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Genealogy and the Little Ice Age
As genealogists we seek information about our ancestors from as far back in time as possible. That being said, not all researchers may be familiar with the term, but some of the most important records we find were created during the time of the Little Ice Age.
As genealogists we seek information about our ancestors from as far back in time as possible. That being said, not all researchers may be familiar with the term, but some of the most important records we find were created during the time of the Little Ice Age.
Thu, August 29 2024: 12:00 UTC
DNA Academy 3 – MyHeritage
A lot has changed at 23andMe in the past few months, and we’ll review the differences and their new normal. Their best feature, the genetic tree, provides valuable family associations along with hints, as does their ethnicity segment painting. We’ll learn how to use and optimize both. My Heritage provides many helpful features and tools for genetic genealogists, including ethnicity, Genetic Groups, easy triangulation, segment information, smart matching, location and surname info, along with AutoClusters which clusters your matches into groups. They offer many filters to assist with viewing matches in multiple ways. Their leading edge tool, Theories of Family Relativity, combines DNA matches, trees and records information to create theories about your common ancestors. Next, there’s an overview of third party resources, DNAPainter, GEDmatch, Genetic Affairs, WikiTree, and FamilySearch – when and how you want to utilize each one. We close with how to create your own recipe for success. I share my own tools and methodologies.
A lot has changed at 23andMe in the past few months, and we’ll review the differences and their new normal. Their best feature, the genetic tree, provides valuable family associations along with hints, as does their ethnicity segment painting. We’ll learn how to use and optimize both. My Heritage provides many helpful features and tools for genetic genealogists, including ethnicity, Genetic Groups, easy triangulation, segment information, smart matching, location and surname info, along with AutoClusters which clusters your matches into groups. They offer many filters to assist with viewing matches in multiple ways. Their leading edge tool, Theories of Family Relativity, combines DNA matches, trees and records information to create theories about your common ancestors. Next, there’s an overview of third party resources, DNAPainter, GEDmatch, Genetic Affairs, WikiTree, and FamilySearch – when and how you want to utilize each one. We close with how to create your own recipe for success. I share my own tools and methodologies.
Wed, August 14 2024: 10:00 UTC
DNA Academy 2 – FamilyTreeDNA
FamilyTreeDNA, the first genetic genealogy testing vendor, beginning in 2000, is also the only vendor that provides Y-DNA (paternal/surname line for males,) mitochondrial DNA (direct maternal line for everyone), autosomal and X-DNA testing and matching. Additionally, they provide ethnicity testing and segment chromosome painting, ethnicity match comparison, a chromosome browser, group projects, time trees, advanced matching across product lines, matches map, family side matching, a match matrix of matches you select, and limited triangulation. We will discuss the added tool of X matching, which is includes with autosomal and has a unique inheritance path, creating additional hints as to common ancestors. We discuss why you want to create a genetic pedigree chart, what you will learn, and how to find information for lines that you can’t test either Y-DNA or mitochondrial DNA for directly. Group projects can be and are extremely helpful. FamilyTreeDNA’s flagship Big Y-700 is the only test of its kind in the industry, provides many tools and integrates with the free Discover tool to provide unique information about your ancestor’s paternal lineages – both individually and through group projects. Lineages can often be defined quite granularly, with branches every few generations. Discover also provides both ancient connections via archaeology digs and notable connections documented through other testers. The Million Mito Project is rewriting the maternal tree of humankind and will have its own MitoDiscover soon.
FamilyTreeDNA, the first genetic genealogy testing vendor, beginning in 2000, is also the only vendor that provides Y-DNA (paternal/surname line for males,) mitochondrial DNA (direct maternal line for everyone), autosomal and X-DNA testing and matching. Additionally, they provide ethnicity testing and segment chromosome painting, ethnicity match comparison, a chromosome browser, group projects, time trees, advanced matching across product lines, matches map, family side matching, a match matrix of matches you select, and limited triangulation. We will discuss the added tool of X matching, which is includes with autosomal and has a unique inheritance path, creating additional hints as to common ancestors. We discuss why you want to create a genetic pedigree chart, what you will learn, and how to find information for lines that you can’t test either Y-DNA or mitochondrial DNA for directly. Group projects can be and are extremely helpful. FamilyTreeDNA’s flagship Big Y-700 is the only test of its kind in the industry, provides many tools and integrates with the free Discover tool to provide unique information about your ancestor’s paternal lineages – both individually and through group projects. Lineages can often be defined quite granularly, with branches every few generations. Discover also provides both ancient connections via archaeology digs and notable connections documented through other testers. The Million Mito Project is rewriting the maternal tree of humankind and will have its own MitoDiscover soon.
