Fishing in Your Match List with MyHeritage DNA Tools

Paul Woodbury, MEd., AG
May 23, 2023
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Play. Playing.
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 11s
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2m 24s
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Genetic Clusters
20m 33s
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Independent Descendants
15m 02s
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Shared Matches
4m 54s
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Filter Labels
9m 37s
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Match Evaluation
12m 36s
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Excel Magic
1m 59s
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Announcements / prizes
2m 12s
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Questions / answers
6m 54s

About this webinar

MyHeritage’s AutoClusters are a great way to start exploring the clusters of your genetic cousins and narrow in on potentially pertinent genetic cousins, but sometimes AutoClusters can only take you so far. Learn to leverage MyHeritage’s Theories of Family Relativity, shared matching and DNA match labeling to isolate pertinent genetic cousins for a research question and solve your family history mysteries.

About the speakers

About the speakers

From a young age, Paul Woodbury fell in love with genealogy research. To pursue his passion for this field, he studied genetics and family history at Brigham Young University. To aid in his desire to share his knowledge with others, he has also re
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MyHeritage is the leading global destination for discovering, preserving and sharing family history. Our platform and DNA kits make it easy for anyone, anywhere to embark on a meaningful journey into their past and treasure their family stories fo
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  1. ES
    Eva Smith
    6 months ago

    Great webinar! A very complex topic but Paul explained it very well! I will certainly put this information to good use.

  2. JS
    jenna smith
    2 years ago

    Genius way to look at things – thank you, Paul!

  3. GS
    Georgianna Seko
    2 years ago

    Thank you for a helpful webinar.

  4. SP
    Stephanie Petty
    2 years ago

    Very helpful examples and explanation on how to use MyHeritage Auto Clustering results to identify other possible family relatives.

  5. TB
    Therese Beckman
    2 years ago

    Paul Woodbury gave us such useful information on how to filter matches easily and intuitively. I have done such filtering but didn’t know how to do it on MyHeritage and I’m so grateful to learn where to click because most of my matches to distant ancestors are on MyHeritage. This webinar is going to make my research much easier. Thank you!

  6. DA
    Dale A Ketcheson
    2 years ago

    Thank goodness for Paul’s clear explanations, slides and examples. I don’t think I’d be able to follow the subject otherwise. I look forward to applying this new info to my own tree.

  7. RJ
    Rebecca Jean Corson
    2 years ago

    Paul Woodbury is one of the best instructors on DNA. His webinars are detailed and easy to follow. I look forward on trying this approach on a few stubborn lines in my tree. Thank you for an excellent presentationl

  8. XM
    Xana Miller
    2 years ago

    Thank you


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