Bullet Journaling for Genealogy

Shellee Morehead, PhD, CG
Aug 21, 2019
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Play. Playing.
1m 39s
Play. Playing.
1m 00s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 16s
Play. Playing.
3m 21s
Play. Playing.
The science
3m 45s
Play. Playing.
7m 09s
Play. Playing.
Bullet Journal
20m 38s
Play. Playing.
What it can be
12m 11s
Play. Playing.
6m 40s
Play. Playing.
12m 15s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
5m 10s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
9m 50s

About this webinar

There are so many wonderful technological tools for getting more out of your genealogical research time, but how do you choose which ones are going to work best for you? Are you struggling with making time for your research, staying on track for your projects, or just want to unplug and plan? If any of these situations sound like you, perhaps putting pen to paper might be the way to go. The bullet journal method is an excellent, analog way to organize your research plan, and stay on track towards your research goals.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Shellee Morehead, PhD, CG, has a Ph.D. in evolutionary ecology from the University of Utah and is an associate professor of Biology at the New England Institute of Technology. She was certified by BCG in 2012, and researches, writes and lectures o
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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    6 years ago

    A big help! Thank you!

    A great reminder of the planning process required for genealogy. She offered several good phrases – “a goal without a plan is just a wish” and “write it down to get it done”. And at the end regarding finding manuscripts, she threw in “track the women” – excellent advice!

    Already somewhat familiar with Bullet Journaling, but wanted to see different ways to incorporate with genealogy research. Did exactly that!

    although it’s good information, I am doing much of this already.

    Amazing webinar. You have given me many items to add to my list! Thank you

    Brilliant webinar with lots of great ideas for writing Bullet Journals.

    enjoyed and will be listening to Shellee’s other webinars

    Excellent as always

    Excellent ideas. I would also suggest to use coloured highlighters to organize ancestors. Colour coding is a good visual way to see ideas and plans.

    Excellent information. I especially liked the idea of using the two notebooks, one for scheduling and one for genealogy. This solves a problem I was having using just the one notebook. Also the many collections and projects she uses bullet journals for has given me a wealth of ideas to pursue

    Excellent speaker, lots of good info!

    Excellent webinar,,,,have realised that I have been doing a version of bullet journalling for decades but didn’t realise it was a real thing 🙂

    Excellent! I feel as if she knew all of my questions and my frustrations when I try to plan and be organized. Found this motivating with several ways to use bullet journaling in many ways that may help in having more time to do genealogy first.

    Excellent-I’ve used a very abbreviated version of this for years and now I’ll incorporate all the new things I’ve learned today. Thanks!!

    Extremely informative

    Glad for the topic to be brought into genealogy.

    Good ideas

    Good information about an alternative to the way that I do things. I’m going to be exploring this “low tech” way of journaling and being more productive.

    good presentation.

    Good to hear about this, but not for me


    Great examples. Friendly, approachable presenter. Happy I finally know what bullet journals are and that I’ve already been doing some of that. Now I’m inspired to develop the system further.

    Great for beginners, this old dog even learned a new trick.

    Great ideas for keeping up with life as a genealogist!

    Great ideas! Going to try begin slowly bullet journaling for my visits to family cemeteries, in Bristol Rhode Island… were many relatives are buried. Thanks

    great ideas! Thanks!

    Great information

    Great inspiration for getting organized and staying on track. Thank you for another great webinar!

    Great speaker.

    Great tool that has multiple uses. Shellee did a very good job of applying the use genealogy research and reminded my why I love bullet journaling!

    Great webinar and speaker! Need help in keeping track of my life and research.

    Great webinar to help with organization and goal planning. I love that it was using written logs.

    I am already a list maker so this showed me a valuable way to extend my lists into something much more useful! Thank you.

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    6 years ago

    I appreciate the basic intro to Bullet Journaling. However, as a long time BuJo user, was hoping to see some examples of Ms. Morehead’s Ancestor Profile layouts, Source Checklists. This was a great webinar, constantly reminding/reassuring the attendees to do what works for them! Loved it!

    I appreciated Shellee’s generosity in sharing her personal journals in all their exuberant and imperfect glory!

    I came in late so I will be sure to go back and watch it again. Shellee is a great speaker and makes me want try journaling.

