Privacy: How to Protect Your Information Online

Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, CGL, FUGA
Oct 23, 2019
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Play. Playing.
1m 42s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 46s
Play. Playing.
7m 41s
Play. Playing.
Ethics of Sharing
8m 45s
Play. Playing.
Privacy Settings
11m 56s
Play. Playing.
Private info
7m 19s
Play. Playing.
Public wi-fi
4m 14s
Play. Playing.
4m 12s
Play. Playing.
8m 17s
Play. Playing.
Common Sense
7m 43s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
4m 58s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
10m 17s

About this webinar

Protecting privacy online is a continuing concern. Family historians need to decide what personal and family history information we'd like to keep private while still sharing with cousins and other researchers. Learn more about what controls online privacy and what methods and tools are available to give us the best chance to protect our privacy choices.

About the speaker

About the speaker

A genealogist with a law degree, Judy G. Russell is a lecturer, educator and writer who enjoys helping others understand a wide variety of genealogical issues, including the interplay between genealogy and the law. She has a bachelor’s degre
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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    5 +++++. Much needed and appreciated. Great webinar.

    5 is not high enough!!!!!! Great seminar!! But she always is!!!

    A good reminder – and always good to hear Judy speak, she’s an excellent speaker.

    A timely and welcome topic from the best of presenters.

    Although I already practice a lot of her points, most informative was going through all apps and websites I use regularly regarding their privacy settings. That will be a huge job! Thank you for this webinar

    Always good advice. Hard to break old habit of using same password over and over. Going to try harder.

    Always good info from Judy. Always well presented. Thanks

    Amazing–very informative. I’m off to check my settings on all my devices and change my passwords and record them in a more effective system. Thank you.

    Another EXCELLENT webinar by Judy

    Another excellent webinar by one of my very favorite presenters. Thanks Judy!!

    As always, good practical advice we all should consider.

    As always, Judy G. Russell’s presentations are excellent in content and delivery. Thank you Judy & Geoff for all you do to inform and educate the genealogical community!!!

    As always, Judy was wonderful!!

    As always, Judy’s webinars are interesting, entertaining, and informative!

    As usual, Judy gives sound advice and things we need to think about.

    Easy to understand and moved along at a good rate of speed.

    Excellent – the privacy issues extend far beyond our Genealogy. Great info for all of our life activities.

    Excellent advice and information.

    Excellent as always

    Excellent as always!!!

    Excellent info!

    Excellent information: not just for genealogists!

    Excellent information. Wonderful presentation.

    Excellent presentation.

    Excellent presentation. Time to do some homework.

    Excellent webinar!!

    Excellent webinar. Full of great information that I’ll be putting into use immediately!

    Excellent! I never miss any of her webinars. I thought I had a good password, but I’m going to change it to a longer one. Thank you for all this good information.

    Extremely important and practical information was provided in today’s webinar.

    Fantastic as always! We have a lot of work ahead of us., THANKS JUDY

    Fantastic webinar with lots of great information to absorb and ruminate on for the future.

    Found the webinar very informative, but was looking for info on how to prevent other people from using personal pictures with out stating where or who first posted the pics. I have ran into this issue with a website.

    Good common sense!

    Good general info and I got some good tips that I’ve not previously encountered. Thank you!

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    Good session – as a former IT professional of 38 years (now retired), I picked up some good pointers. Thanks Judy & Geoff.

    Good to hear reminders on protecting ourselves from cyber hackers.

    Great info!

    Great webinar, Judy as always. Glad to know about the password guidelines. I was recently hacked on an old email and just finished redoing all of my passwords, but see that I didn’t go far enough in number of characters. Back to the drawing board! Good timing though as I have not committed anything to memory yet!

    Great–very important and timely.

    I can’t believe how much I learned today. Thank you.

    I found it very interesting. However, I did post a comment about clearing out the history of sites visited EVERY TIME that one logs out but it was not brought up.

    I learned lots about how to be safe online.

    I love all of Judy’s webinars and newsletters

    I think I already knew much of this but it’s a VERY good reminder to review it all again! Genealogy research is so much more fun than checking our privacy settings or changing passwords.

