Sharing The Joy: Projects That Will Captivate The Non-Genealogists In Your Life

Lisa Louise Cooke
Apr 4, 2018
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Play. Playing.
1m 49s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 56s
Play. Playing.
14m 24s
Play. Playing.
The Decoupage Plate
4m 48s
Play. Playing.
7m 33s
Play. Playing.
Wall Display
9m 36s
Play. Playing.
Candy Bar
5m 25s
Play. Playing.
Digital Diversions
3m 04s
Play. Playing.
Apps for Video
14m 51s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
9m 10s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
15m 53s

About this webinar

If you are researching your family tree but haven't shared it with your family in a way that sparks their interest, then you are only experiencing half of the joy of genealogy! And if your descendants don't grasp the importance of their heritage, your hard work may tragically find its way to the city dump when you are gone. Don't just collect your family history and store it away in binders and  files! Discover creative projects and displays that can capture the imagination of your non-historian friends and relatives, while honoring your ancestors. These projects are guaranteed to inspire your family to ask you to tell them more about the family tree!

About the speaker

About the speaker

Lisa Louise Cooke is the producer of the Genealogy Gems Podcast, the popular and long-running genealogy podcast which has been downloaded over 3 million times! The podcast is avai
Learn more...

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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    7 years ago

    Inspired fun ideas!

    Inspiring! The creative juices are flowing!

    It was great! So many cool craft ideas.

    I’ve been thinking about doing an “Ancestor a Week” Facebook group for my daughters, grandchildren, my siblings, and nieces and nephews. Now I can’t wait to get started!

    I’ve seen Lisa Louise Cooke in person and attended her presentations; listened to several of her webinars – all are top notch! Thanks for sharing your expertise with genealogists worldwide.

    Just love her…awesome as always!

    Lasa always has awesome Ideas and is so enthusiastic. Love the memory game idea!

    Lisa Louise Cook always does a fantastic job. She’s very creative.

    Lisa is always a great speaker & gets me motivated!!

    Lisa is outstanding!

    Lisa Louise Cooke is a favorite virturak Genealogy friend & marvelous presentor

    Lisa was excellent – I would expect no less from her. Thank you Legacy for bringing us another great FREE webinar!

    Lisa’s always great!

    lot energy so many ideas wow fun

    Lots of great ideas and resources!

    Love Lisa Louise Cooke’s webinars! Huge fan! I had just been jotting down my own ideas on how to make genealogy more interactive and relevant so this was a goldmine of information! Many thanks!

    Love Lisa. She is the BEST!

    Love Lisa’s ideas and way she presents. Always come away with great ideas and she is so generous to her audience!

    Love the fast pace of her delivery — lots of good info packed into the time. Also, the syllabus is VERY helpful.

    Loved the ideas you presented to snare those family members who aren’t (yet) interested!

    Oh the possibilities!!!!!

    Outstanding as always!!

    Really great. I always love Lisa Cooke and try to be sure to catch every one of her webinars

    Some great and very creative ideas…lots to think about. Making genealogy come alive is what makes it so much fun! Thanks for another great webinar!

    Sooooo many ideas! So little time!! Thank you for some wonderful thoughts of things to do.

    Such special ideas!! What a great and interesting webinar. Thank you.

    SUPER EXCELLENT PRESENTATION!!!!! So many wonderful ideas! Thank you very, very much.

    SUPER GREAT…. Lots of NEW IDEAS !!!

    This really gets one thinking!

    This was a great webinar and I am glad I did not miss it. Signed up last night just in time. Now I am going to gather all the mementos from my family that are tucked away here and there and make some great family memories to share without boring. My sister and I can do this together and reminisce. Thank you very much to Lisa Louise Cooke for some excellent ideas and information .

    This was my first live webinar and I’m SO glad I joined in. My mind is spinning what project/direction to go in first! Thanks

    THX! for sharing your talents, knowledge, and experience.

    Very creative and helpful. Speaker provided instructions and valuable links during presentation

    Very inspirational. Lisa’s ideas for drawing in the non-genealogist will be fun to try out and be a practical way to share my research with my family. Thank you!

    Very well done she is an excellent presenter and gave me a lot of good ideas!

    Wasn’t sure this would be up my alley, but found lots of great info that “I” can use.

    Wonderful suggestions! Thanks so much, Lisa Louise

    Wow! I know what I’m doing for Christmas gifts now!!!!

    Wow! This was a really good one! I can’t wait to try some of these ideas out!

    Wow, I’m glad I was able to watch. Thank you.


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