Do You have the DNA of a Scottish Clan?

Alasdair Macdonald
Feb 15, 2019
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Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
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4m 37s
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DNA Signatures
6m 24s
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Clans and Families
10m 23s
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Finding Where You Fit
7m 23s
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Case Study
23m 21s
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Questions / answers
1m 40s

About this webinar

This presentation was originally given as part of Genetic Genealogy Ireland 2019.


Since the Scottish DNA Project began in 2001 there has been significant growth in Y-DNA participation.  It is now generally accepted that Y-DNA testing may present objective evidence to resolve genealogical questions and challenge received understanding.


Scottish Clans descend from a variety of peoples, including Pict, Briton, Irish, Angle and Norse.  To what extent do we know the genetic signature of lineages from these peoples?  Alasdair will discuss how advances in technology have helped us understand the origin and inter-relatedness of many Scottish Clans. The presentation will include discussion on research strategies, the limitations of current testing and include case studies detailing recent findings on the medieval origins of a number of Clans and families.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Alasdair is a Teaching Fellow and Lead Tutor in the department of Genealogical Studies at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.  He has been involved in family history research for over 30 years and has a particular interest in the Scottish
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