedcom, please check its status as it relates to connecting to these websites on their Facebook group.
Wed, January 17 2024: 19:00 UTC
Can mtDNA and XDNA help topple Geoff’s Brick Wall?
Join Geoff as he consults with DNA expert Diahan Southard to determine if mtDNA and/or XDNA can help him learn more about his 4X great grandmother.
Join Geoff as he consults with DNA expert Diahan Southard to determine if mtDNA and/or XDNA can help him learn more about his 4X great grandmother.
Wed, November 15 2023: 19:00 UTC
DNA Analysis Methodology: Defeat the Genealogy Gremlin with Pedigree Evaluation, Mitigation, and Reasoning (a 2023 Reisinger Lecture)
Learn the tried-and-true methodology to defeat the Genealogy Gremlin and achieve accurate results using DNA for genealogy. This lecture discusses the evaluation of match pedigrees to identify potential snafus and demonstrates mitigation strategies to address the problem. Don’t let researcher confirmation bias pollute your family trees! This class is presented live at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City as part of the Joy Reisinger Memorial Lecture Series and is being broadcasted by Legacy Family Tree Webinars.
Learn the tried-and-true methodology to defeat the Genealogy Gremlin and achieve accurate results using DNA for genealogy. This lecture discusses the evaluation of match pedigrees to identify potential snafus and demonstrates mitigation strategies to address the problem. Don’t let researcher confirmation bias pollute your family trees! This class is presented live at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City as part of the Joy Reisinger Memorial Lecture Series and is being broadcasted by Legacy Family Tree Webinars.
Fri, October 20 2023: 22:00 UTC

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Wed, August 7 2024: 18:00 UTC
The Power of Siblings – the DNA Tests of Five Brothers
Wed, August 7 2024: 18:00 UTC
This presentation takes the viewer through the results of 5 full brothers who have done a DNA test. It covers the comparison of their ethnicity estimates through to the various differences in their DNA matches including the variance in the sharing amounts. It helps people understand why testing siblings can really enhance their genetic genealogy, even more so if they can not test a parent or parents. The talk will also include a look at some advanced sibling topics, such as utilising X DNA results to establish if two females have the same father, through to advanced tools like visual phasing and creating lazarus kits.
This presentation takes the viewer through the results of 5 full brothers who have done a DNA test. It covers the comparison of their ethnicity estimates through to the various differences in their DNA matches including the variance in the sharing amounts. It helps people understand why testing siblings can really enhance their genetic genealogy, even more so if they can not test a parent or parents. The talk will also include a look at some advanced sibling topics, such as utilising X DNA results to establish if two females have the same father, through to advanced tools like visual phasing and creating lazarus kits.
Wed, August 7 2024: 18:00 UTC
Fri, September 6 2024: 14:15 UTC
Six Ways to Figure Out How We’re Related
Fri, September 6 2024: 14:15 UTC
Do you have mystery matches? Would you like to figure out how they are related to you? Which ancestors you share? Here are six ways to do exactly that!
Do you have mystery matches? Would you like to figure out how they are related to you? Which ancestors you share? Here are six ways to do exactly that!
Fri, September 6 2024: 14:15 UTC
Wed, September 18 2024: 18:00 UTC
Practical chromosome mapping: gaining insights from segments of DNA
Wed, September 18 2024: 18:00 UTC
Chromosome mapping helps you understand how you inherited DNA from your ancestors and can be highly addictive. Join DNA Painter founder Jonny Perl as he explores hands-on examples demonstrating what you can learn from the segments you share with your matches.
Chromosome mapping helps you understand how you inherited DNA from your ancestors and can be highly addictive. Join DNA Painter founder Jonny Perl as he explores hands-on examples demonstrating what you can learn from the segments you share with your matches.
Wed, September 18 2024: 18:00 UTC
Fri, September 20 2024: 15:30 UTC
Broken Branches: How to Detect Cases of Misattributed Parentage in Your Family Tree
Fri, September 20 2024: 15:30 UTC
Most individuals will have at least one case of misattributed ancestry in the first several generations of these family tree. Genetic genealogy testing is often the source of discovery of such events. Even so misattributed ancestry may go undetected unless DNA test results are analyzed carefully. Learn how to detect cases of misattributed ancestry and how to leverage genetic genealogy test results to identify a previously unknown biological ancestor.
Most individuals will have at least one case of misattributed ancestry in the first several generations of these family tree. Genetic genealogy testing is often the source of discovery of such events. Even so misattributed ancestry may go undetected unless DNA test results are analyzed carefully. Learn how to detect cases of misattributed ancestry and how to leverage genetic genealogy test results to identify a previously unknown biological ancestor.
Fri, September 20 2024: 15:30 UTC
Wed, November 6 2024: 19:00 UTC
Geoff’s Got ANOTHER Brick Wall! What Can DNA Do for It?
Wed, November 6 2024: 19:00 UTC
Geoff Rasmussen has never used DNA on his most famous case: John McCall in Tennessee/North Carolina. It’s a SERIOUS brick wall. BUT: his grandmother AND her sister have taken DNA tests, and John is their 2x great grandfather. What light can their DNA test results shed? DNA expert Diahan Southard gives him advice you may be able to apply to your own brick wall, too.
