Featured Webinars

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Google Alerts: Make Google Work for You!
It isn’t always easy to determine new content that has been added to Google, especially if you are on the hunt for information posted by others about your ancestors. Learn how to harness the power of Google Alerts and get notified via e-mail or RSS feed when anything new pops up on Google that can help your genealogy research. This was part of the webinar, Celebrating 2,000 webinars! Plus 10 tips you can use today.
It isn’t always easy to determine new content that has been added to Google, especially if you are on the hunt for information posted by others about your ancestors. Learn how to harness the power of Google Alerts and get notified via e-mail or RSS feed when anything new pops up on Google that can help your genealogy research. This was part of the webinar, Celebrating 2,000 webinars! Plus 10 tips you can use today.
Fri, July 14 2023: 0:00 UTC
Using Google Books to Find the Law
Time and time again, we’re told to look at records in the context of the law at the time and in the place where the records were created. Easier said than done! With 50 states and the federal government all passing laws, how do we find the laws we need? One answer is Google Books—if we use it to full advantage.
Time and time again, we’re told to look at records in the context of the law at the time and in the place where the records were created. Easier said than done! With 50 states and the federal government all passing laws, how do we find the laws we need? One answer is Google Books—if we use it to full advantage.
Fri, September 16 2022: 15:30 UTC
Customize Your Google Chrome Homepage
In this TechZone video learn how to customize your Google Chrome homepage to add a background image, add recipe cards or add shortcuts.
In this TechZone video learn how to customize your Google Chrome homepage to add a background image, add recipe cards or add shortcuts.
Fri, January 7 2022: 6:00 UTC
Using Google Chrome’s Reading List
Google Chrome has a reading list feature that is different from its bookmarks bar. Learn the benefits of the reading list and how to use it from Gena Philibert-Ortega.
Google Chrome has a reading list feature that is different from its bookmarks bar. Learn the benefits of the reading list and how to use it from Gena Philibert-Ortega.
Fri, December 3 2021: 0:00 UTC
Organize Your Bookmarks in Google Chrome
Learn how to organize your Google Chrome bookmarks to help streamline your genealogy research.
Learn how to organize your Google Chrome bookmarks to help streamline your genealogy research.
Fri, May 29 2020: 0:00 UTC
3 Ways to Use Gmail Smarter
Discover three ways to use gmail faster and smarter. You'll learn to schedule email, change subject lines and save attachments to Google Drive.
Discover three ways to use gmail faster and smarter. You'll learn to schedule email, change subject lines and save attachments to Google Drive.
Fri, April 24 2020: 0:00 UTC
Using Google Drive to Solve Research Challenges
Learn how Google Drive is your free virtual sandbox for collating transcriptions, creating timelines, resolving conflicting evidence and composing our proof arguments before placing our conclusions in our genealogy database programs such as Legacy and Family Tree Builder.
Learn how Google Drive is your free virtual sandbox for collating transcriptions, creating timelines, resolving conflicting evidence and composing our proof arguments before placing our conclusions in our genealogy database programs such as Legacy and Family Tree Builder.
Fri, March 13 2020: 0:00 UTC
Advanced Googling for Your Grandma
Learn about Google's advance search options, as well as several more tools offered by Google that will enhance your research. We'll dig deep into a variety of Google's free resources and learn how to make them work for you.
Learn about Google's advance search options, as well as several more tools offered by Google that will enhance your research. We'll dig deep into a variety of Google's free resources and learn how to make them work for you.
Thu, March 12 2020: 0:00 UTC
Google's Reverse Image Search
Learn how and why to search Google with an image – not with text.
Learn how and why to search Google with an image – not with text.
Tue, December 31 2019: 0:00 UTC