    I think it goes without saying that Judy Russell webinars and webinar topics are top notch and this one was no exception. With so many thought-provoking questions, comments, & ideas, it’s well worth the meeting time.

    I was familiar with just about every suggestion but Judy is always worth my time. Her advice to move to 16 characters in a password was new and inspires me to refresh my password scheme going forward. Thank you!

    Info all of us need to stay as safe and protected as possible online. Will be sharing info with my non-genealogist husband. Thank you!

    IT Prof at Edinburgh University, Scotland recommends 20 character minimum.

    I use LastPass for non-financial websites. For the financial sites – a pair of matched pages, one with Unames, the other with Pwords. They are kept separately securely and only brought together when logging on. ”

    It was helpful.

    Judy always has good advice.

    Judy always has great ideas to share with us.

    Judy has a great teaching style, especially for these tough subjects, along with great resources and fantastic tips.

    Judy has hit a home run again! Fascinating, informative and absolutely needed. Thank you very much.

    Judy is always a delight and full of great info

    Judy is always a delight to listen to and does a great job of educating all of us on important topics.

    Judy is always so good! Today’s webinar was no exception. Very important information for us all! Thank you!

    Judy is fantastic! Thank you!

  3. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    Judy is insightful and inspiring.

    Judy really opened my eyes to many privacy issues that I hadn’t thought about. I had no idea that passwords today should be 16 characters long !! Keep bringing her back to keep us updated on any new threats.

    Judy Russell always can be counted on to deliver an exceptional lecture; but this one was WOW! I thought I was doing pretty well securing my online information. Now I know differently. Thank you to Judy and to Legacy Webinars.

    Judy Russell ALWAYS has great information to share with us. I appreciate her webinars so much. Thank you

    Judy Russell is always great and especially informative!

    Judy was great as always. Very valuable information.

    Judy’s obvious preparation a presentation was superb!

    Judy’s presentations are always excellent. Very interesting and information. Would give this a 10 if I could.

    Just got confirmation that I’m doing some things right in this area. Enjoyed Ms. Russell’s delivery on a stressful topic.

    Lots of good suggestions. Privacy is always a hot topic but finding ways to protect it is so important.

    Lots of great info! Will have to review again later.

    Motivated us to upgrade our security practices.

    Nice comprehensive webinar on security – everyone should see this! And Judy is great!

    Oh this was the very best! Thank you Judy!

    She’s always excellent

    So much useful information. I have a number of things to do and change as a result. But, at least, am glad to know that I’m doing some things, that many people are careless about, right.

    Such GOOD information for staying safe online! Exquisite presentation!

    Super. Wish all the tips could have been dealt with but … Thanks Judy as you are always super.

    superior webinar

    TERRIFIC! THANK YOU!! Wonderful information, beautifully presented.

    Thanks for the insights, the suggestions and the additional resources.

    Thanks Judy for the kick in the pants I needed to make my info secure. Thanks for the helpful info.

    The 5 tips about securing your privacy on line were invaluable and apply to everyone so I am going to share this webinar with my daughters and grandson as they spend most of their time on their phones, tablets and laptops.

    This was great—so many things I didn’t think about. I will be updating to 16 digit passwords

    This was my first webinar ever. Really good information from an amazing genealogist. Thank you. I’ll be back for more!

    This was time well spent.

    Tons of information in this webinar – Thanks, Judy! for keeping us well-informed! Love the Syllabus as well.

    Very concise information

    Very Helpful

    Very helpful in keeping information private on our own devices and links. I enjoyed it immensely.

    very informative

    very informative

    Very Informative ! I’m glad I signed up for this Webinar.

    very informative and very good advice

    very informative. Sometimes we forget the things we already know.

    Very interesting presentation on privacy. Kudos to Judy

    Very interesting, need to make lots of changes.

    very thorough and practical

    Very timely and important. Also something I need to fix in my habits.

    very useful info!

    Very well done! Thank you.

    Very, Very useful and important. Well presented.

    Well presented and very interesting.


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