Vetting Published Genealogies for Research

Shannon Combs-Bennett
Jan 15, 2020
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Play. Playing.
2m 33s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 19s
Play. Playing.
7m 57s
Play. Playing.
Look at Data Critically
8m 14s
Play. Playing.
Colonial Forgeries
12m 49s
Play. Playing.
Lineage Society Books
9m 44s
Play. Playing.
County Histories
14m 12s
Play. Playing.
Final Thoughts
3m 50s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
6m 55s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
12m 19s

About this webinar

Genealogy is written in stone and should be looked at carefully. Follow the case of Mayflower ancestor William White as Shannon Combs-Bennett shows how his genealogy was corrected over the last century.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Shannon Combs-Bennett resides in Northern Virginia. From there she writes and presents on a variety of topics across the US and internationally from genetic genealogy to methodology techniques. Shannon is a Qualified Genealogist (QG) through the R
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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    A lot more information than I had expected and much more positive than expected.

    A really interesting webinar. She provided a lot of interesting examples to prove her point.

    A worth while subject.

    Aside from the glitch, this was an excellent webinar – clear and specific, explanations were excellent, the handout reminded us of several major points to help us check out the validity of published

    Brilliant webinar which helps to show that we should always double check our sources…

    Looking forward to all the great content this year! Excited about so many of the upcoming webinars

    Enjoyed the webinar on vetting published genealogies.

    Excellent and very informative presentation

    Excellent content & delivery – Thank you!

    Excellent content.

    Excellent info by Shannon but the handout is a bit sparse….Marian was prompt with helpful URLs to augment the handout.

    Excellent information

    Excellent presentation.

    Excellent presentation. Very relevant information on how to review/evaluate published genealogies!

    Excellent speaker and subject.

    Excellent! So much good information!

    Very well organized and quite interesting.

    Found it extremely interesting

    Good content

    Good info and warnings. I found myself getting distracted during the presentation and will probably have to watch the video again.

    Good information

    Good information, some I was not aware of

    Good my time ran out.

    Good review of what to be careful with in researching.



    Great ideas, tips, and techniques! Thanks!

    Great information and sources I didn’t know about

    Great information by presenter. Really enjoyed it. Also, Marian Pierre-Louis was a great moderator!

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    I found this webinar to be very informative (especially the part about the ‘Mug Books’), and I know that what I learned will be a big help in my research. :o)

    I learned so much about proofing genie resources. Yes, I have made some of those mistakes!

    I loved today’s webinar given by Shannon Combs-Bennett I am going to check out the other webinars in the library.

    I will want to listen to this again!!

    Insightful and very interesting! Thank you so much!!

    Interesting content

    It was very interesting and informative.

    Lots of good advice on checking and rechecking sources and information. Okay not to trust those family stories and other genealogist’s work.

    Love knowing that published work can be wrong. I learned this with my Mayflower ancestor. I was told we did NOT descend from him, since he didn’t sign The Compact. For 37 years, we did nothing. Until the internet and the Silver books had it published.

    RICHARD MORE is now my verified ancestor, and I am a Mayflower member.

    Sometimes, it can be true. Always ask. Always verify. Always double-check.

    Never say NOT. Say MORE.

    My family hired a genealogist about 1908. Some information is good- others not so muck. There is only one Stephen Orne in her genealogy, but I have found 4 people by that name in the same time period.

    My first webinar and I enjoyed it. Ms. Shannon Combs-Bennett did great

    now i know to check everything.

    Relates perfectly to those who have searched for facts from noted ancestors from 1600’s on. Spot-on about County Books! There is a high frequency of conflicting information in them. I love them, but they cannot be the final word. They are most helpful for place, and they provide solid clues rather than facts.

    Shannon Combs Bennett provided a lot of practical advice about not just accepting everything we read as 100% accurate, even from famous authors. She was good about emphasizing that people should check and re-check sources. She presented actual examples of frauds/errors which will reinforce the audience’s memory–especially the story about the Mary Boykin Chestnut diaries. She is a very good presenter. A very pleasing voice and she speaks with confidence.

    Shannon’s presentations are always good!

    Thanks! I am going to look at 3 genealogies published in 1942, 1959, and 1965 again. I noted several discrepancies when I first read them. Next step- publish concerns on my blog! New info to me – potential problems in county history books published in late 1800s and early 1900s. I realize now why I try to confirm information with other sources!

    The webinar left me with much to think about when using published sources.

    this is information everyone should have

    This was a great webinar. Thanks.

    Useful, thank you

    Very good information!

    Very good information.

    Very good presenter on an interesting topic.

    Very Helpful! Thanks

    Very informative and easily understood.

    Very informative and interesting. Thank you! : )

    very informative!

    Very informative.

    Very informative.

    Very interesting information about vetting various types of published genealogies. I always try to tell people to do that when they are starting out. I have lots of copies of published genealogies that I’ve found to be wrong. Sometimes its a few little things, other times is blatant.

    Very interesting subject matter. Presented very well.

    Very interesting!

    Very interesting. So much knowledge, so little time….. Thank you for another great webinar!

    Very knowledgeable presenter.

    Want to go back and watch the beginning.

    Wonderful information and a great presenter.

    Wow! This was such an interesting webinar. Wonderful!


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