British and Irish research: the differences

Brian Donovan
Nov 15, 2017
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Play. Playing.
2m 42s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 30s
Play. Playing.
Play. Playing.
Historical Background
10m 40s
Play. Playing.
Geographic Divisions
10m 27s
Play. Playing.
Destruction of Records
1m 50s
Play. Playing.
Census BMD Parish registers
11m 20s
Play. Playing.
Land Ownership
12m 36s
Play. Playing.
11m 31s
Play. Playing.
Poor Relief
1m 24s
Play. Playing.
Archival Survival
1m 44s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
6m 43s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
16m 46s
Play. Playing.
After-webinar party
19m 57s

About this webinar

Ireland was England’s oldest colony, so many assume the records will be the same. They are not precisely because the two country’s histories and their relationship to each other were different. We all know about the terrible loss of Irish records, but there are great treasure troves of surviving records which don’t exist in England – records about war, rebellion, security and land control. So while there are great obstacles (record loss, language, differing histories), there is a great wealth of resources rarely accessed by genealogists. This talk will examine these differences in records and research techniques between Britain and Ireland, why Irish records were created, or destroyed, and how they can be used to unlock your past.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Brian Donovan is the Global Head of Irish Collections at He previously lectured in history at Trinity College Dublin in the 1990s and since then has lectured throughout Ireland and the US on hist
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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    7 years ago

    A five twice – it was excellent. Have him back soon!

    A great breakneck speed Riverdance through Irish History and records !!!

    Absolutely great!!!

    Absolutely loved the information. I have Irish ancestry that I have not begun to touch and now I have some resources to begin!

    Always a pleasure to listen to Brian! Even though I’ve been doing Irish research for a while,I learned some new things…thanks,Brian!

    Amazing presenter and presentation!

    As always, Brian’s knowledge is comprehensive. Please have Brian and other FMP folk in webinars. More Irish topics ?. Go raibh mile maith agat! (thanks in Irish)

    Brian Donovan is a superb speaker. I was astounded at his knowledge of Irish and English history and, of course, the accompanying records available. I recommend that he be asked to speak at future Webinars.

    Brian Donovan is an enthusiastic speaker, who presents a great deal of fascinating information, includes a comprehensive handout and has a pleasant voice.

    Brian Donovan is the best!

    Brian Donovon is always brilliant, organized, and informative. It’s hard to beat his classes!

    Brian gave a great presentation. Again, just love the afternoon Parties! It’s amazing what one can learn in just a few minutes. Thank you! 😉

    Brian gave me hope I may be able to break my Irish brick walls!

    Brian is a great presenter. Very organized and informative.

    Brian is an excellent presenter. I am not doing as much Irish research as British but could not stop listening to him. He keeps the topic interesting and keeps moving at quite the pace. His handout is loaded with relevant websites and everything was most informative. Bravo!

    Brian is so knowledgeable – I could listen to him all day!

    Brian made references to many topics, all of which could be separate webinars.

    Brian was fantastic. Will have to watch his other webinars. Ireland’s history is fascinating.

    Brilliant website and great refresher

    Certainly helped clarify my perception of the variety of Irish records that may help.

    Excellent and educational speaker.

    Excellent explanation of Irish records available to search

    Excellent presentation about previously unknown record sources! Would love to hear more from Brian Donovan. Thank You.

    Excellent webinar. The information flowed so fast I could not keep up. Will have to view it again, and again. Thank you!!!

    Excellent, informative presentation. Please have Brian do more presentations regarding Ireland for Legacy Family Tree Webinars. Thank you.

    Excellent. As I stated I’ll be reviewing this webinar several times. THANKS

    Excellent. Since I am almost 100% Irish or English, I loved the webinar and hearing Brian. Looking forward to seeing his name as a presenter in the future.

    Excellent. Information, great examples of records. One of the best ever.

    Fabulous webinar! Wonderful information and excellent presentation! Thanks!!

    Fantastic! Incredible historical perspective, and information on numerous resources.

    Fantastic! So glad I can re-watch it. Please have Brian again.

    Gan íoc. Siollabas mór.

    gave me hope that I didn’t have before

    Great presentation and very comprehensive listing of available records. Many thanks, Brian.

    Great presentation of amazing information! Well done!

    I have 2 ancestors who are Irish or Scots-Irish, and haven’t even tried to research them. This webinar has encouraged me to try.

    I would give it a 10 if I could. Excellent presentation; chock full of information presented with humor

    I’d love a whole series from him on Irish research!

    Incredible information for the serious Irish researcher!

    Never tire of listening to Brian Donovan and will attend any webinar he gives

    Oh WOW!! Brian was phenomenal. Most of the webinars are fantastic and very helpful. Brian presented to a whole new level of skill, information, details, tips – and I absolutely appreciated all the history as well. Glued to the monitor the whole hour!! Thanks so much. I’d listen to him doing an expanded webinar or three on more Irish genealogy. He’s tops.

    one of the all time greats!!!

    One of the best Irish programs I’ve ever attended!

    Smashing webinar!!!!

    So much information and such enthusiasm!

    Super presentation! Brian Donovan is excellent! So much useful info gives hope and inspiration to this long-time Irish researcher! Much appreciated!

    The spectacular Brian Donovan has triumphed yet again – many thanks for a brilliant Webinar


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