Discovering More From Your Next Generation Sequence (NGS | Big Y) Test

Mags Gaulden
Jun 7, 2023
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Play. Playing.
2m 22s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
2m 08s
Play. Playing.
7m 18s
Play. Playing.
Y DNA Primer
10m 10s
Play. Playing.
Case Study
19m 27s
Play. Playing.
Why test to this level?
1m 49s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
4m 16s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
16m 32s

About this webinar

For years researchers have been identifying family history using YDNA, especially those interested in where their specific line may originate. Upgrading to a next Generation Sequence test (NGS) can help bring information that could be 200k years old into a more workable timeframe is what these tests are all about (and then some). We will take a look at the NGS test at the tools for discovery available today and apply them in a case study.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Mags is a Professional Genealogist specializing in Genetic Genealogy as founder of Grandma’s Genes in Ottawa. Growing up in a family full of family historians, Mags was primed to become a Genealogist. After earning her Bachelors Degree from
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  1. HM
    Harold McClendon
    2 years ago

    I am happy that I was given an opportunity to listen to the presentation. However, I am very pleased that I am a subscriber to Legacy. I can now sit down with the syllabus, read through it, click on the links, go on FTDNA to print out the material about my Big Y 700 test results, and compare my results to the syllabus. Then I might be ready to watch the video a couple of times. Will I understand Big Y or any part of DNA any better? Probably not but the journey will be fun. Now if I can get any of my matches to respond to my emails requesting information on their ancestors. If they would just tell me where their parents and grandparents lived. We’ve all been down that road before.

  2. SC
    Steven Coker
    2 years ago

    Interesting and useful for a wide audience. I would like to see more presentations oriented towards advanced users regarding DNA.

  3. MC
    Maria Capaldi
    2 years ago


  4. PD
    Patrcia Diane Godinez
    2 years ago

    This was way above my level but interesting enough all the same. I have done autosomal DNA for about 10 years. Looking forward to doing YDNA in the future. The problem is, as was mentioned, getting people to test, even if you will supply them with a testing kit. Oh well, just part of the challenge.

  5. RD
    Randall Dodds
    2 years ago

    I used this webinar to add to my knowledge and as a reminder to upgrade to the big Y700, from my Y111 kit. thanks, I signed on and got my upgrade NOW I got to wait for exciting weeks for the results to be added to my profile.

  6. RT
    robert taylor
    2 years ago

    The descriptor “NGS” was unfamiliar to me. So as an individual who has had Y-DNA sequenced, I was a bit thrown off by the poll at the beginning of the webinar. In other words, I was familiar with Y-DNA testing, but not “NGS Y-DNA” testing. Thanks for an informative presentation and the pointers to additional resources!

  7. JS
    Jenk Stephenson
    2 years ago

    I enjoyed it.

  8. LW
    Lois Wine
    2 years ago

    I had just upgraded my father’s Y DNA after waiting for the Fathers’s Day discounts. This was a great time to see this webinar. I need to watch it again as it had so much information. Thanks!


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