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Watch Geoff Live: Adding a Marriage Record Using Legacy 10 (and a first look at the FAN Club report)
After all these years, Geoff has finally found the marriage record of his 4th great-grandparents. To celebrate, he’s inviting you to join him as he adds the new information to his personal Legacy 10 family file. In this live, unscripted, and unrehearsed webinar, you will learn the 7 steps of adding any online document to Legacy. And for the first time, you will get to see the new FAN Club report in action. You’ll be certain to pick up tips and tricks along the way.
After all these years, Geoff has finally found the marriage record of his 4th great-grandparents. To celebrate, he’s inviting you to join him as he adds the new information to his personal Legacy 10 family file. In this live, unscripted, and unrehearsed webinar, you will learn the 7 steps of adding any online document to Legacy. And for the first time, you will get to see the new FAN Club report in action. You’ll be certain to pick up tips and tricks along the way.
Fri, August 2 2024: 18:00 UTC
What’s New in Legacy Family Tree 10
In this quick video, you will be introduced to the new features in the recently-released Legacy Family Tree 10 software.
In this quick video, you will be introduced to the new features in the recently-released Legacy Family Tree 10 software.
Tue, June 4 2024: 0:00 UTC
Manage Your Genealogy Research with Smartsheet – Part 2
Want to improve your genealogy workflow and easily track and share your research for collaboration? In this second SmartSheet Webinar Short you will learn about views such as card, Gantt and calendar view. You will also learn how to create a sheet with the import function. Lastly, you’ll learn how to customize your sheet.
Want to improve your genealogy workflow and easily track and share your research for collaboration? In this second SmartSheet Webinar Short you will learn about views such as card, Gantt and calendar view. You will also learn how to create a sheet with the import function. Lastly, you’ll learn how to customize your sheet.
Fri, May 17 2024: 14:00 UTC
Manage Your Genealogy Research with Smartsheet – Part 1
Want to improve your genealogy workflow and easily track and share your research for collaboration? Learn how to use Smartsheet, a dynamic cloud-based program to manage your projects, programs, and processes – all in one place.
Want to improve your genealogy workflow and easily track and share your research for collaboration? Learn how to use Smartsheet, a dynamic cloud-based program to manage your projects, programs, and processes – all in one place.
Fri, May 10 2024: 14:00 UTC
Got Old Negatives? Scan Them With Your Phone and These 5 (Mostly) Free Apps!
Are your old film negatives wasting away in a box in the closet? Let’s bring them to life so you can enjoy them! These days, it’s quick, easy, and inexpensive to scan film negatives with your smartphone. Find out how with these five apps and a few household items!
Are your old film negatives wasting away in a box in the closet? Let’s bring them to life so you can enjoy them! These days, it’s quick, easy, and inexpensive to scan film negatives with your smartphone. Find out how with these five apps and a few household items!
Wed, December 20 2023: 19:00 UTC
Indexing with MS Word
Learn how to create an index in MS Word for your family history documents or books.
Learn how to create an index in MS Word for your family history documents or books.
Fri, November 10 2023: 7:00 UTC
Teach MS Word to Type for You
We all spend a great deal of time using a word processor. Let me show you how AutoCorrect and AutoText in MS WORD can be used to speed up your typing!
We all spend a great deal of time using a word processor. Let me show you how AutoCorrect and AutoText in MS WORD can be used to speed up your typing!
Fri, August 18 2023: 12:00 UTC
How I Deciphered This…
In this brief tip, Geoff Rasmussen demonstrates how he made an illegible document, legible. This was part of the webinar, Celebrating 2,000 webinars! Plus 10 tips you can use today.
In this brief tip, Geoff Rasmussen demonstrates how he made an illegible document, legible. This was part of the webinar, Celebrating 2,000 webinars! Plus 10 tips you can use today.
Fri, July 14 2023: 0:00 UTC
What you’re missing if you’re still using Control-V
When you find tidbits about your ancestors on different websites you’ll want transfer them to your family history tree or a program like Word or Excel. The text can come across with all the formatting when you just want plain text. Learn some quick techniques to effortlessly save what you find, just the way you want. This was part of the webinar, Celebrating 2,000 webinars! Plus 10 tips you can use today.
