The Case of the Broken Link: Decoding the URL

Cyndi Ingle
Mar 14, 2018
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Play. Playing.
3m 43s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 41s
Play. Playing.
2m 43s
Play. Playing.
8m 14s
Play. Playing.
Viewing Stuff on the Web
13m 04s
Play. Playing.
About Links
17m 46s
Play. Playing.
Static vs. Dynamic URLs
3m 38s
Play. Playing.
5m 43s
Play. Playing.
Tidying a URL
17m 10s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
7m 28s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
11m 15s

About this webinar

Web site addresses appear to be long, complicated, and mysterious. Navigating through the web leads you from link to link, web page to web page, site to site, and server to server all in a matter of a few clicks. How can you sort out separate web sites? How can you track down a new URL for a broken link or a broken bookmark? What happens when your source citation for a web site contains a URL  that suddenly disappears? We will break down this technical topic to help you easily hunt down the URL you need.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Cyndi Ingle is the creator and innovator behind the award-winning and globally recognized, a free categorized list of more than 320,000 links for genealogical research. In its 28 years online Cyndi’s List has consistently remained i
Learn more...

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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    6 years ago

    Thanks for the alert guys, it’s all good to go now.


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