Geoff Rasmussen has never used DNA on his most famous case: John McCall in Tennessee/North Carolina. It’s a SERIOUS brick wall. BUT: his grandmother AND her sister have taken DNA tests, and John is their 2x great grandfather. What light can their DNA test results shed? DNA expert Diahan Southard gives him advice you may be able to apply to your own brick wall, too.
Wed, November 6 2024: 19:00 UTC
Wed, December 4 2024: 19:00 UTC
DNA Case Study: Reconstructing A Family Tree Using DNA
Wed, December 4 2024: 19:00 UTC
This special case study will walk you through how to solve multiple unknown father mysteries within the same family tree. Where can you turn when both of your maternal and paternal grandfathers are unknown and both of your grandmothers’ fathers are also unknown? It may seem far-fetched but this was the genuine situation my client was faced with – two mystery grandfathers and two mystery great grandfathers on the same tree! There were mysteries on top of mysteries in this amazing case with six out of eight great grandparents unknown and at least four mystery fathers to identify. This webinar will tell the story of how this tiny tree was reconstructed using a combination of DNA results analysis and traditional research methods.
This special case study will walk you through how to solve multiple unknown father mysteries within the same family tree. Where can you turn when both of your maternal and paternal grandfathers are unknown and both of your grandmothers’ fathers are also unknown? It may seem far-fetched but this was the genuine situation my client was faced with – two mystery grandfathers and two mystery great grandfathers on the same tree! There were mysteries on top of mysteries in this amazing case with six out of eight great grandparents unknown and at least four mystery fathers to identify. This webinar will tell the story of how this tiny tree was reconstructed using a combination of DNA results analysis and traditional research methods.
Wed, December 4 2024: 19:00 UTC
Tue, December 10 2024: 19:00 UTC
Leveraging MyHeritage DNA Tools to Make New Discoveries
Tue, December 10 2024: 19:00 UTC
Your DNA Match list is full of incredible discoveries waiting to be made…with the right tools and a little know-how. MyHeritage offers the most comprehensive set of DNA tools on the market, making it ideal for genetic genealogy. In this session, Ran Snir, VP Product at MyHeritage, will give you an overview of the DNA tools available on MyHeritage and show you how you can use them to make breakthroughs in your research.
Your DNA Match list is full of incredible discoveries waiting to be made…with the right tools and a little know-how. MyHeritage offers the most comprehensive set of DNA tools on the market, making it ideal for genetic genealogy. In this session, Ran Snir, VP Product at MyHeritage, will give you an overview of the DNA tools available on MyHeritage and show you how you can use them to make breakthroughs in your research.
Tue, December 10 2024: 19:00 UTC
Wed, December 18 2024: 1:00 UTC
Lost and Found: Locating Ancestral Origins with FAN Club and DNA
Wed, December 18 2024: 1:00 UTC
It’s hard to do genealogy well without studying your ancestors’ Friends & Family, Associates, and Neighbors – their FAN club. If your ancestors are Irish, you might have no luck at all without those FAN principles. But if you combine FAN club research with DNA, you might have just the winning ticket to get you back to your Irish ancestor’s origins. In this case study presentation, learn how focused research pointed the way from Ohio to townlands in County Mayo for an 1850s-era Irish immigrant.
It’s hard to do genealogy well without studying your ancestors’ Friends & Family, Associates, and Neighbors – their FAN club. If your ancestors are Irish, you might have no luck at all without those FAN principles. But if you combine FAN club research with DNA, you might have just the winning ticket to get you back to your Irish ancestor’s origins. In this case study presentation, learn how focused research pointed the way from Ohio to townlands in County Mayo for an 1850s-era Irish immigrant.
Wed, December 18 2024: 1:00 UTC
DNA: Evidence, Proof, Citation & Privacy
Fri, December 27 2024: 19:00 UTC
Genetic testing has taken the genealogical world by storm—but many good genealogists feel lost in that storm; and more than a few family trees have suffered damage. How do we harness the power of genetic genealogy without being swept away in the surge? This session guides genealogists through four areas: (1) converting DNA data into evidence; (2) turning that evidence into proof; (3) crafting citations that include all genetic details needed for proof; and (4) protecting privacy throughout the research and presentation of our conclusions. The session offers simple but solid ground rules—no geek speak!—illustrated by a variety of case studies.
Genetic testing has taken the genealogical world by storm—but many good genealogists feel lost in that storm; and more than a few family trees have suffered damage. How do we harness the power of genetic genealogy without being swept away in the surge? This session guides genealogists through four areas: (1) converting DNA data into evidence; (2) turning that evidence into proof; (3) crafting citations that include all genetic details needed for proof; and (4) protecting privacy throughout the research and presentation of our conclusions. The session offers simple but solid ground rules—no geek speak!—illustrated by a variety of case studies.
Fri, December 27 2024: 19:00 UTC