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5 Ways to Make the Most of MyHeritage.com Photo Tools
MyHeritage.com makes it easy to colorize, enhance, improve, and share your images. Maximize the tools using “hidden” features. For instance, take color-shifted images from blah to brilliant. Then use the photo dashboard to keep track of photo information and collaborate with cousins.
MyHeritage.com makes it easy to colorize, enhance, improve, and share your images. Maximize the tools using “hidden” features. For instance, take color-shifted images from blah to brilliant. Then use the photo dashboard to keep track of photo information and collaborate with cousins.
Fri, September 20 2024: 19:30 UTC
10 Unexpected Places to Find Ancestor Photos Online
It is wonderful to uncover the facts of an ancestor’s life, but putting a face to a name is the most amazing discovery of all. Expand your search for your ancestor’s faces with these ten “unexpected” online resources!
It is wonderful to uncover the facts of an ancestor’s life, but putting a face to a name is the most amazing discovery of all. Expand your search for your ancestor’s faces with these ten “unexpected” online resources!
Wed, July 3 2024: 2:00 UTC
Silent Storytellers: A Genealogist’s Guide to Cemetery Photography
They stand there behind those gates: marble and granite memorials to those who went before. The stones in those cemeteries and the stories they tell for our families are of crucial importance to genealogists. How can we best get access to the land where they stand, and photograph them to capture the stories they tell?
They stand there behind those gates: marble and granite memorials to those who went before. The stones in those cemeteries and the stories they tell for our families are of crucial importance to genealogists. How can we best get access to the land where they stand, and photograph them to capture the stories they tell?
Thu, April 11 2024: 21:00 UTC
Checklist for Identifying and Dating Photos
Michelle will show us how to get the most from her free checklist for identifying and dating photographs. Find the checklist at http://bit.ly/PhotoChecklist
Michelle will show us how to get the most from her free checklist for identifying and dating photographs. Find the checklist at http://bit.ly/PhotoChecklist
Fri, February 9 2024: 9:00 UTC
Got Old Negatives? Scan Them With Your Phone and These 5 (Mostly) Free Apps!
Are your old film negatives wasting away in a box in the closet? Let’s bring them to life so you can enjoy them! These days, it’s quick, easy, and inexpensive to scan film negatives with your smartphone. Find out how with these five apps and a few household items!
Are your old film negatives wasting away in a box in the closet? Let’s bring them to life so you can enjoy them! These days, it’s quick, easy, and inexpensive to scan film negatives with your smartphone. Find out how with these five apps and a few household items!
Wed, December 20 2023: 19:00 UTC
Are You Missing Important Family History Clues in Your Old Family Photographs?
Family photographs put names to the faces of our ancestors. But…. are you missing important family history clues hidden in them? Learn how to use MyHeritage’s photo tools to enhance your old family photos to analyze them for important social history clues for your ancestors!
Family photographs put names to the faces of our ancestors. But…. are you missing important family history clues hidden in them? Learn how to use MyHeritage’s photo tools to enhance your old family photos to analyze them for important social history clues for your ancestors!
Tue, October 24 2023: 18:00 UTC
An Introduction to Reimagine, the New Photo App from MyHeritage
Discover Reimagine, the new app from MyHeritage that allows you to scan photo albums in minutes and colorize, enhance, repair, animate, and share your favorite family photos. Enjoy a walkthrough of the app and all its features from Ran Snir, Director of Product Management for MyHeritage.
Discover Reimagine, the new app from MyHeritage that allows you to scan photo albums in minutes and colorize, enhance, repair, animate, and share your favorite family photos. Enjoy a walkthrough of the app and all its features from Ran Snir, Director of Product Management for MyHeritage.
Tue, June 27 2023: 18:00 UTC
MyHeritage’s Latest Photo Innovations
MyHeritage never stops innovating, especially in the area of working with historical photos. Discover the latest and greatest photo innovations from MyHeritage.
MyHeritage never stops innovating, especially in the area of working with historical photos. Discover the latest and greatest photo innovations from MyHeritage.
Tue, January 10 2023: 19:00 UTC
Organizing and Tagging Photos with the MyHeritage Mobile App
MyHeritage has become the #1 destination for working with old family photos, but if you’re going to be uploading photos by the dozen to improve with the photo tools, it’s important to keep them organized! Learn all about how to organize your photos on MyHeritage.
MyHeritage has become the #1 destination for working with old family photos, but if you’re going to be uploading photos by the dozen to improve with the photo tools, it’s important to keep them organized! Learn all about how to organize your photos on MyHeritage.
Tue, July 26 2022: 18:00 UTC
One hour to master your camera settings
This webinar will cover the absolutes of shooting good pictures with any camera. It covers shutter speed, aperture and ISO at the intermediate and advanced levels.
This webinar will cover the absolutes of shooting good pictures with any camera. It covers shutter speed, aperture and ISO at the intermediate and advanced levels.
