Polish genealogy online – portals and databases

Kinga Urbańska
Feb 24, 2021
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Play. Playing.
1m 26s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 32s
Play. Playing.
7m 41s
Play. Playing.
Location is Key
7m 16s
Play. Playing.
Church & State Archives
20m 21s
Play. Playing.
14m 11s
Play. Playing.
Central Military Archive
9m 09s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
7m 12s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
20m 21s

About this webinar

The main aim of the presentation is not just showing you the Polish genealogy databases, but also insight on how to look for Polish ancestors. Step by step we will check the most useful websites in the context of Polish political and social history.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Kinga Urbańska is a genealogist, historian, archivist and the co-owner of Your Roots in Poland – the biggest genealogical company in Poland. She focuses on Eastern European research: Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Slovakia; specializes
Learn more...

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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    4 years ago

    The syllabus is found at https://familytreewebinars.com/download.php?webinar_id=1616 and is a webinar membership benefit. Information about membership is found at https://legacy.familytreewebinars.com/memberships-c11.php.

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    4 years ago

    A GREAT number of resources to explore!

    A large majority of my ancestry is Polish, and Polish records can sometimes be difficult. I am so very thankful for the great speaker as well as the information provided!

    A lot of great sites to check out and clarification on sites I had already tried to use on my own. Wonderful English by our speaker. Gracious offer to try to help after the webinar through email and Facebook links.

    A lot of information, very condensed, just what I wanted. Great.

    A very solid set of sources, nicely presented by Ms. Kinga. Congratulations

    A wealth of new websites to explore from this Polish webinar!

    Absolutely amazing!!

    Absolutely fantastic presentation on genealogy research in Poland. It was full of references and examples of some great online databases and resources. One of the most informative webinars that I’ve attended; congrats to Kinga Urbanska for such a wonderful peek into how to pursue my Polish roots. Bravo!

    Amazing! Now I have lots of places to look for my husband’s family.

    Appreciate all the valuable information and websites and will contact her for additional questions. Thank you.

    Appreciate all the work the speaker went through

    As usual, very informative.

    A bit high speed, but very helpful to know all the web sites available, and especially to know there are so many records, too. Thank you very much!

    Thanks to all.

    Awesome information!

    Brilliant webinar with some great resources for Polish genealogy research.

    Chock full of useful info-excellent. More please

    Contained wonderful and detailed information but too much to handle in one session. Definitely geared to the advanced student, which I am not.

    Definitely expanded my search possibilities! Many thanks/Dekuju




    excellent !!

    Excellent and tons of resources on a complicated subject. thank you!

    Excellent information and presentation.

    Excellent information and resources to help with (mostly confusing) Polish research. Kinga did a fabulous job! I am sure research will be a little easier now with this information.

    Excellent information on polish research

    Excellent information

    Knowledgeable presenter.

    Excellent information, clearly presented.

    Excellent information, concisely presented. Can’t wait to use the information in my Polish searches in the future.

    Excellent information. I now know how to start my research!

  3. Legacy Family Tree
    4 years ago

    Excellent Introduction.

    Excellent new sites that I was unaware of and great explanations for me to better use the ones I did know about

    excellent presentation

    Excellent presentation and well managed by our host. Thank you.

    Excellent presentation on some extensive information. I’m glad I can watch it again.

    Excellent presentation!

    Excellent presentation!

    Excellent presentation! Thank-you & Kinga so much! Looking forward to our next visit to Poland…and now with more info to guide us!

    Excellent presentation. I have been researching Polish records for many years and still gained useful tips and search locations.

    Excellent presentation. I’ve love to have Kinga come back and do more presentations about Poland. I would be particularly interested in research in the former Polish province of Wolyn (now in the Ukraine) and how to attempt research in that region.

    Excellent presentation. Very knowledgeable presenter, lots of useful information presented in an understandable way.

    Excellent speaker and excellent presentation!

    Excellent speaker, great content on researching my Polish ancestors!

    Excellent webinar. Very informative.

    Excellent webinar. I’m grateful for the rundown of websites, and the location of a Belarussan archive.

    Excellent, extremely impressive. One of the best quality Family Tree Webinars I have attended.

    Excellent. Please bring her back for another webinar!

    Extremely helpful. I did not know how to find any Polish databases/ websites to find my relatives. This will be an extremely helpful tool for me. thanks so much. glad I joined the webinar.

    Extremely Informative and helpful. Dziekuje Ci bardzo!

    Extremely knowledgeable & visuals plus rated. Kinga spoke well.

    Extremely well organized, good visuals and great explanations

    Fabulous info

    Fabulous webinar! So much information.


