The Hidden Web: Digging Deeper

Cyndi Ingle
May 9, 2018
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Play. Playing.
1m 58s
Play. Playing.
Speaker Introduction
1m 43s
Play. Playing.
1m 27s
Play. Playing.
Technical Background
4m 10s
Play. Playing.
Types of Web Pages
2m 21s
Play. Playing.
The Hidden Web
5m 53s
Play. Playing.
Advanced Searching
21m 21s
Play. Playing.
Records Behind the Tech
16m 59s
Play. Playing.
Digging Deeper
17m 36s
Play. Playing.
7m 16s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
9m 00s

About this webinar

When Google and traditional search engines don't return useful information, don't stop there. We will explore resources that are invisible to Google and hidden deep within web sites and proprietary databases. The hidden web lies buried within the collections for commercial web sites, libraries, archives, and museums. We will also talk about the importance of indexes that deep-link into web  sites online, thus uncovering hidden gems of information that may not be found easily through a search engine query.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Cyndi Ingle is the creator and innovator behind the award-winning and globally recognized, a free categorized list of more than 320,000 links for genealogical research. In its 28 years online Cyndi’s List has consistently remained i
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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    7 years ago

    Found the information very down to earth and usable, great illustrations.

    Good advice

    good examples, especially for MSS collections and archives.

    Great advice

    Great explanation of how to know your resources and search them accordingly. thank you

    Great information for even a seasoned researcher!

    Great information gained from this webinar.

    Great information! Thanks to Marian and Cyndi!!!!

    Great presentation, I learned lots. Thank you Cindi

    Great tips and reminders. Also really like the what records to look for and where to find them on Cyndi’s handout. Thank you Cyndi for another very good webinar.

    Great webinar and wealth of info. Thanks for another great one!

    “Great webinar I learnt a lot


    Great webinar. Cyndi is terrific! Such a smart lady.

    Great! lots of information!

    Hope you are well soon. Thank you for an interesting, well organized presentation on a difficult topic. Helpful and enjoyable.

    I didn’t realize there was so much information on the hidden web. I am anxious to start searching, using the methods suggested by Cyndi. Thanks again.

    “I first heard of Cindi’s List in the early 1990s. Her experience and website and immeasurable. Thank you for all the information.”

    I found it very interesting and gained so much information to help with my research. Cyndi was an excellent speaker and really knew her topic well.

    I learned so much more to make my search productive and use time wisely!

    I need to keep this handout handy! It will remind me to take time to read the introductory info on the collections. Thank you Cindi

    I particularly liked that Cyndi followed the syllabus in her talk. It made sense to me that way, rather than jumping all around.. I learned a lot I can use in researching.

    I read tutorials, I’ve never read an FAQ — I’ll have to try that! 🙂

    It was very good!

    It’s was given by Cyndi and she is incredible!!

    Just a wealth of information. Easy to understand.

    Just the right amount of information to help!

    Knowledge & understanding of your topic = fantastic presentation

    Look forward to using tips and techniques for digging deeper. Thanks, Cindi

    Lots of information and clearly presented.

    Lots of great info and websites. Thanks so much

    Lots of helpful information presented clearly and logically.

    Lots of useful information

    Lots of very helpful information presented which will make searching more effective.

    Lots to learn.

    Love how Cyndi gives details!

    Loved it. I can’t take notes fast enough to keep up with the breathless pace so I missed out on some good stuff. Really learned a lot. Thanks!

    Loved it. Might need to sign up to be a member.

    One of the best


    “REally learned a lot”

    S o o o o o o much valuable information. No wonder Cyndi’s List is so helpful.

    So glad we can watch these webinars again, and again, and again!

    So many good ideas for researching records.

    So, so good!!


    The detailed examples were great.

    This is one to watch over and over.

    This pointed out my point and click mentality. Now I really understand that I NEED to read the directions/instructions. Thanks for making your points very clear and logical with good examples.

    Too much to absorb in one sitting. Will watch it again.

    “Very good info about really ‘thinking’ about your research topic.”

    Very good presentation! Cindy always been an excellent speaker. Thank you. 🙂

    “very good”

    Very good, informative !

    Very helpful as always from Cyndi. Now I need to learn some better habits when looking into records.

    Very informative webinar. Learned lots. Great Job by Cindy. Many thanks.

    Very informative. Will be using some of the content that was presented.

    Very interesting and informative. Can’t wait to learn more!

    Wonderful & Very Helpful webinar! Much appreciated.

    Wonderful to hear Cyndi discuss the roots of sources – picked up a few new sites to check out too. Thanks!

    Wonderful webinar on the hidden web.

    WOW….. always learn so much from Cyndi……I can see so many more places to search. Thank you.

    Yeah, Cyndi. Been using her site for years. Always learn from her webinars.


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