Wed, July 20 2022: 18:00 UTC
Advanced Lightroom Techniques for Photo Editing
This webinar will show you advanced editing techniques in Lightroom.
This webinar will show you advanced editing techniques in Lightroom.
Wed, June 15 2022: 18:00 UTC
Drawing Insights from Your Family Photos: Using MyHeritage
Old family photos can give you so much more information than just what your ancestor looked like. Learn how to organize your photos and take advantage of the many photo tools that MyHeritage provides.
Old family photos can give you so much more information than just what your ancestor looked like. Learn how to organize your photos and take advantage of the many photo tools that MyHeritage provides.
Tue, May 10 2022: 18:00 UTC

Upcoming Live Webinars

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Picture the Past: An Introduction to AI Images for Family Historians
Fri, March 28 2025: 18:00 UTC
Learn how to use artificial intelligence to transform written records and family stories into memorable images. Whether recreating a long-lost family homestead or visualizing your ancestors’ daily lives, discover how today’s AI technology can add a new dimension to your family history research. This webinar will show genealogists how to use the best AI image generators available today and demonstrate the methods for getting the best results from them.
Learn how to use artificial intelligence to transform written records and family stories into memorable images. Whether recreating a long-lost family homestead or visualizing your ancestors’ daily lives, discover how today’s AI technology can add a new dimension to your family history research. This webinar will show genealogists how to use the best AI image generators available today and demonstrate the methods for getting the best results from them.
Fri, March 28 2025: 18:00 UTC
Tue, August 26 2025: 18:00 UTC
5 Easy-to-Use Tools to Repair, Enhance and Animate Your Old Photos on MyHeritage
Tue, August 26 2025: 18:00 UTC
MyHeritage makes it easy to fix problems in old photographs—without having to buy expensive and complicated photo-editing software. Upload a photo to MyHeritage and, with just a few clicks, you can sharpen blurry faces, remove scratches and transform a black-and-white photo to color. If your old color photos have faded, you can restore the original colors. You can even animate a face in a photo and create a video of someone telling his or life story. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to use all these tools.
MyHeritage makes it easy to fix problems in old photographs—without having to buy expensive and complicated photo-editing software. Upload a photo to MyHeritage and, with just a few clicks, you can sharpen blurry faces, remove scratches and transform a black-and-white photo to color. If your old color photos have faded, you can restore the original colors. You can even animate a face in a photo and create a video of someone telling his or life story. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to use all these tools.
Tue, August 26 2025: 18:00 UTC
Organize Digital and Digitized Photos & Documents Using AI
Fri, October 24 2025: 18:00 UTC
Excire Photo 2024 is a new program that lets you automatically add keywords and your own custom ones; search for one or more images by free text, keyword(s), groups or individual people; identified faces; GPS locations; event; main colour in an image; by camera model, camera lens, lens focal length used, shutter speed used, and more. All of this metadata is written directly to your files or to XMP sidecar files, so the information stays with your images, not trapped in a proprietary database. This feature rich program is available for Windows and MacOS, even on M1 and later processor chips. Learn how this software can relieve you of much time and effort in organizing your digital images.
Excire Photo 2024 is a new program that lets you automatically add keywords and your own custom ones; search for one or more images by free text, keyword(s), groups or individual people; identified faces; GPS locations; event; main colour in an image; by camera model, camera lens, lens focal length used, shutter speed used, and more. All of this metadata is written directly to your files or to XMP sidecar files, so the information stays with your images, not trapped in a proprietary database. This feature rich program is available for Windows and MacOS, even on M1 and later processor chips. Learn how this software can relieve you of much time and effort in organizing your digital images.
Fri, October 24 2025: 18:00 UTC
Fri, February 7 2025: 17:00 UTC
50 State-Level Digitized Memory Platforms You Don’t Want to Miss!
Fri, February 7 2025: 17:00 UTC
Many states now have so-called Memory or Digital Archives platforms, which contain a ton of material relevant to genealogists, whether original documents, historical context, images, and more often covering from the state’s founding to now. Examples include Indiana Memory, Portal to Texas History, North Carolina Digital Collections, Virginia Memory, etc.
Many states now have so-called Memory or Digital Archives platforms, which contain a ton of material relevant to genealogists, whether original documents, historical context, images, and more often covering from the state’s founding to now. Examples include Indiana Memory, Portal to Texas History, North Carolina Digital Collections, Virginia Memory, etc.
Fri, February 7 2025: 17:00 UTC
Fri, February 7 2025: 19:00 UTC
Researching Your LGBTQ+ Ancestors
Fri, February 7 2025: 19:00 UTC
Those who we today call LGBTQ+ have been around throughout history. Discover the rich legacy our people have left behind. And sharing these stories with our family members is even more important in an age where prejudice tries to cover the truth of our existence.
Those who we today call LGBTQ+ have been around throughout history. Discover the rich legacy our people have left behind. And sharing these stories with our family members is even more important in an age where prejudice tries to cover the truth of our existence.