    Fabulously informative, well presented, and more information than I thought possible. Please have Kinga back again. She is brilliant!

    fantastic amount of useful information and ideas how to get started your polish ancestry research

    Fantastic number of resources covered. Excellent presenter and presentation!

    Fantastic presentation and tons of information.

    For me with POlish ancestry, this has been the most informative webinar ever!

    full marks Kinga!

    Full of great information!

    Glad I have the membership for Legacy. I will have to review this particular one over and over again! So much information to comprehend….

    Good content.

    Good info.

    Good stuff

    Great deal of relevant research information.

  4. Legacy Family Tree
    4 years ago

    great fun

    Great info!

    Great info!

    Great information on various sites to search !!

    Great information! Thank you!

    great information. Thank you.

    Great information. Well presented! Thanks!

    great job Kinga, Extremely helpful!!

    Great presentation! So many sources I didn’t know about. I’m excited to dig in!

    Great presentation. I liked that she did the walk through on finding a relative. Looks like a lot of wonderful resources in the syllabus.

    Great presentation. Kings obviously knows her Polish resources. Can’t wait to try them all!

    Great seminar

    The fact that she had words with translations was amazing. Hopefully one of her many recommended websites can get me into deeper research. Please have her back for another webinar. You might want to divide future webinars into time periods, or divide them into geographical regions. My family travelled East when they left that area centuries ago, for example.

    Great webinar. I learned so much and am eager to try some of the newly learned databases. The speaker’s slides were well organized and clear.

    great, thanks

    Happy to have the handout and list of Databases. Very interesting, i have a lot of work to do.

    Have her back again, so much good information on Poland,

    Have her back, show examples in Polish and covert to English.

    I am aware of most of the websites cited, but appreciated hearing of others sites, like Pomoran and Kashube.

    I am so glad I was able to attend this webinar. I see many of my brick walls crumbling. Thank you so much for all the links & info. Both sides of my family were from Poland.

    Please book Kinga again, she was a big help. Thanks Kinga.

    I appreciated the overview of the online databases and portals in Poland and learned about some new ones. I give presentations for the Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe and am familiar with many of them. My ancestors lived in Poland from before 1800 – WWII and moved from Prussia to Lubelskie and Volhynia, so I am familiar with researching records in German, Latin, Polish and Russian. Thank you for an excellent overview.

    I appreciated the website links and hands-on example. It would be helpful to know if one has to type in the POLISH with diacrylics in each of the search engines. THANKS!

    I cant wait to get on-line to search these sites as I’ve visited the archives in Poland and spent many hours getting the little I have now. I look forward to getting more information while staying at home-again my ancestry trail trip to Poland was cancelled in 2020, and probably 2021. I so miss those travels. Thank you so much.

    I got a lot of good information and am anxious to give it a try.

    I got so much information out of this webinar. I can’t wait to begin exploring. The presenter did a nice job giving a thorough overview.

    I had used 2-3 of the databases that Kinga discussed but always need a refresher. But the other databases I had not heard about so it was a fantastic webinar. Kinga is very knowledgeable.

    I learned a lot from this webinar. Thank you so much Kinga for all the useful information!

    I really love it when people can teach us how to use databases of interest from local communities. It would have taken me forever to find out all those helpful resources, let alone figure out how to use them. I also really appreciate that Kinga made the point multiple times to remind us to pay attention to the years of partition. I hope we can have Kinga back another time because I’d love to hear more about how to research the different religious and ethnic communities that made up Polish history.

    I thought Kinga was extremely well-prepared and presented all of her information in a logical and thoughtful manner. Her examples of how each website presented search results showed good fore-thought. I found the webinar FULL of information which was presented in an organized manner. She was easy to understand as was the information she presented. I was never bored – well done for an hour of facts! A really excellent webinar!

    I thought that Kinga presented lots of very practical information, that was easily understood.

    I was amazed to learn about the variety of databases that are available.

    I would like more. I’m especially interessted in Prussian records and then back from there. Today was great – thank you!


    I’m inspired, again, to try finding my grandmother’s birth record. Thank you!

    I’m still a beginner in Polish research, so this was a little over my head. I appreciated all of the links and look forward to exploring them.

    incredible amount of information

    Incredible! Thank you so much! So rare to have this wonderful learning opportunity!!!

    Information was excellent.

    Informative, well-presented and loads of resources given

    Interesting, but now realize not my ancestral connection.

  5. Legacy Family Tree
    4 years ago

    It provided great information for those doing Polish research.

    It was fabulous. Enjoyed it. Still so much to learn from 1 another.

    It was really good however not having much experience with speaking/listening to or even reading Polish it was hard to understand for me.

    Just starting research on the Polish part of my spouse’s family and this was EXCELLENT information.

