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Historical Records

Watch webinars that focus on specific record categories including adoption, vital records, cemetery records, census records, city directories, immigration records, newspapers and more for locations around the world.

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A Closer Look at the 1850-1950 U.S. Census Records, with a Little Extra Help
Take a closer look at the 1850 to 1950 U.S. Census records as vital genealogy resources, while looking into details you may have missed, along with benefits to and tips in using these records and a little extra help from MyHeritage!
Take a closer look at the 1850 to 1950 U.S. Census records as vital genealogy resources, while looking into details you may have missed, along with benefits to and tips in using these records and a little extra help from MyHeritage!
Tue, May 14 2024: 18:00 UTC
Census Clues: Sweet Potato Simon, White Potato Willie, & Cows that Grow Wool
Census records are the most used—and yet the most underused—of all genealogical resources. Every major provider offers them, along with an index so we can easily find our people. Aside from a year here or there, when a pesky ancestor seems to have eluded the census taker, the use of censuses seems fairly straightforward: We use a search engine to find our person and we copy down the data. There, done! No. Not at all! Censuses provide “facts,” but in between those “facts” there are a wealth of clues we can mine to solve our worst problems with identity, origin, and parentage. This session is for advanced researchers who think they “already know all about census records” and for newer researchers who want to avoid the mistakes most researchers make. ** This is a members-only webinar **
Census records are the most used—and yet the most underused—of all genealogical resources. Every major provider offers them, along with an index so we can easily find our people. Aside from a year here or there, when a pesky ancestor seems to have eluded the census taker, the use of censuses seems fairly straightforward: We use a search engine to find our person and we copy down the data. There, done! No. Not at all! Censuses provide “facts,” but in between those “facts” there are a wealth of clues we can mine to solve our worst problems with identity, origin, and parentage. This session is for advanced researchers who think they “already know all about census records” and for newer researchers who want to avoid the mistakes most researchers make. ** This is a members-only webinar **
Fri, March 22 2024: 18:00 UTC
Diving into the Newly Released 1931 Canada Census
With the 1931 Canada census finally released to the public on June 1, 2023, a new window into the lives of ancestors who lived in Canada in the early 20th century is being thrown open! This census offers a snapshot of Canada at a fascinating and difficult historical period, a few years into the Great Depression. Join us for a deep dive into this long-awaited collection and discover what you can learn about your ancestors living in Canada during this time.
With the 1931 Canada census finally released to the public on June 1, 2023, a new window into the lives of ancestors who lived in Canada in the early 20th century is being thrown open! This census offers a snapshot of Canada at a fascinating and difficult historical period, a few years into the Great Depression. Join us for a deep dive into this long-awaited collection and discover what you can learn about your ancestors living in Canada during this time.
Fri, September 15 2023: 19:30 UTC
Tick Marks and Number Counts: Understanding and Using the Slave Schedules
What exactly are the 1850 and 1860 United States Slave Schedules and what is their value to researchers? A closer look at this enumeration of “slave inhabitants” will streamline interpretation of these records and will help define the do’s and don’ts of working with them.
What exactly are the 1850 and 1860 United States Slave Schedules and what is their value to researchers? A closer look at this enumeration of “slave inhabitants” will streamline interpretation of these records and will help define the do’s and don’ts of working with them.
Fri, April 7 2023: 18:00 UTC
6 Clues Revealed in Census Records
Census records are notorious for having sketchy information, but they give clues that lead to more reliable records. Learn 6 things to look for in census records to find accurate facts about your ancestors.
Census records are notorious for having sketchy information, but they give clues that lead to more reliable records. Learn 6 things to look for in census records to find accurate facts about your ancestors.
Fri, March 24 2023: 14:00 UTC
Deconstructing a Conflicted Census Enumeration: Carrie Peterson aka Clara Moore
Census enumerations offer invaluable snapshots of families, but like any record, can lead researchers astray. Names may be mangled, ages fudged, or individuals or families be enumerated twice – or not at all. This entertaining presentation follows a Norwegian immigrant family forward and backward in time to untangle the makeup of a 1910 Minnesota family.
Census enumerations offer invaluable snapshots of families, but like any record, can lead researchers astray. Names may be mangled, ages fudged, or individuals or families be enumerated twice – or not at all. This entertaining presentation follows a Norwegian immigrant family forward and backward in time to untangle the makeup of a 1910 Minnesota family.
Fri, December 23 2022: 0:30 UTC
The Staff of the U.S. Census
Just who was creating the documents genealogists typically turn to first? What rules did they follow? How long did they have to complete their job? How big is an enumeration district? These questions, and more, probably occur to anyone doing extensive research in the U.S. Census reports. This talk reviews the staffing, training, search for accuracy, penalties for non-cooperation, and bureaucracy of the U.S. Census from 1790 through 1950.
Just who was creating the documents genealogists typically turn to first? What rules did they follow? How long did they have to complete their job? How big is an enumeration district? These questions, and more, probably occur to anyone doing extensive research in the U.S. Census reports. This talk reviews the staffing, training, search for accuracy, penalties for non-cooperation, and bureaucracy of the U.S. Census from 1790 through 1950.