Wed, August 14 2024: 10:00 UTC
DNA Academy 1 – Pulling It All Together
In the first part of Tests, Vendors, Tools and You, we will discuss how and where to start your genealogy and DNA testing. Every testing vendor has different tools to help genealogists. We will learn how to best utilize the resources of each vendor. First, we’ll start out by discussing goals, along with an overview and best features of the four major vendors; 23andMe, Ancestry, FamilyTreeDNA and MyHeritage. We will also touch on five third party tools that will be more fully explored in the third session of this series. I’ll introduce the four types of DNA for genetic genealogy, when to use each, and a tried and true methodology to create a genetic pedigree chart. We cover the basics of ethnicity, triangulation, why you’ll want to use a chromosome browser to prove ancestors, and chromosome painting. Ancestry offers a wide variety of genetic genealogy features and tools, and we’ll discuss how to get the most out of your DNA test at Ancestry, including ethnicity, Communities, SideView, matching, shared and parental matches, common ancestors and their flagship tool, ThruLines.
In the first part of Tests, Vendors, Tools and You, we will discuss how and where to start your genealogy and DNA testing. Every testing vendor has different tools to help genealogists. We will learn how to best utilize the resources of each vendor. First, we’ll start out by discussing goals, along with an overview and best features of the four major vendors; 23andMe, Ancestry, FamilyTreeDNA and MyHeritage. We will also touch on five third party tools that will be more fully explored in the third session of this series. I’ll introduce the four types of DNA for genetic genealogy, when to use each, and a tried and true methodology to create a genetic pedigree chart. We cover the basics of ethnicity, triangulation, why you’ll want to use a chromosome browser to prove ancestors, and chromosome painting. Ancestry offers a wide variety of genetic genealogy features and tools, and we’ll discuss how to get the most out of your DNA test at Ancestry, including ethnicity, Communities, SideView, matching, shared and parental matches, common ancestors and their flagship tool, ThruLines.
Wed, August 14 2024: 10:00 UTC
Y-DNA Highways of History
What are reasonable testing goals for Y-DNA, and why do we want to take Y-DNA tests anyway? What can we discover when we test, and when we encourage our cousins to test? Where and how do we find those cousin? I’m “collecting” Y-DNA testers from each of my ancestral lines to reveal their history that has been forgotten to time – and to assure my recent genealogy is accurate. Who were my ancestors? Where did they come from? How are they related to other people, including ancient burials and notable people who lived more recently? I’m sharing several fun case studies from my own genealogy. Come join me on my journey as I discover that my ancestor is related to a burial along the old Roman Road in France, who lived there before the Romans, and what that means to me today. I’ll also share with you how I solved an adoption case within a generation with JUST Y-DNA, and how I then used autosomal DNA matches to augment and refine that information. In another case, we learned something VERY interesting!!! Oh, and I almost forgot, another of my ancestors appears to have been a retired Roman soldier in England. My Jewish friend provided that his ancestors settled in Spain and exactly when they migrated to Eastern Europe, and another tester discovered that he and a famous lineage match. Their ancestors are found in the baptismal records of the same church in England, but their common ancestor reaches back to the peoples buried beneath the Saxon tombstones outside. How did we Discover all of this??? Once you adopt Y-DNA testing, you’ll have fascinating success stories of your own too.
