DearMYRTLE is the nom de plume of Pat Richley-Erickson, author of the award-winning DearMYRTLE Genealogy Blog, consistently among the top 5 family history blogs internationally, where the focus is beginning genealogy topics. DearMYRTLE hosts several weekly hangouts including Mondays with Myrt, Wacky Wednesday, and moderates more intense study groups including Beginning Genealogy, Mastering Genealogical Proof, The Written Conclusion, and Genealogy and the Law. Online since 1985 in membership development with Q-Link's Your Family Tree and later on the leadership team of AOL's Golden Gate Genealogy Forum, Pat is a retired post-secondary computer instructor. She and her husband live in Salt Lake City, Utah, just a stone's throw from the Family History Library. A speaker at regional and national conferences including several livestreamed videocasts at RootsTech 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2017. Ol' Myrt and her team presented two G+ Hangout on Air workshops at RootsTech. She has served RootsTech as an official blogger and ambassador (2011-2017). DearMYRTLE is a co-founder of the Genea-Quilters group on Facebook, and founder of, a centralized calendar and blog for all known genealogy webinar hosts and virtual presenters. She serves as admin for The Organized Genealogist Facebook Group together with her hangout co-host, her real-life Cousin Russ Worthington. Find out more at (Yup! She’s a dot com!)

DearMYRTLE's Webinars (13)