Using Non-Population Schedules for Context and Evidence

Jill Morelli, CG, CGL
Nov 10, 2017
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Play. Playing.
1m 41s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 51s
Play. Playing.
9m 42s
Play. Playing.
12m 43s
Play. Playing.
7m 08s
Play. Playing.
3m 15s
Play. Playing.
3m 35s
Play. Playing.
7m 45s
Play. Playing.
Accessing the Schedules
9m 36s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
6m 06s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
14m 12s
Play. Playing.
After-webinar party
21m 22s

About this webinar

We are familiar with the decennial censuses, but the non-population schedules can also provide evidence and context for your family history. Using basic analytical skills and correlating tools, we will investigate five different records sets which shed light on many aspects of our ancestors lives and enrich our stories of them.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Jill Morelli, CG, CGL is a “Roots” genealogist, becoming interested in family history in the 1970’s with the Alex Haley show. At that time, she just collected “stuff.” After a hiatus during which she had a family and volunteered in her community,
Learn more...

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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    7 years ago

    A lot of great information to assimilate! Thank you Jill.

    Appreciate the directions for locating the 5 schedules. Very helpful information.

    Awesome webinar!

    this was one of the best Legacy webinars

    Clear and concise information and presentation.

    Excellent as always!

    Excellent information from an excellent speaker. This will hopefully help with some ancestors stories. Thank you for a great webinar!

    Excellent information. Too often, we overlook the additional census schedules. I need to listen again, however, to catch some of the details. Thanks so much. And, as always, I enjoy the after-webinar party almost as much as the main event! Thanks, Geoff, for offering these. I learn a lot.

    Excellent presentation. I had no knowledge of a 1935 census, business and community schedules. I’ve listened to a lot of webinars, presentations and gone to Genealogy conferences and not one presenter has mentioned them. Thank you!

    Excellent source of information for hard to find people.

    Excellent—and I thought knew everything about these schedules!

    Fantastic presentation!

    Fantastic webinar and after party

    Good information to pursue … Thanks for the knowledge and guidance … Another incredible webinar!

    Good stuff, well organized and presented. It gave me a lot of good ideas on fleshing out my 19th century folks that I hadn’t ever thought of. Will definitely be putting this to use.

    Good use of examples to illustrate the key points.

    Great Info. Didn’t know it existed. Another resource uncovered. Just love the Legacy After Party. You explain/show so well.

    Great presenter and content. Especially liked the evidence and context approach.

    Great to hear about the DDD & Community Non-pop schedules – new info for me

    Great webinar! Will go back and check ancestors for any census records I may have missed, especially the business schedule. Thanks 🙂

    had never heard of some of these schedules. Thank you for the info.

    I learned a lot from this webinar. I just found an ag schedule for an ancestor last week. It was interesting to learn the reasons behind the collecting of this information

    I’ve barely looked at these schedules and learned so much about the types I now WANT to look at and the kind of information I didn’t pay attention to in the schedules I have looked at. Very helpful, thank you!

    Jill gave an excellent webinar. While I don’t have many ancestors in the US, I’m still hoping to perform searches of the non-population censuses with the tips that Jill mentioned.

    Lots of new material to explore!

    More sites to research! Great presentation. Very clear.

    One I will listen to again for sure

    Speaker provided great examples and explained how these schedules enhances our research about our ancestors.

    Very informative webinar and great speaker!

    Very interesting. I’ve used parts of pop sch before. Now have a better idea for locating and using them. thank you.

    Wonderful resourses and info on an area I had not explored!


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