What are reasonable testing goals for Y-DNA, and why do we want to take Y-DNA tests anyway? What can we discover when we test, and when we encourage our cousins to test? Where and how do we find those cousin? I’m “collecting” Y-DNA testers from each of my ancestral lines to reveal their history that has been forgotten to time – and to assure my recent genealogy is accurate. Who were my ancestors? Where did they come from? How are they related to other people, including ancient burials and notable people who lived more recently? I’m sharing several fun case studies from my own genealogy. Come join me on my journey as I discover that my ancestor is related to a burial along the old Roman Road in France, who lived there before the Romans, and what that means to me today. I’ll also share with you how I solved an adoption case within a generation with JUST Y-DNA, and how I then used autosomal DNA matches to augment and refine that information. In another case, we learned something VERY interesting!!! Oh, and I almost forgot, another of my ancestors appears to have been a retired Roman soldier in England. My Jewish friend provided that his ancestors settled in Spain and exactly when they migrated to Eastern Europe, and another tester discovered that he and a famous lineage match. Their ancestors are found in the baptismal records of the same church in England, but their common ancestor reaches back to the peoples buried beneath the Saxon tombstones outside. How did we Discover all of this??? Once you adopt Y-DNA testing, you’ll have fascinating success stories of your own too.
Thu, July 25 2024: 12:00 UTC
Getting the best out of the online Local BMD indexes
This webinar was presented live during the 2022 Surname Society annual conference. Ian Hartas talk will cover some of the basic techniques in how to get the best out of local BMD sites and also cover a basic walk through on them to suit newcomers.
This webinar was presented live during the 2022 Surname Society annual conference. Ian Hartas talk will cover some of the basic techniques in how to get the best out of local BMD sites and also cover a basic walk through on them to suit newcomers.
Sat, March 19 2022: 17:00 UTC
Finding the Elusive Maiden Name
Searching for the maiden name of our ancestress can be frustrating. This webinar presents a hierarchy of search strategies for tracing the maiden name. Begin by trying to locate a marriage record, keeping in mind the record will vary by time period and geographic location. If a marriage record search proves fruitless, a second tier of sources is recommended including children’s death records, the women’s death record, census and other sources. Finally, the webinar presents strategies specific to the maiden name search such as following the husband and learning about history where the couple lived.
Ann Lawthers
Searching for the maiden name of our ancestress can be frustrating. This webinar presents a hierarchy of search strategies for tracing the maiden name. Begin by trying to locate a marriage record, keeping in mind the record will vary by time period and geographic location. If a marriage record search proves fruitless, a second tier of sources is recommended including children’s death records, the women’s death record, census and other sources. Finally, the webinar presents strategies specific to the maiden name search such as following the husband and learning about history where the couple lived.
Sat, November 27 2021: 0:00 UTC
My Ancestors Survived the Johnstown Flood! How to Research Your Ancestors’ Amazing Stories
A heroic rescue, a love story and a 30-foot wall of water. That’s just part of my ancestors’ experience in the Great Johnstown Flood of 1889. Come learn how to reconstruct fascinating experiences from your own family history by combining clues from your family’s knowledge, documents from genealogy websites, good historical research and Googling to fill in the gaps. All while learning the riveting story of one of the worst disasters in U.S. history.
A heroic rescue, a love story and a 30-foot wall of water. That’s just part of my ancestors’ experience in the Great Johnstown Flood of 1889. Come learn how to reconstruct fascinating experiences from your own family history by combining clues from your family’s knowledge, documents from genealogy websites, good historical research and Googling to fill in the gaps. All while learning the riveting story of one of the worst disasters in U.S. history.
Sat, November 27 2021: 0:00 UTC
Getting the Most out of the Irish Census
The National Census were undertaken in Ireland every ten years from 1821 although many only have fragments remaining. The webinar will examine what remains for those years where only fragments exist and look at examples that help to build a family tree, along with the differences in the information gathered. We’ll examine the different type of returns for the Census of 1901 and 1911, such as for lunatic asylums, army barracks and prisons and examples of each of these will be shown. These records can be difficult to pin down and we will cover practical tips to help you find them. The different census forms provided interesting additional background information about the type of home and outbuildings a householder had and help to build a picture of their lives. Tips on search techniques will help to ensure you can find your ancestor and we’ll look at why you might struggle to find them or their place of residence in the census. Census Search Forms are a useful census substitute for the 1841 and 1851 Census records that were used when applying for the Old Age Pension and we will look at different examples that can expand your family tree.