Fri, February 7 2025: 19:00 UTC
Tue, February 11 2025: 19:00 UTC
Norwegians in the New World: Tracing Norwegian Immigrants in the American Midwest
Tue, February 11 2025: 19:00 UTC
This presentation delves into the lives of Norwegian immigrants in the United States during the 1800s, exploring their contributions to American society and the challenges they faced along the way. As waves of Norwegians sought better opportunities, many settled in the Midwest, particularly in states like Minnesota and Iowa, where they played a pivotal role in shaping local communities. By examining historical newspapers within the OldNews archive, we can uncover valuable insights into their everyday experiences through personal stories, community events, further bringing the process of cultural integration to life. Ultimately, not only highlighting the resilience and determination of Norwegian immigrants but also providing a broader context for understanding early Norwegian-American experiences, whilst also discovering the personal narratives that have shaped their enduring legacy.
This presentation delves into the lives of Norwegian immigrants in the United States during the 1800s, exploring their contributions to American society and the challenges they faced along the way. As waves of Norwegians sought better opportunities, many settled in the Midwest, particularly in states like Minnesota and Iowa, where they played a pivotal role in shaping local communities. By examining historical newspapers within the OldNews archive, we can uncover valuable insights into their everyday experiences through personal stories, community events, further bringing the process of cultural integration to life. Ultimately, not only highlighting the resilience and determination of Norwegian immigrants but also providing a broader context for understanding early Norwegian-American experiences, whilst also discovering the personal narratives that have shaped their enduring legacy.
Tue, February 11 2025: 19:00 UTC
Wed, February 12 2025: 19:00 UTC
Finding Your Elusive Female Ancestors in Local Archives
Wed, February 12 2025: 19:00 UTC
Local archives of all kinds have records for your female ancestors. Many times, these records are not digitized or available online. Learn from a seasoned archivist how to locate and research female records in local archives.
Local archives of all kinds have records for your female ancestors. Many times, these records are not digitized or available online. Learn from a seasoned archivist how to locate and research female records in local archives.
Wed, February 12 2025: 19:00 UTC
Fri, February 14 2025: 17:00 UTC
Creating Children’s Stories from Ancestral Lives
Fri, February 14 2025: 17:00 UTC
This presentation will discuss ways that ancestral stories—obtained from actual documents and records—can be converted to children’s stories. The created story is not necessarily going to be entirely genealogically accurate. The goal of stories for children is to hopefully nurture an interest in their family history, not bore them to tears with an endless list of names and dates. We will discuss the need to omit certain details, fictionalize dialog, and keep the story at the appropriate age level. We will encourage attendees to develop their stories orally as well as via the written word, reminding them that sometimes it’s easier to transcribe a spoken story than it is to write it from scratch. Specific examples discussed will be a story created from an 1820 pig theft in Kentucky, a Nebraska homesteader, and a migration from Indiana to Illinois during the Civil War. We’ll see the actual story and the age-appropriate story that was created from it. The session will conclude with ways to preserve and share the story—and the actual experience that precipitated the creation of the story as well.
This presentation will discuss ways that ancestral stories—obtained from actual documents and records—can be converted to children’s stories. The created story is not necessarily going to be entirely genealogically accurate. The goal of stories for children is to hopefully nurture an interest in their family history, not bore them to tears with an endless list of names and dates. We will discuss the need to omit certain details, fictionalize dialog, and keep the story at the appropriate age level. We will encourage attendees to develop their stories orally as well as via the written word, reminding them that sometimes it’s easier to transcribe a spoken story than it is to write it from scratch. Specific examples discussed will be a story created from an 1820 pig theft in Kentucky, a Nebraska homesteader, and a migration from Indiana to Illinois during the Civil War. We’ll see the actual story and the age-appropriate story that was created from it. The session will conclude with ways to preserve and share the story—and the actual experience that precipitated the creation of the story as well.
Fri, February 14 2025: 17:00 UTC
Fri, February 14 2025: 19:00 UTC
Introducing 10 Million Names
Fri, February 14 2025: 19:00 UTC
There are at least 44 million descendants of enslaved individuals alive today, but slavery separated families, erased names, and obscured facts. The 10 Million Names Project, recently launched by American Ancestors and its partners, aims to connect the family stories of these descendants to the 10 million men, women, and children of African descent who were enslaved in the U.S. prior to emancipation and to restore their names to history. Join Cynthia Evans and learn about the scope of this project, the objectives, and our methodology.
There are at least 44 million descendants of enslaved individuals alive today, but slavery separated families, erased names, and obscured facts. The 10 Million Names Project, recently launched by American Ancestors and its partners, aims to connect the family stories of these descendants to the 10 million men, women, and children of African descent who were enslaved in the U.S. prior to emancipation and to restore their names to history. Join Cynthia Evans and learn about the scope of this project, the objectives, and our methodology.
Fri, February 14 2025: 19:00 UTC