    Kinga did a wonderful job! I even bought your membership

    Kinga did an amazing job with today’s webinar. I got a bunch of new resources to use in my Polish research.

    Kinga did an outstanding job of giving us many Polish databases to explore to find our relatives. Thank you!

    Kinga is a very good speaker , clear and informative. Her english is very good also. Please ask her for more webinars. Thank you for the webinars. Looking forward to the next ones.

    Kinga is fantastic! Great, informative and caring presentation. Please bring her back!

    Kinga needs to come back again!! I would love a webinar more about the partitioning era and how to locate those earlier records.

    Kinga provided much info that will greatly help in researching my Polish ancestors. Bring her back again !

    kinga Urbanska covered lots of databases in Poland that I was not even aware of their existence.

    Kinga was amazing! She presented so much information that really inspires me to dig! Thank you!!

    Kinga was clear, specific and picked useful websites.

    Kinga was fantastic and very brave to do a presentaton in a different language than her native one. She did a great job of it.

    Kinga went a bit fast, but she covered so much information about the sites available, it was worth. This was an excellent webinar!

    Kinga’s presentation was excellent. I had no idea that there were so many Polish databases available. The history of the partition was especially interesting.

    Kinga’s presentation was great. I don’t think I could have done as good of a job as she did if I tried to present information in Polish. Thanks Kinga.

    Kings was excellent. I took lots of notes. Very informative!

    Learned a lot!

    Learned a lot. Maybe my brick walls will come down on some research. I never knew there was so many web sites available with online records. Now, need to find time to continue research.

    learned so much! hope to break down my brick walls …

    Lots and lots of very good info!

    Lots of good links to search Polish records – and how to do it!

    Lots of great info. A little overwhelming for someone who is a somewhat of a newbie to Polish research.

    Lots of Great information

    Lots of info to cover in short time. I have been doing Polish research for over 30 years, but she had a couple resources I did not know of…..the military one and the one Genealogy in Archived… both of which may be useful to me.

    Lots of info! Congrats on her English

    Lots of info

    Lots of information covered in a short amount ot time.

    Lots of information. I find it incredible to be in Australia listening to a speaker in Poland being hosted by an MC in Massachusetts

    Lots of new places to investigate with my research; Kinga mentioned many sites I had not heard about. Very extensive.

    Mention great resources to use and how to use them thanks

    Need more Polish webinars.

    Now I can find out a lot more about my Polish relatives. Thank you so much.

    Oh my! This was the most informative webinar ever. I have not known where to start to find my Polish ancestors and now I do! Thanks so much.

    Outstanding information, expertly presented in organized, concise fashion. ‘Looking forward to seeing it again to recapture all the applicable information. Thank you!

    Outstanding introduction to doing Polish genealogy from the United States. If only I’d been able to watch this webinar back in the late 1980s, when I began trying to identify the family of my Polish grandmother, whose maiden surname was unknown to her descendants! The information in this webinar would have saved me months of work climbing the very steep learning curve that beginning Polish research involved back then. BTW, I did succeed in identifying her family, their home village, and ancestors.

    Outstanding presentation by Kinga Urbanska. Webinar was very well run by the manager. Thank you so much!!!!!!

    Outstanding presentation. Bring her back!!

    Overall, it was quite good. However, it mainly was a list of websites and some were complicated. I was hoping she could have showed us how to use them. She started with one example which was terrific. But then we didn’t get that same treatment as the webinar progressed.

  6. Legacy Family Tree
    4 years ago

    Please provide more webinars of Polish history and records

    Presentation was very clear, easy to follow and informative

    REally great source of information. Whole new universe opened up!Thank you very much

    She did a get job with English being a second language. very informative.

    she did very well, looking forward to more webinars by her.

    She is a very good presenter and her demonstration methods made it very easy to follow. The best presentation on Polish genealogy I have ever attended.

    She was a terrific knowledgeable presenter.

    she was very hard to understand.

    She was well spoken and the information was well laid out.

    SO excellent to get the information from someone right in Poland!

    So glad to see this topic covered by a Polish native!

    So informative and well presented–thanks to all who put this webinar together. Learned so much!

    So informative…wonderful

    So many details I am eager to try. Used a 2nd computer to access sites as the were discussed.

    So many new places to look. Well explained and very knowledgeable presenter

    Speaker was well prepared. Handout is very usable. Kudos to Kinga for the fabulous presentation!

    Thank you Kinga Urbanska for presenting on Legacy Family Tree Webinars! This is on my top 5 list of webinars anywhere. I highly recommend this webinar if your ancestors lived in Poland, regardless of their ethnic origins.

