Irish Genealogies & DNA: Back into the Mythological Past

Bart Jaski
Oct 19, 2019
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Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 04s
Play. Playing.
6m 48s
Play. Playing.
Wettin Oldenburg
10m 22s
Play. Playing.
Irish Families
6m 01s
Play. Playing.
Ronald Reagan
3m 09s
Play. Playing.
Annals of Ulster
3m 55s
Play. Playing.
Succession of Kingship
17m 14s
Play. Playing.
Connect Pedigrees with DNA
3m 25s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
7m 31s

About this webinar

This presentation was originally given as part of Genetic Genealogy Ireland 2019.


When people research their Irish family history and ancestry, their surname is probably the most important part of their identity. Surnames are inherited from father to son, and certain Irish (Gaelic) surnames can be traced back to ancestors who lived more than a thousand year ago. This makes Irish surnames unique in the world, and they are therefore also important for DNA research worldwide. This research can take us even further back in time – perhaps even into the ‘mythological’ past before the coming of Christianity when Irish tribes dominated the island.


About the speaker

About the speaker

As a student in the Netherlands, I became interested in medieval Irish history, and ended up studying in Cork and Dublin, where I did my PhD. I published Early Irish kingship and succession in 2000, and later became a lecturer at the Celtic Dept.
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