Was Great Grandmother Really Native American?

Janice Lovelace, PhD
Apr 15, 2020
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Play. Playing.
2m 26s
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Speaker's Introduction
1m 46s
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5m 19s
Play. Playing.
6m 21s
Play. Playing.
14m 01s
Play. Playing.
13m 47s
Play. Playing.
Where to find records
18m 59s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
7m 20s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
9m 31s

About this webinar

Many families have the oral history that an ancestor was Native American. How does a family researcher begin to discover if this is true? What federal, state and tribal records are available?

About the speaker

About the speaker

Janice Lovelace is a genealogical researcher, educator, author, and lecturer, with over thirty years of experience. She completed the Genealogy and Family History certificate at the University of Washington in 2012, the certificate program in
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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    great webinar

    Actually my first webinar after being a member off and on for several years. Thank you COVID-19 for giving us more free time. Very interesting, and will be back for more!

    all kinds of useful bits of information!

    Always enjoy her presentations.

    Excellent information and well presented. One of my favorite Webinar presentations so far.

    Excellent information.

    Excellent presentation…very informative….I have lots of new leads to search. Thank you so much!


    Excellent! Now we have some other places to check. Thank you. It was a great webinar.

    Excellent! One of the best! Thanks


    Fantastic webinar with lots of great information.

    Good content and slides

    good information

    Good speaking voice. Gave some very helpful tips. Thank you.

    Great info and well organized.

    Great information for research locations.

    Great information! All new to me.

    Great information!!

    Great information. Thank you!

    Great presentation with very helpful information!

    Great Webinar!

    Great, I could listen to her all day. Very informative.

    I knew most of this from a novel I read about the Native Americans in Oklahoma. Can’t remember the title. Very good but sad.

    I learned a lot about where to look for Native ancestry. Thank you.

    I learned a lot more about Native American history than I did in college! Thanks for the info on where to find records, and for what the autosomal DNA results may mean.

    I learned a lot, thanks.

    I learned a lot…excellent presentation!

    I learned so much about the history of Native Americans in this presentation; a sad history of how our government treated these people.

    I was interested as there is documented Native American ancestry in my husband’s family. Thank you for such great information.

    I really enjoyed the session!

    I thought it was a very good overview of a broad look at the movement of Native Americans and the types of records available. Also, it was nice to see a “process” or strategy to use when trying to determine Native American ancestry.

    I’m just starting this type of research and this was a great overview of the subject and resource recommendations. Will definitely watch again.

    Informative. Looking forward to checking out the syllabus. I have a lot of work ahead of me.

    Interesting presentation about a subject that I knew very little.

    Interesting topic!

    interesting with things I wasn’t aware of

    It was EXCELLENT in the review of the Native Americans. As far as researching…..I guess I was looking for more detail of the HOW to research the various records (or indexes) and repositories she mentioned.

    It was wonderful. Very informative.

    Janice Lovelace is an excellent speaker. Enjoyed this webinar very much. Unfortunately for me the Native American in my family tree occurred in the late 1700’s and I have almost exhausted all avenues of proving she was Native American. Will explore newspapers per Janice’s advise.

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    Janice Lovelace Presentation was excellent!

    Learned additional information as where to look for documents.

    Lots of great information!

    Nothing really new to me – but I have been doing genealogy for 40+ years. Not a reflection on the instructor.

    resources listed are some new directions for my research thank you so much. history was great… my first webinar…. pre 1830 info I am still feeling stuck.

    She did a good job.


    Thank you

    Thank you for the guidance..

    Thank you for this great webinar. So much information

    Thank you! Very informative!

    Thanks for a great intro to Native American genealogical research!

    The 3 ancestors thought to be Native American in 2 of my lines were in the 1700s and other than looking at local records, I didn’t see much. Thanks anyway for a good webinar.

    The historical perspective that Dr. Lovelace provided was very informative. I thoroughly enjoyed the presentation. I don’t have any known Native American connections in my family tree, but the subject was intriguing.

    The information about federal acts and where to find what types of records was useful. Personally, I wasn’t very interested in the first part of the presentation about where native peoples came from. Overall, I found it a valuable webinar.

    The webinar was excellent — technically well done and the subject was clearly presented and very well covered. Thank you!

    There were several points given about where to research that I had not considered.

    Very clear and informative

    Very good webinar. I really enjoyed it.

    very informative

    Very Informative

    Very informative

    Very informative and gave me some areas to research. My particular family story involves either the late 1700s or early 1800s in the area of the Iroquois tribes, so much was not helpful – but much was, so thank you very much!

    Very Informative, nicely presented.

    Very interesting & informative. Thank you! : )

    Very interesting and easy to understand.

    Very interesting and helpful

    Very interesting and informative. Unfortunately not much to help me personally as my possible ancestor was 1790s Massachusetts.

    Very interesting! Thanks!

    Very interesting. I had always heard that we had a grandmother who was Native American. But it was a grandfather that I have found so far. Thanks for all the information.

    very interesting; Thank you

    Well done, very useful for some people.

    well researched webinar great presentation Thanks

    Wonderful presentation! So much information in such a coherent, accessible & concise webinar. Great resources and very helpful. Thank you!!!


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