The National Census were undertaken in Ireland every ten years from 1821 although many only have fragments remaining. The webinar will examine what remains for those years where only fragments exist and look at examples that help to build a family tree, along with the differences in the information gathered. We’ll examine the different type of returns for the Census of 1901 and 1911, such as for lunatic asylums, army barracks and prisons and examples of each of these will be shown. These records can be difficult to pin down and we will cover practical tips to help you find them. The different census forms provided interesting additional background information about the type of home and outbuildings a householder had and help to build a picture of their lives. Tips on search techniques will help to ensure you can find your ancestor and we’ll look at why you might struggle to find them or their place of residence in the census. Census Search Forms are a useful census substitute for the 1841 and 1851 Census records that were used when applying for the Old Age Pension and we will look at different examples that can expand your family tree.
Sat, November 27 2021: 0:00 UTC
I want my mummy: Researching Egyptian family history
When we think of Egyptians, most of us would conjure up images of Tutankamun and Cleopatra. The nine year old boy king Tutankamun, who died as a teenager, ruled from 1333 to 1323 BC. The discovery of his largely intact tomb in 1922 is considered one of the most significant archaeological discoveries in the modern era, and the contents of his tomb are more significant than his short reign. Queen Cleopatra, born 69BC, who ruled Egypt from 51 to 30 BC, was the last ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty. She is famous for her beauty and her love triangle with the Roman warlords Julius Caesar and Mark Antony (not her twenty year reign). ‘Cleopatra,’ played by the white, blue eyed, black haired Elizabeth Taylor, (not an African woman) is a 1963 five hour film, depicting Cleopatra\’s relationships with Caesar and Antony in an ill-fated attempt to save the Egyptian empire. However, this images are from ancient Egypt. Many children will have dressed up for the day in a bedsheet and a hair towel, when looking at Egypt in school. For many people, the first time they will see a dead body is when they visit a museum and see an Egyptian Mummy. However, these aren’t ‘mummies’ – they are people, whose bodies underwent a mummification process. And is it ok that these bodies have been removed from their burial places and unceremoniously placed in glass cabinets and exposed for all to see, very distant from their countries? So how do Egyptians today mark births, marriages and deaths? This session will look at how Egyptian people today register births, celebrate marriages and register and bury their dead. The roles of religion and bureaucracy will be explained. What are the traditional naming systems in place? Do women change their surname when they marry? Examples of Egyptian family trees will be given, which reveal that women aren’t placed on family trees. What do DNA testing companies reveal about Egyptian DNA?
When we think of Egyptians, most of us would conjure up images of Tutankamun and Cleopatra. The nine year old boy king Tutankamun, who died as a teenager, ruled from 1333 to 1323 BC. The discovery of his largely intact tomb in 1922 is considered one of the most significant archaeological discoveries in the modern era, and the contents of his tomb are more significant than his short reign. Queen Cleopatra, born 69BC, who ruled Egypt from 51 to 30 BC, was the last ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty. She is famous for her beauty and her love triangle with the Roman warlords Julius Caesar and Mark Antony (not her twenty year reign). ‘Cleopatra,’ played by the white, blue eyed, black haired Elizabeth Taylor, (not an African woman) is a 1963 five hour film, depicting Cleopatra\’s relationships with Caesar and Antony in an ill-fated attempt to save the Egyptian empire. However, this images are from ancient Egypt. Many children will have dressed up for the day in a bedsheet and a hair towel, when looking at Egypt in school. For many people, the first time they will see a dead body is when they visit a museum and see an Egyptian Mummy. However, these aren’t ‘mummies’ – they are people, whose bodies underwent a mummification process. And is it ok that these bodies have been removed from their burial places and unceremoniously placed in glass cabinets and exposed for all to see, very distant from their countries? So how do Egyptians today mark births, marriages and deaths? This session will look at how Egyptian people today register births, celebrate marriages and register and bury their dead. The roles of religion and bureaucracy will be explained. What are the traditional naming systems in place? Do women change their surname when they marry? Examples of Egyptian family trees will be given, which reveal that women aren’t placed on family trees. What do DNA testing companies reveal about Egyptian DNA?