    Thank you Kinga, you gave me a lot of information that should give me lots of my family history in Poland. Thank You

    Thank you so much!

    Thank you so very much for lots of helpful information

    Thank you, Kinga, for your amazing info – so helpful! And thank you Marian for hosting!

    The best webinar I’ve attended about Polish genealogy and the handout is fabulous. Hope Kinga comes back again.

    The focus was more on Polish records and my interest is in Prussian records. She was doing a good job but not in my interest area.

    The sound was difficult at times. But the information was great! I’m enthused to go back to working on Polish ancestors after I had given up! Thanks for giving us a week to re-listen to the broadcast.

    The webinar was great. I have been using the main Polish websites for a while and didn’t know about a number of the specialized websites. Nice. Grateful you helped solve the sound problem that started at the first.

    The webinar was very thorough and helpful considering the subjects covered in a short time. I thought Kinga was extremely generous to offer to answer all questions directed to her via her website. I will take advantage of her offer!

    This was a wonderful webinar presentation from Kinga who obviously knows her subject and had to do it in a second language, She had an excellent handout and made the websites as English oriented as she could. Marion had kind words for her throughout! Anyone with Polish ancestors or assisting those with them, benefitted from this seminar. Time well spent!

    This was excellent. Very informative and helpful in my Polish research. Thank you

    This was extremely helpful. I feel like I was looking online in the dark before, but now I can really delve into my husband’s family, and my brother-in-law’s family. Thank you very much!

    This was fantastic! She gave some web sites I didn’t know about. Hope they will help me with my brick wall. I have to watch it again, and I already shared it with friends. Thank you for hosting this webinar.

    This was great. Sometimes a little hard to follow with her accent but still lots of good info.

    This was the most lucid and informative talk I’ve heard on the subject

  7. Legacy Family Tree
    4 years ago

    Useful information presented. Would love to see more webinars relating to Polish Genealogy. Kinga was excellent.

    Very clear and informative.

    Very excellent presentation!

    Very good info from a Polish speaker.

    Very good information provided, well suited for an English speaking audience. Hope the speaker can return to provide more specific talks on researching in Poland.

    very good information; is there any chance that there could be a follow up re immigration to England &/or Australia especially looking at early 1800’s?

    very good list of resources and what is available.

    very good lots of sites to check

    Very good to have a Polish genealogist to give a tremendous amount of useful information.

    Very good webinar. I learned of some valuable databases to use.

    very good!!!

    Very happy to learn of so many resources.

    very helpful

    Very helpful for some key Polish databases to help in researching my husband’s Polish German ancestors.

    very informative

    Very Informative

    Very informative

    Very informative and educational.

    Very informative and well done!

    Very informative speaker, online resources I was not familiar with, very detailed presentation. Could not have been better!

    Very informative.

    Very informative. Even as an intermediate + researcher I learned of a number of sources I was unfamiliar with.

    Very informative. Happy to learn about different websites for research

    Very informative…well presented…good useful information.

    Very interesting as my husband’s paternal side is from Pozen, Poland. Lots to explore! Thank you for having this one.

    Very interesting to learn about Polish ancestry resources from somebody from/in Poland who is very knowledgeable in genealogical research.

    Very useful information by a knowledgeable expert. Very appreciative!

    Very valuable information was presented, several websites were discussed that I was not aware of. Kinga did an outstanding job and I’d like to see her doing more webinars to dig deeper into Polish research.

    Very very good webinar and I don’t do Polish genealogy.

    Very well done and thank you for the wonderful coupon for membership.

    Very well done.

    very well done; both by moderator and presenter.

    was very informative she spoke very understandable english. i did have a problem with the sound but some how it corrected thank you for a great program

    well done

    Well done! Dziękuję, Kinga!

    Well done.

    Well organized presentation. I will view it again to make sure I can use all of it.

    Wonderful information from a local expert to the topic!

    Wonderful informative webinar!

    Wonderful job of presenting and with such good basic information for research in a foreign country! I love her accent! Her command of English, including phrasing that I would not expect to be used by a non-native speaker, is exceptional. Please have her back for more!

    Wonderful presentation

    Wonderful resources and things that I wasn’t aware of in spite of years of trying to research my ancestors who were of Polish descent. Thank you, Kinga!

    Wonderful resources!

    Wonderful webinar on Polish genealogy.

    Wonderful. Thank you for all the information and for explaining each site so well.

    Wonderfully informative!

    Wow! Tons of information! I can’t wait to start my research.

    Wow, so much to absorb

    My husband is 100% polish. All 4 grandparents came from Poland/ukraine. His parents took 10 trips to Poland during communistic rule. We accompanied them 3 times during those trips. Oh the stories we have !


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