When you find tidbits about your ancestors on different websites you’ll want transfer them to your family history tree or a program like Word or Excel. The text can come across with all the formatting when you just want plain text. Learn some quick techniques to effortlessly save what you find, just the way you want. This was part of the webinar, Celebrating 2,000 webinars! Plus 10 tips you can use today.
Fri, July 14 2023: 0:00 UTC
Introduction to and Overview of Microsoft PowerPoint – Class 1 of 8
PowerPoint is part of the Microsoft Office Suite. It is similar to other programs, yet different as well. This presentation will introduce you to the program as well as the personalization options available to make the program do more work for you.
PowerPoint is part of the Microsoft Office Suite. It is similar to other programs, yet different as well. This presentation will introduce you to the program as well as the personalization options available to make the program do more work for you.
Wed, May 17 2023: 18:00 UTC
Formatting PowerPoint Text – Class 2 of 8
Formatting your presentation goes beyond Fonts, Bold, and Italic. Learn how to use the Font and Paragraph icons to quicken your work as well as special touches that will make your presentation more memorable.
Formatting your presentation goes beyond Fonts, Bold, and Italic. Learn how to use the Font and Paragraph icons to quicken your work as well as special touches that will make your presentation more memorable.
Wed, May 17 2023: 15:00 UTC
Graphics in Microsoft PowerPoint – Class 3 of 8
We are a visual society. Adding Graphics (ClipArt, Photos, Shapes, SmartArt, WordArt) to your PowerPoint presentation helps make your point. This session will cover inserting, layering, grouping, and modifying the many graphics available within Microsoft PowerPoint.
We are a visual society. Adding Graphics (ClipArt, Photos, Shapes, SmartArt, WordArt) to your PowerPoint presentation helps make your point. This session will cover inserting, layering, grouping, and modifying the many graphics available within Microsoft PowerPoint.
Wed, May 17 2023: 15:00 UTC

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Tue, June 24 2025: 18:00 UTC
Latest Updates to the MyHeritage Mobile App
Tue, June 24 2025: 18:00 UTC
More and more, people are preferring to use their mobile devices to access their favorite software and services — and genealogists shouldn’t be left behind. MyHeritage continues to improve the genealogy-on-the-go experience from the MyHeritage mobile app, making it easier than ever to manage your family tree and conduct research from the palm of your hand. In this session, Gilad Katz, Senior Product Manager at MyHeritage, will show you the latest developments in the mobile app.
More and more, people are preferring to use their mobile devices to access their favorite software and services — and genealogists shouldn’t be left behind. MyHeritage continues to improve the genealogy-on-the-go experience from the MyHeritage mobile app, making it easier than ever to manage your family tree and conduct research from the palm of your hand. In this session, Gilad Katz, Senior Product Manager at MyHeritage, will show you the latest developments in the mobile app.
Tue, June 24 2025: 18:00 UTC
AI Video Creation for Genealogy
Fri, August 22 2025: 18:00 UTC
Do you have genealogy-related PowerPoint presentations full of interesting material that could benefit other researchers, except your presentations are languishing in a file on your computer? For whatever reason, do you no longer wish to share your research knowledge or material in front of a physical or digitally-linked audience? Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help you share your knowledge in a much different way. In today’s dynamic digital landscape, visual content remains a dominant force. As genealogy professionals, we are always exploring new ways to captivate, educate, and motivate our audience. Enter PowerPoint to video converters — these revolutionary tools empower us to transform our static presentations into engaging videos. It’s time to give our PowerPoint presentations the upgrade they deserve. In today’s fast-paced digital era, transforming your PowerPoint presentations into dynamic videos can elevate your content’s appeal and broaden its reach across multiple platforms. This presentation will show you how to move forward with AI to create and distribute video content.
Do you have genealogy-related PowerPoint presentations full of interesting material that could benefit other researchers, except your presentations are languishing in a file on your computer? For whatever reason, do you no longer wish to share your research knowledge or material in front of a physical or digitally-linked audience? Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help you share your knowledge in a much different way. In today’s dynamic digital landscape, visual content remains a dominant force. As genealogy professionals, we are always exploring new ways to captivate, educate, and motivate our audience. Enter PowerPoint to video converters — these revolutionary tools empower us to transform our static presentations into engaging videos. It’s time to give our PowerPoint presentations the upgrade they deserve. In today’s fast-paced digital era, transforming your PowerPoint presentations into dynamic videos can elevate your content’s appeal and broaden its reach across multiple platforms. This presentation will show you how to move forward with AI to create and distribute video content.
