Keep Track of Every Note with Evernote

Lianne Kruger
Mar 14, 2020
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Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 35s
Play. Playing.
5m 00s
Play. Playing.
Start with the Basics
12m 43s
Play. Playing.
19m 39s
Play. Playing.
7m 04s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
3m 58s

About this webinar

This webinar was originally presented for the 2020 annual seminar of the Surname Society.

This session will introduce how to create notes in Evernote that will help with your Surname Studies. I

During the session we will:
Review the screen and menus
Create a note
Add, edit and format the text
Add check boxes
Attache a file
Insert a link
Insert and use a table
Create from a website
Create from a file
Create a notebook to organize the notes
Share a note
Show the screens of Evernote on tablet, phone and website.

Keep Track of Every Note with Evernote

About the speaker

About the speaker

Lianne Kruger is a professional genealogist and speaker specializing in Canada, homesteading for U.S. and Canada, video recording family history, and using technology in all aspects of genealogy such as Google Maps, Google Drive and Evernote. She
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