Elizabeth Shown Mills, genealogy’s pioneer in problem-solving methodology, returns in 2024 for another year with Legacy Family Tree Webinars. Join us each month as Elizabeth encores her most beloved classes, teaching us how to break down our genealogy problems and create solutions with innovative strategies and sound methods. The classes are pre-recorded for the live watch parties.

This series is accessible only with a webinar membership. Webinar members have access to the live events, the class replays, and the class syllabus materials.  Click here to become a member.

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Webinar Replays

Watch Elizabeth’s other webinars in the library

Context: A Powerful Tool for Problem Solving (a 2021 Reisinger Lecture)
Raw facts do not tell a story. They may not even tell the truth about what they do relate. As researchers, we seek original documents that offer us "the facts." But facts are impish devils, and historical records do not speak for themselves. They cannot explain themselves. They are inert…
Raw facts do not tell a story. They may not even tell the truth about what they do relate. As researchers, we seek original documents that offer us "the facts." But facts are impish devils, and historical records do not speak for themselves. They cannot explain themselves. They are inert…
Fri, October 8 2021: 14:55 UTC
Reasonably Exhaustive Research: The First Criteria for Genealogical Proof
Tracking a project from start to finish, this session demonstrates the principles of reasonably exhaustive research and how much is required to prove identity and parentage. Presented live at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City as part of the Joy Reisinger Memorial Lecture Series, and sponsored by the…
Tracking a project from start to finish, this session demonstrates the principles of reasonably exhaustive research and how much is required to prove identity and parentage. Presented live at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City as part of the Joy Reisinger Memorial Lecture Series, and sponsored by the…
Fri, September 6 2019: 0:00 UTC
FAN + GPS + DNA: The Problem-Solver's Great Trifecta
Can you really 'prove' a female line when, for four straight generations, absolutely no document identifies a parent or sibling? Does the challenge seem hopeless when courthouses are burned and an illegitimacy is rumored? This session will demonstrate how to use three critical tools: (1) the FAN Principle to build…
Can you really 'prove' a female line when, for four straight generations, absolutely no document identifies a parent or sibling? Does the challenge seem hopeless when courthouses are burned and an illegitimacy is rumored? This session will demonstrate how to use three critical tools: (1) the FAN Principle to build…
Fri, October 7 2016: 0:00 UTC