Fri, August 22 2025: 18:00 UTC
Fri, February 14 2025: 17:00 UTC
Creating Children’s Stories from Ancestral Lives
Fri, February 14 2025: 17:00 UTC
This presentation will discuss ways that ancestral stories—obtained from actual documents and records—can be converted to children’s stories. The created story is not necessarily going to be entirely genealogically accurate. The goal of stories for children is to hopefully nurture an interest in their family history, not bore them to tears with an endless list of names and dates. We will discuss the need to omit certain details, fictionalize dialog, and keep the story at the appropriate age level. We will encourage attendees to develop their stories orally as well as via the written word, reminding them that sometimes it’s easier to transcribe a spoken story than it is to write it from scratch. Specific examples discussed will be a story created from an 1820 pig theft in Kentucky, a Nebraska homesteader, and a migration from Indiana to Illinois during the Civil War. We’ll see the actual story and the age-appropriate story that was created from it. The session will conclude with ways to preserve and share the story—and the actual experience that precipitated the creation of the story as well.
This presentation will discuss ways that ancestral stories—obtained from actual documents and records—can be converted to children’s stories. The created story is not necessarily going to be entirely genealogically accurate. The goal of stories for children is to hopefully nurture an interest in their family history, not bore them to tears with an endless list of names and dates. We will discuss the need to omit certain details, fictionalize dialog, and keep the story at the appropriate age level. We will encourage attendees to develop their stories orally as well as via the written word, reminding them that sometimes it’s easier to transcribe a spoken story than it is to write it from scratch. Specific examples discussed will be a story created from an 1820 pig theft in Kentucky, a Nebraska homesteader, and a migration from Indiana to Illinois during the Civil War. We’ll see the actual story and the age-appropriate story that was created from it. The session will conclude with ways to preserve and share the story—and the actual experience that precipitated the creation of the story as well.
Fri, February 14 2025: 17:00 UTC
Fri, February 14 2025: 19:00 UTC
Introducing 10 Million Names
Fri, February 14 2025: 19:00 UTC
There are at least 44 million descendants of enslaved individuals alive today, but slavery separated families, erased names, and obscured facts. The 10 Million Names Project, recently launched by American Ancestors and its partners, aims to connect the family stories of these descendants to the 10 million men, women, and children of African descent who were enslaved in the U.S. prior to emancipation and to restore their names to history. Join Cynthia Evans and learn about the scope of this project, the objectives, and our methodology.
There are at least 44 million descendants of enslaved individuals alive today, but slavery separated families, erased names, and obscured facts. The 10 Million Names Project, recently launched by American Ancestors and its partners, aims to connect the family stories of these descendants to the 10 million men, women, and children of African descent who were enslaved in the U.S. prior to emancipation and to restore their names to history. Join Cynthia Evans and learn about the scope of this project, the objectives, and our methodology.
Fri, February 14 2025: 19:00 UTC
Wed, February 19 2025: 1:00 UTC
Applying Research Standards to the Census
Wed, February 19 2025: 1:00 UTC
After years of using census records, genealogists may take for granted that they’re using them fully and correctly. But as they learn about genealogy standards and best practices, do they go back and re-think their census practices? What does it even mean to evaluate a census record? Let’s learn a bit more about the U.S. census and the specific ways that standards can help us to maximize its usefulness.
After years of using census records, genealogists may take for granted that they’re using them fully and correctly. But as they learn about genealogy standards and best practices, do they go back and re-think their census practices? What does it even mean to evaluate a census record? Let’s learn a bit more about the U.S. census and the specific ways that standards can help us to maximize its usefulness.
Wed, February 19 2025: 1:00 UTC
Wed, February 19 2025: 19:00 UTC
Navigating the Mayflower Families Silver Books: A Guide for Genealogists
Wed, February 19 2025: 19:00 UTC
Join Bonnie Wade Mucia, Silver Books Director, as she delves into the invaluable resource of the Mayflower Families Silver Books published by the General Society of Mayflower Descendants. This presentation covers the history of the Silver Books project and provides you with the tools and knowledge to effectively use them in your genealogy work, particularly for researching the colonial period. These books trace the descendants of Mayflower passengers through multiple generations, offering a treasure trove of genealogy scholarship. Whether you’re a seasoned genealogist or just starting out, this presentation will equip you to unlock the full potential of the Mayflower Families Silver Books in your research, revealing lineages enriched by meticulous research and documented with original records and sources.