Wed, August 3 2022: 18:00 UTC
Jump-starting Your 1950 Census Research with Census Helper™
Ready to explore the newly released 1950 U.S. Census records? MyHeritage’s free Census Helper™ tool is the perfect place to start. Uri Gonen, SVP Product Manager at MyHeritage, will introduce you to this handy tool he developed and show you how to use it to organize and focus your census research.
Ready to explore the newly released 1950 U.S. Census records? MyHeritage’s free Census Helper™ tool is the perfect place to start. Uri Gonen, SVP Product Manager at MyHeritage, will introduce you to this handy tool he developed and show you how to use it to organize and focus your census research.
Tue, May 24 2022: 18:00 UTC
Everything You Need to Know About the 1950 Census
The 1950 census is exciting because it may include your great grandparents, grandparents, parents and perhaps even you! It will provide opportunities to confirm some of what we already know and clues for new research. Released just days ago, now is the perfect time to begin making discoveries. Learn from Lisa Louise Cooke what you need to know about this new census.
The 1950 census is exciting because it may include your great grandparents, grandparents, parents and perhaps even you! It will provide opportunities to confirm some of what we already know and clues for new research. Released just days ago, now is the perfect time to begin making discoveries. Learn from Lisa Louise Cooke what you need to know about this new census.
Thu, April 7 2022: 21:00 UTC
Exploring the new 1921 UK Census
The 1921 UK Census was released earlier this year. Come explore what is new and different in this census. Learn how to search the indexed records, to understand the results, and how to take what you learn about your family further.
The 1921 UK Census was released earlier this year. Come explore what is new and different in this census. Learn how to search the indexed records, to understand the results, and how to take what you learn about your family further.
Wed, March 2 2022: 1:00 UTC
CensusGenie: Down to the Wire 1950 Census Prep
For over a year we’ve met monthly and are now ready to meet weekly in prep for the release of the 1950 US Federal Census. You can play catch up by joining Cousin Russ and Myrt and discover strategies for finding ancestors in an unindexed image collection.
For over a year we’ve met monthly and are now ready to meet weekly in prep for the release of the 1950 US Federal Census. You can play catch up by joining Cousin Russ and Myrt and discover strategies for finding ancestors in an unindexed image collection.
Wed, February 2 2022: 19:00 UTC
Getting the Most out of the Irish Census
The National Census were undertaken in Ireland every ten years from 1821 although many only have fragments remaining. The webinar will examine what remains for those years where only fragments exist and look at examples that help to build a family tree, along with the differences in the information gathered. We’ll examine the different type of returns for the Census of 1901 and 1911, such as for lunatic asylums, army barracks and prisons and examples of each of these will be shown. These records can be difficult to pin down and we will cover practical tips to help you find them. The different census forms provided interesting additional background information about the type of home and outbuildings a householder had and help to build a picture of their lives. Tips on search techniques will help to ensure you can find your ancestor and we’ll look at why you might struggle to find them or their place of residence in the census. Census Search Forms are a useful census substitute for the 1841 and 1851 Census records that were used when applying for the Old Age Pension and we will look at different examples that can expand your family tree.
The National Census were undertaken in Ireland every ten years from 1821 although many only have fragments remaining. The webinar will examine what remains for those years where only fragments exist and look at examples that help to build a family tree, along with the differences in the information gathered. We’ll examine the different type of returns for the Census of 1901 and 1911, such as for lunatic asylums, army barracks and prisons and examples of each of these will be shown. These records can be difficult to pin down and we will cover practical tips to help you find them. The different census forms provided interesting additional background information about the type of home and outbuildings a householder had and help to build a picture of their lives. Tips on search techniques will help to ensure you can find your ancestor and we’ll look at why you might struggle to find them or their place of residence in the census. Census Search Forms are a useful census substitute for the 1841 and 1851 Census records that were used when applying for the Old Age Pension and we will look at different examples that can expand your family tree.
Sat, November 27 2021: 0:00 UTC

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Tue, August 13 2024: 18:00 UTC
Using MyHeritage DNA to Determine Immigrant Origins
Tue, August 13 2024: 18:00 UTC
This class will briefly explain the different types of DNA (autosomal, Y-DNA and mtDNA) and provide helpful tips for analyzing your DNA matches to identify your strongest matches to help you go back to your immigrant ancestor. A few examples of using this approach will be shown through mini case studies.
This class will briefly explain the different types of DNA (autosomal, Y-DNA and mtDNA) and provide helpful tips for analyzing your DNA matches to identify your strongest matches to help you go back to your immigrant ancestor. A few examples of using this approach will be shown through mini case studies.
Tue, August 13 2024: 18:00 UTC
Wed, August 21 2024: 18:00 UTC
Who Hid the Body? Finding Your Ancestor’s Place of Burial
Wed, August 21 2024: 18:00 UTC
It’s not over ’til the fat lady sings? Nope. It’s not over until you find where the big girl was buried. This presentation offers examples of records that can lead genealogists to an ancestor’s elusive final resting place.
