The Staff of the U.S. Census

Seema-Jayne Kenney
Aug 3, 2022
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Play. Playing.
1m 44s
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Speaker's Introduction
1m 14s
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3m 24s
Play. Playing.
9m 13s
Play. Playing.
19m 43s
Play. Playing.
14m 07s
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Announcements / prizes
5m 15s
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Questions / answers
6m 17s

About this webinar

Just who was creating the documents genealogists typically turn to first? What rules did they follow? How long did they have to complete their job? How big is an enumeration district? These questions, and more, probably occur to anyone doing extensive research in the U.S. Census reports. This talk reviews the staffing, training, search for accuracy, penalties for non-cooperation, and bureaucracy of the U.S. Census from 1790 through 1950.

About the speaker

About the speaker

A wife, mother of 3, and entrepreneur, Seema is an active member of several societies and part of the NERGC planning committee. Based on over 20 years of research, her known roots are deep in New England as well as England, Germany, and Sweden. DN
Learn more...

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  1. JT
    Janet Thomson
    3 years ago

    Seema’s webinar was carefully and thoughtfully conceived to give us great background on census history. I appreciate the hours she devoted to identify hall marks in the growth of the census itself. Well done, and certainly worth the time. Thank you, Seema, for making the U.S. Census background visible to all of us.

  2. MH
    Marylee Hagen
    3 years ago

    Best explanation of how the Census originated and continued to improve throughout history 🙂

  3. FU
    Fran Ussery
    3 years ago


  4. CS
    Cindy Suda
    3 years ago

    So interesting to learn this history! Thank you!

  5. SM
    Sarah Mundt
    3 years ago

    Great background information for putting census errors into context. I learned something new every webinar, and file away little bits of interesting “oh by the way” tidbits, that likely will induce for ah-ha moments researching later. One never knows what nugget of information will be of use further down the line in genealogy!

  6. XM
    Xana Miller
    3 years ago

    Very informative

  7. RA
    Rita Abramoski
    3 years ago

    This was an interesting webinar. Never really gave a lot thought to the how accurate the census information is. I know it is something we should look at but would much rather spend time researching than studying. Thank you to Seema on doing this work and sharing it with us.

  8. WR
    William Robinson
    3 years ago

    Alway good. I like to hear more about the US Census, nice subject.


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