Fri, November 26 2021: 0:00 UTC
Preserving Your Ancestor’s Textiles and Handmade Treasures
Learn from an archivist the best practices to preserving your ancestor’s textiles and handmade items. Everything from Grandma’s quilt, that old Christening gown, your Dad’s letterman jacket and military uniforms. These textiles and handmade items need special care and consideration when it comes to preservation and storage.
Learn from an archivist the best practices to preserving your ancestor’s textiles and handmade items. Everything from Grandma’s quilt, that old Christening gown, your Dad’s letterman jacket and military uniforms. These textiles and handmade items need special care and consideration when it comes to preservation and storage.
Fri, October 29 2021: 0:00 UTC
Moravian Trails and Records
The Moravians in the 1700s not only settled Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, but their mission work took them to other areas to work with Native Americans. Moravian records include Community Diaries which were required to be kept by each settlement. They were a way for them to record not only ecclesiastical events but other events that affected their settlement such as their interactions with native populations and slaves as they went about doing their missionary work. The German heritage of the Moravians shows in the details of naming visitors (along with any aliases) and relationships among the individuals mentioned. The Moravian records are truly a treasure-trove for anyone whose ancestors were in the same vicinity or time.
The Moravians in the 1700s not only settled Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, but their mission work took them to other areas to work with Native Americans. Moravian records include Community Diaries which were required to be kept by each settlement. They were a way for them to record not only ecclesiastical events but other events that affected their settlement such as their interactions with native populations and slaves as they went about doing their missionary work. The German heritage of the Moravians shows in the details of naming visitors (along with any aliases) and relationships among the individuals mentioned. The Moravian records are truly a treasure-trove for anyone whose ancestors were in the same vicinity or time.
Fri, September 24 2021: 0:00 UTC

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Tue, February 11 2025: 19:00 UTC
Norwegians in the New World: Tracing Norwegian Immigrants in the American Midwest
Tue, February 11 2025: 19:00 UTC
This presentation delves into the lives of Norwegian immigrants in the United States during the 1800s, exploring their contributions to American society and the challenges they faced along the way. As waves of Norwegians sought better opportunities, many settled in the Midwest, particularly in states like Minnesota and Iowa, where they played a pivotal role in shaping local communities. By examining historical newspapers within the OldNews archive, we can uncover valuable insights into their everyday experiences through personal stories, community events, further bringing the process of cultural integration to life. Ultimately, not only highlighting the resilience and determination of Norwegian immigrants but also providing a broader context for understanding early Norwegian-American experiences, whilst also discovering the personal narratives that have shaped their enduring legacy.
This presentation delves into the lives of Norwegian immigrants in the United States during the 1800s, exploring their contributions to American society and the challenges they faced along the way. As waves of Norwegians sought better opportunities, many settled in the Midwest, particularly in states like Minnesota and Iowa, where they played a pivotal role in shaping local communities. By examining historical newspapers within the OldNews archive, we can uncover valuable insights into their everyday experiences through personal stories, community events, further bringing the process of cultural integration to life. Ultimately, not only highlighting the resilience and determination of Norwegian immigrants but also providing a broader context for understanding early Norwegian-American experiences, whilst also discovering the personal narratives that have shaped their enduring legacy.
Tue, February 11 2025: 19:00 UTC
Wed, February 12 2025: 19:00 UTC
Finding Your Elusive Female Ancestors in Local Archives
Wed, February 12 2025: 19:00 UTC
Local archives of all kinds have records for your female ancestors. Many times, these records are not digitized or available online. Learn from a seasoned archivist how to locate and research female records in local archives.
Local archives of all kinds have records for your female ancestors. Many times, these records are not digitized or available online. Learn from a seasoned archivist how to locate and research female records in local archives.