It’s not over ’til the fat lady sings? Nope. It’s not over until you find where the big girl was buried. This presentation offers examples of records that can lead genealogists to an ancestor’s elusive final resting place.
Wed, August 21 2024: 18:00 UTC
Analyzing Deeds & Wills: I See What It Says—but What Does It Mean?!
Fri, August 23 2024: 18:00 UTC
Legalese. Boilerplate. Obsolete laws. Ancestral idiosyncrasies. The documents our ancestors created are full of such traps. This session uses two typical documents from different regions to illustrate, line by line, how to sort chaff from wheat, interpret deceptive language, and develop clues.
Legalese. Boilerplate. Obsolete laws. Ancestral idiosyncrasies. The documents our ancestors created are full of such traps. This session uses two typical documents from different regions to illustrate, line by line, how to sort chaff from wheat, interpret deceptive language, and develop clues.
Fri, August 23 2024: 18:00 UTC
Fri, September 6 2024: 16:45 UTC
10 Things You Don’t Know About Cemeteries
Fri, September 6 2024: 16:45 UTC
Genealogists LOVE cemeteries but we don’t always know the history behind them. When we know the history, types, and traditions of cemeteries we can do better research that helps us understand our ancestor’s final resting place. In this presentation we will take a look at the history of US cemeteries, what you would expect to find depending on time and place, and where you can find records beyond the usual places.
Genealogists LOVE cemeteries but we don’t always know the history behind them. When we know the history, types, and traditions of cemeteries we can do better research that helps us understand our ancestor’s final resting place. In this presentation we will take a look at the history of US cemeteries, what you would expect to find depending on time and place, and where you can find records beyond the usual places.
Fri, September 6 2024: 16:45 UTC
Wed, September 25 2024: 18:00 UTC
Buried in the Federal Records Center: Uncovering XC Pension Files
Wed, September 25 2024: 18:00 UTC
This talk will discuss how to obtain deceased 20th century veterans’ claims files, of which 1.1 million boxes are languishing in warehouses around the US.
This talk will discuss how to obtain deceased 20th century veterans’ claims files, of which 1.1 million boxes are languishing in warehouses around the US.
Wed, September 25 2024: 18:00 UTC
Fri, September 27 2024: 14:15 UTC
Church Records in Archives
Fri, September 27 2024: 14:15 UTC
Church record research is a must for any genealogist. Many of our archives have church records available to researchers. There are also independent church archives for specific religions or denominations that can help you discover your ancestor. Learn from a seasoned genealogist and archivist how to find church records in archives.
Church record research is a must for any genealogist. Many of our archives have church records available to researchers. There are also independent church archives for specific religions or denominations that can help you discover your ancestor. Learn from a seasoned genealogist and archivist how to find church records in archives.
Fri, September 27 2024: 14:15 UTC
Wed, October 2 2024: 2:00 UTC
Oops! Married twice (at the same time) Case Studies in Bigamy!
Wed, October 2 2024: 2:00 UTC
Divorce in Queensland Australia was very difficult to obtain. Some couples then just lived together and some underwent a bigamous marriage. What were the penalties? The records? Follow these ten bigamy case studies.
Divorce in Queensland Australia was very difficult to obtain. Some couples then just lived together and some underwent a bigamous marriage. What were the penalties? The records? Follow these ten bigamy case studies.
Wed, October 2 2024: 2:00 UTC
Wed, December 18 2024: 19:00 UTC
Finding Uncle John’s Grist Mill, His Neighbors And That Cemetery Using Maps, Records & Stories
Wed, December 18 2024: 19:00 UTC
Topographic maps and soil maps should help us identify a community, including neighbors, ferries, mills, cemeteries, historic houses, and many other landmarks. By using a combination of resources, the picture of this community will be more visible and more clearly understood.
Topographic maps and soil maps should help us identify a community, including neighbors, ferries, mills, cemeteries, historic houses, and many other landmarks. By using a combination of resources, the picture of this community will be more visible and more clearly understood.
Wed, December 18 2024: 19:00 UTC
Tue, July 30 2024: 11:00 UTC
Les outils photo de pointe de MyHeritage
Tue, July 30 2024: 11:00 UTC
Découvrez les outils photo indispensables de MyHeritage ! Depuis 2020, MyHeritage est le leader mondial pour les technologies des photos. Lors de cette session, Elisabeth Zetland, membre de l’équipe de Recherche chez MyHeritage, vous expliquera tout sur les outils photo les plus récents et comment ils peuvent enrichir vos recherches généalogiques grâce aux photos de famille.
Découvrez les outils photo indispensables de MyHeritage ! Depuis 2020, MyHeritage est le leader mondial pour les technologies des photos. Lors de cette session, Elisabeth Zetland, membre de l’équipe de Recherche chez MyHeritage, vous expliquera tout sur les outils photo les plus récents et comment ils peuvent enrichir vos recherches généalogiques grâce aux photos de famille.
Tue, July 30 2024: 11:00 UTC