Join Bonnie Wade Mucia, Silver Books Director, as she delves into the invaluable resource of the Mayflower Families Silver Books published by the General Society of Mayflower Descendants. This presentation covers the history of the Silver Books project and provides you with the tools and knowledge to effectively use them in your genealogy work, particularly for researching the colonial period. These books trace the descendants of Mayflower passengers through multiple generations, offering a treasure trove of genealogy scholarship. Whether you’re a seasoned genealogist or just starting out, this presentation will equip you to unlock the full potential of the Mayflower Families Silver Books in your research, revealing lineages enriched by meticulous research and documented with original records and sources.
Wed, February 19 2025: 19:00 UTC
Fri, February 21 2025: 17:00 UTC
Research Your Roots in Alsace Lorraine
Fri, February 21 2025: 17:00 UTC
German-French or French-German? Genealogy in Alsace-Lorraine. Do you have ancestors listed in the U. S. census as German in one and French in another? They are likely from Alsace-Lorraine, with a complicated history that presents family researchers with opportunities and challenges. Learn about sources and methods that will help you to progress in your research.
German-French or French-German? Genealogy in Alsace-Lorraine. Do you have ancestors listed in the U. S. census as German in one and French in another? They are likely from Alsace-Lorraine, with a complicated history that presents family researchers with opportunities and challenges. Learn about sources and methods that will help you to progress in your research.
Fri, February 21 2025: 17:00 UTC
Fri, February 21 2025: 19:00 UTC
Soldiers, Squatters and Settlers
Fri, February 21 2025: 19:00 UTC
Following the Revolutionary War, many British subjects were eager to get onto British soil and Canada was the nearest colony. Land was granted to soldiers who had remained loyal to the Crown and with the success of settlements such as Glengarry, colonizers soon realized that there was success to be had in getting immigrants to settle in the huge swath of untapped land in Upper Canada. In this presentation we will discuss: Military Settlements, Crown & Clergy Reserves, Queen’s Bush Settlement & Wilberforce Colony, Quaker Settlements, Mennonite Settlements, Talbot Settlement, Peter Robinson Settlement, Huron Tract. We will also look at sale of treaty lands, and emigration societies in Scotland.
Following the Revolutionary War, many British subjects were eager to get onto British soil and Canada was the nearest colony. Land was granted to soldiers who had remained loyal to the Crown and with the success of settlements such as Glengarry, colonizers soon realized that there was success to be had in getting immigrants to settle in the huge swath of untapped land in Upper Canada. In this presentation we will discuss: Military Settlements, Crown & Clergy Reserves, Queen’s Bush Settlement & Wilberforce Colony, Quaker Settlements, Mennonite Settlements, Talbot Settlement, Peter Robinson Settlement, Huron Tract. We will also look at sale of treaty lands, and emigration societies in Scotland.
Fri, February 21 2025: 19:00 UTC
Tue, February 25 2025: 19:00 UTC
Enhance your family tree accuracy with MyHeritage’s Timeline and Consistency Checker
Tue, February 25 2025: 19:00 UTC
When you begin a family tree on the MyHeritage.com website, you may discover that the website has an app called the Consistency Checker that scans your family tree and identifies mistakes and inconsistencies in your data, so you can make the necessary changes in your tree, thereby improving its overall quality and accuracy. Another helpful app is the MyHeritage Timeline. This app allows you to view your family tree as a timeline. Using this feature, you can visualize how the story of your family unfolded over time and place your ancestors in the context of the period in which they lived. Come and learn about how these two tools can work together to vastly improve the accuracy of your family tree.
When you begin a family tree on the MyHeritage.com website, you may discover that the website has an app called the Consistency Checker that scans your family tree and identifies mistakes and inconsistencies in your data, so you can make the necessary changes in your tree, thereby improving its overall quality and accuracy. Another helpful app is the MyHeritage Timeline. This app allows you to view your family tree as a timeline. Using this feature, you can visualize how the story of your family unfolded over time and place your ancestors in the context of the period in which they lived. Come and learn about how these two tools can work together to vastly improve the accuracy of your family tree.
Tue, February 25 2025: 19:00 UTC