Wed, February 12 2025: 19:00 UTC
Fri, February 14 2025: 17:00 UTC
Creating Children’s Stories from Ancestral Lives
Fri, February 14 2025: 17:00 UTC
This presentation will discuss ways that ancestral stories—obtained from actual documents and records—can be converted to children’s stories. The created story is not necessarily going to be entirely genealogically accurate. The goal of stories for children is to hopefully nurture an interest in their family history, not bore them to tears with an endless list of names and dates. We will discuss the need to omit certain details, fictionalize dialog, and keep the story at the appropriate age level. We will encourage attendees to develop their stories orally as well as via the written word, reminding them that sometimes it’s easier to transcribe a spoken story than it is to write it from scratch. Specific examples discussed will be a story created from an 1820 pig theft in Kentucky, a Nebraska homesteader, and a migration from Indiana to Illinois during the Civil War. We’ll see the actual story and the age-appropriate story that was created from it. The session will conclude with ways to preserve and share the story—and the actual experience that precipitated the creation of the story as well.
This presentation will discuss ways that ancestral stories—obtained from actual documents and records—can be converted to children’s stories. The created story is not necessarily going to be entirely genealogically accurate. The goal of stories for children is to hopefully nurture an interest in their family history, not bore them to tears with an endless list of names and dates. We will discuss the need to omit certain details, fictionalize dialog, and keep the story at the appropriate age level. We will encourage attendees to develop their stories orally as well as via the written word, reminding them that sometimes it’s easier to transcribe a spoken story than it is to write it from scratch. Specific examples discussed will be a story created from an 1820 pig theft in Kentucky, a Nebraska homesteader, and a migration from Indiana to Illinois during the Civil War. We’ll see the actual story and the age-appropriate story that was created from it. The session will conclude with ways to preserve and share the story—and the actual experience that precipitated the creation of the story as well.
Fri, February 14 2025: 17:00 UTC
Fri, February 14 2025: 19:00 UTC
Introducing 10 Million Names
Fri, February 14 2025: 19:00 UTC
There are at least 44 million descendants of enslaved individuals alive today, but slavery separated families, erased names, and obscured facts. The 10 Million Names Project, recently launched by American Ancestors and its partners, aims to connect the family stories of these descendants to the 10 million men, women, and children of African descent who were enslaved in the U.S. prior to emancipation and to restore their names to history. Join Cynthia Evans and learn about the scope of this project, the objectives, and our methodology.
There are at least 44 million descendants of enslaved individuals alive today, but slavery separated families, erased names, and obscured facts. The 10 Million Names Project, recently launched by American Ancestors and its partners, aims to connect the family stories of these descendants to the 10 million men, women, and children of African descent who were enslaved in the U.S. prior to emancipation and to restore their names to history. Join Cynthia Evans and learn about the scope of this project, the objectives, and our methodology.
Fri, February 14 2025: 19:00 UTC
Wed, February 19 2025: 1:00 UTC
Applying Research Standards to the Census
Wed, February 19 2025: 1:00 UTC
After years of using census records, genealogists may take for granted that they’re using them fully and correctly. But as they learn about genealogy standards and best practices, do they go back and re-think their census practices? What does it even mean to evaluate a census record? Let’s learn a bit more about the U.S. census and the specific ways that standards can help us to maximize its usefulness.
After years of using census records, genealogists may take for granted that they’re using them fully and correctly. But as they learn about genealogy standards and best practices, do they go back and re-think their census practices? What does it even mean to evaluate a census record? Let’s learn a bit more about the U.S. census and the specific ways that standards can help us to maximize its usefulness.
Wed, February 19 2025: 1:00 UTC
Wed, February 19 2025: 19:00 UTC
Navigating the Mayflower Families Silver Books: A Guide for Genealogists
Wed, February 19 2025: 19:00 UTC
Join Bonnie Wade Mucia, Silver Books Director, as she delves into the invaluable resource of the Mayflower Families Silver Books published by the General Society of Mayflower Descendants. This presentation covers the history of the Silver Books project and provides you with the tools and knowledge to effectively use them in your genealogy work, particularly for researching the colonial period. These books trace the descendants of Mayflower passengers through multiple generations, offering a treasure trove of genealogy scholarship. Whether you’re a seasoned genealogist or just starting out, this presentation will equip you to unlock the full potential of the Mayflower Families Silver Books in your research, revealing lineages enriched by meticulous research and documented with original records and sources.