    I can see a connection here between my long-standing habit of keeping To Do lists in notebooks, keeping my daily and bill-paying calendars, my business pocket planners from my working years, etc.

    I love Bullet Journaling and really appreciated the review that Shellee offered. I have some new ideas about using my journal for genealogy and feel like my 2020 research trip to SLC will be much more productive as a result of the ideas bubbling up. Thank you!

    I needed a push to get organized! Thanks!

    I realized I have been doing this for years!

    I really liked the presentation and will use of Shellee Morehead’s suggestions in my bullet journaling, she has encouraged to increase my topics.

    I think this webinar will help me organize myself much better!

    I wasn’t able to view the entire webinar but enjoyed what I saw. I look forward to watching the webinar in its entirety.

    I went to a Happy Planner system. I combine traditional planner structure with bullet journal ideas. I can categorize, migrate, add, delete, adjust, etc whatever i want. I have a full size for my daily life (lists, important info, etc), a mini for my purse (scheduling), a separate one for my Bible time. I have used a separate one for health and will go back to that. I have really been unsure how to do a genealogy one, and so today helped me formulate ideas for that!

    I would have liked to have heard more about how to coordinate one’s (in my case, current personal bullet journal) with one for genealogy. I appreciate knowing one can do it however one wants, but best practices are always helpful and that’s what I was really looking for. Even so, I liked her personal examples and hope to be able to apply some of them to my own bullet journal.

    I’m inspired!

    Inspiring and thought provoking!



    Interesting concept and presented quite well. Not sure I can make it work for me tho.

    Interesting ideas …. will give some a try! Thanks!

    Interesting topic, although the system I have is probably not conducive to adopting the content discussed.

    Interesting topic. I just spent several hours yesterday looking into various methods and styles of bullet journaling and trying to see what I thought would be useful for me. I do make lists constantly, though I am then prone to losing them, which means I make them repetitively. Not very efficient. I’m not thrilled with facing a blank page constantly, but I’ve been using a planner for a few years and am hopeful that with a bullet journal, I’ll be more successful.

    interesting ways she uses journaling

    It was wonderful to get to know Shellee Morehead and I appreciate the examples she displayed.

    I’ve attempted BuJo before but appreciated the flexibility of her take. Delightful presenter.

    I’ve been telling everyone that I am going back to paper and pen. This old system never goes ‘down’, don’t need an internet connection.

    Lots of good idea about journaling.

  3. Legacy Family Tree
    6 years ago

    Love her pacing – a bit fast, but well organized. So appreciate her real examples and the evolution in practice.

    More…More…More!! 🙂

    New way to organise

    One of my very favorite webinars! Will definitely watch again. Thank you! : )

    Outstanding presenter, content, the whole package!!!

    Overall Excellent!!! Thank you

    Shellee made note taking so organized.

    This is something that I can use not only with my genealogy but everyday life!

    This was a fabulous seminar not just in terms of helping me think through my genealogy research but also to help me think through the rest of my life. I am starting to work 2 days per week and I have been stressing out about how everything is going to fit in. I’m sure I’m going to have to change things but this helped me realise (again) that life doesn’t have to follow my plans for things to be good. And that planning to begin with helps me to accomplis more even when those plans don’t work out.

    This was a fantastic webinar. Shellee demonstrated great passion and inspiration as she explained the bullet journal and examples of how she uses it. THANKS!

    Very good

    Very good speaker.

    Very Good! I keep track of little notes here and there, but need to take her method. Using at least one notebook, so I don’t lose them. Thank you!

    very helpful for getting things done 🙂

    Very informative and I got some new ideas for my journals. I love lists and this will make it better.

    Very informative. I was not familiar with the topic. Although I do embrace technology, I can see applicatiions for BJ in my planning.

    Very informative. Full of information for all aspects of life as well as genealogy.

    Very interesting concept

    Very interesting topic and useful suggestions. Reminds me of the Harvard Planners I used to use.

    Very interesting.

    Very productive inspiring webinar.

    Very useful information and ideas!

    Very, very informative!

    Well organized and thought out

    well presented, appreciated the personal examples

    Wonderful webinar. Bullet Journal will definitely work for me.

    Wow! An amazing way to organize on paper!


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