Join Bonnie Wade Mucia, Silver Books Director, as she delves into the invaluable resource of the Mayflower Families Silver Books published by the General Society of Mayflower Descendants. This presentation covers the history of the Silver Books project and provides you with the tools and knowledge to effectively use them in your genealogy work, particularly for researching the colonial period. These books trace the descendants of Mayflower passengers through multiple generations, offering a treasure trove of genealogy scholarship. Whether you’re a seasoned genealogist or just starting out, this presentation will equip you to unlock the full potential of the Mayflower Families Silver Books in your research, revealing lineages enriched by meticulous research and documented with original records and sources.
Wed, February 19 2025: 19:00 UTC
Fri, February 21 2025: 17:00 UTC
Research Your Roots in Alsace Lorraine
Fri, February 21 2025: 17:00 UTC
German-French or French-German? Genealogy in Alsace-Lorraine. Do you have ancestors listed in the U. S. census as German in one and French in another? They are likely from Alsace-Lorraine, with a complicated history that presents family researchers with opportunities and challenges. Learn about sources and methods that will help you to progress in your research.
German-French or French-German? Genealogy in Alsace-Lorraine. Do you have ancestors listed in the U. S. census as German in one and French in another? They are likely from Alsace-Lorraine, with a complicated history that presents family researchers with opportunities and challenges. Learn about sources and methods that will help you to progress in your research.
Fri, February 21 2025: 17:00 UTC
Fri, February 21 2025: 19:00 UTC
Soldiers, Squatters and Settlers
Fri, February 21 2025: 19:00 UTC
Following the Revolutionary War, many British subjects were eager to get onto British soil and Canada was the nearest colony. Land was granted to soldiers who had remained loyal to the Crown and with the success of settlements such as Glengarry, colonizers soon realized that there was success to be had in getting immigrants to settle in the huge swath of untapped land in Upper Canada. In this presentation we will discuss: Military Settlements, Crown & Clergy Reserves, Queen’s Bush Settlement & Wilberforce Colony, Quaker Settlements, Mennonite Settlements, Talbot Settlement, Peter Robinson Settlement, Huron Tract. We will also look at sale of treaty lands, and emigration societies in Scotland.
Following the Revolutionary War, many British subjects were eager to get onto British soil and Canada was the nearest colony. Land was granted to soldiers who had remained loyal to the Crown and with the success of settlements such as Glengarry, colonizers soon realized that there was success to be had in getting immigrants to settle in the huge swath of untapped land in Upper Canada. In this presentation we will discuss: Military Settlements, Crown & Clergy Reserves, Queen’s Bush Settlement & Wilberforce Colony, Quaker Settlements, Mennonite Settlements, Talbot Settlement, Peter Robinson Settlement, Huron Tract. We will also look at sale of treaty lands, and emigration societies in Scotland.
Fri, February 21 2025: 19:00 UTC
Tue, February 25 2025: 19:00 UTC
Enhance your family tree accuracy with MyHeritage’s Timeline and Consistency Checker
Tue, February 25 2025: 19:00 UTC
When you begin a family tree on the MyHeritage.com website, you may discover that the website has an app called the Consistency Checker that scans your family tree and identifies mistakes and inconsistencies in your data, so you can make the necessary changes in your tree, thereby improving its overall quality and accuracy. Another helpful app is the MyHeritage Timeline. This app allows you to view your family tree as a timeline. Using this feature, you can visualize how the story of your family unfolded over time and place your ancestors in the context of the period in which they lived. Come and learn about how these two tools can work together to vastly improve the accuracy of your family tree.
When you begin a family tree on the MyHeritage.com website, you may discover that the website has an app called the Consistency Checker that scans your family tree and identifies mistakes and inconsistencies in your data, so you can make the necessary changes in your tree, thereby improving its overall quality and accuracy. Another helpful app is the MyHeritage Timeline. This app allows you to view your family tree as a timeline. Using this feature, you can visualize how the story of your family unfolded over time and place your ancestors in the context of the period in which they lived. Come and learn about how these two tools can work together to vastly improve the accuracy of your family tree.
Tue, February 25 2025: 19:00 UTC