One Touch Genealogy Research: How to Handle a Record Just Once

Thomas MacEntee
Apr 2, 2019
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Play. Playing.
1m 20s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 26s
Play. Playing.
6m 29s
Play. Playing.
Research Toolbox
7m 40s
Play. Playing.
To Do List
2m 48s
Play. Playing.
1m 33s
Play. Playing.
Image Capturing
2m 14s
Play. Playing.
Notes and Reminders
Play. Playing.
Quick Quality Research
20m 20s
Play. Playing.
Tips and Tricks
2m 55s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
13m 09s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
6m 31s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
18m 47s

About this webinar

Do you get so excited when you find a new record for an ancestor that you forget to collect the information you need? Does that record shine and glitter so brightly that you are blinded to other vital clues you might need? Learn the “One Pass” approach to genealogy research and never get distracted again! Participants will learn the best way to extract as much information as possible from a genealogy record on the first pass! We’ll cover how to save and name record images, how to transcribe and extract information, how to create a quick source citation, and how to make sure you can find the record in the future.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Thomas MacEntee is a guy with a love of punk rock music but also art history who somehow “fell” into the technology industry years ago. He left a lucrative tech career to pursue his love of family history and genealogy. Technology and historical r
Learn more...

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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    6 years ago

    A fast hour – very interesting and enjoyable. I learned a lot.

    A lot of great information.

    A lot of great tips and reminders on organizing and staying focused.

    A sound webinar with solid reminders to do the things I heard Thomas tell me before.

    All of Thomas’ presentations are great! Thank you both! : )

    Always learn something new from Thomas. Thanks!

    Always love Thomas. His voice is so calming and so much info!

    Always pick up tidbits from Thomas. I’d love to spend a week w him, and take advantage of his experiences, and be mentored! A Genealogy Boot Camp!!

    Amazing amount of information. Loved it and will look at the video again and again. Thank you

    Another excellent webinar from Thomas MacEntee – full of useful tips and techniques.

    Another excellent webinar from Thomas!

    As always, learning with Thomas is a treat!

    As always, Thomas is wonderful.

    As always, Tom’s presentation has me so wired that I may be up all night practicing what he has preached!

    As usual, Thomas gave us a lot of info in a very short time! Will be checking this out again.

    As usual, Thomas was full of practical advice and insights for working efficiently

    Awesome information, rather overwhelming. I’m so unfamiliar with computer uses it’s not funny. I hope to try hard to implement as much of this as possible. I do confess to relying a LOT on paper. Half the time if I do save something on the computer I either can’t find it or it gives me some kind of error message when I try to open it and I have no idea where to go from there. Anyway, excellent webinar! Thanks!!


    Beautifully presented, clear explanations for beginners, good reviews for more experienced folks

    Clear explanations and good tips, thanks!

    dealing with a modern census record is the easiest type of “handle the document once.” I wish he had spoken about how he handles documents where he doesn’t know until writing the report what parts of the information in the document he will need to include.

    definitely a good beginners video.

    Enjoyed learning what I can do to improve my efficiency in my genealogy research! I would like to learn more about Thomas’s research log.

    Excellent and enjoyable presentation. Tons of helpful hints!

    Excellent as always

    Excellent as always. I learn something new with every MacEntee presentation

    Excellent as usual – now to remember all the new tips and tricks;-))))

    Excellent being with Thomas, he’s very entertaining as well knowledgeable

    Excellent content, and Thomas’s voice was clear and he talked at a good speed – not moving along too fast which makes it possible to take it all in and also write a note here and there.

    Excellent presentation….


    excellent, learnt heaps.

    Excellent, as always! Thomas does a great job relating to his audience. Really enjoyed it. Thank you!

    Excellent. Especially like the hints on spreadsheets and saving data.

    Excellent. Lots of great tips!

    Excellent. Thomas MacEntee is one of my favourite presenters.

    Excellent. Thanks Thomas

    xquisite information and tips!

    Fairly basic, but a few good points

    Fantastic. I thought i was organized but Thomas has made me realize I have a lot to do. His tools for efficiency will be so helpful. Ever Note and One Note were new. The Excel spread sheet for my ancestors is great, but it will probably take me years to put them all in there. Thank you Thomas.

    Going to have to make Thomas MacEntee’s webinars “appointment viewing”

    Good info about documenting



    great as usual so many helpful little tricks

    Great examples and hints!

    Great ideas about becoming more efficient and disciplined. Learned many Ancestry tips, plus ideas about using Excel. Thanks.

    Great info

    Great information to cite sources

    Great presentation, as always from Thomas MacEntee. Always learn lots and he explains steps very well in addition to showing us how. Would like more information from him about how he organizes his genealogy on his computer. Thank you.

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    6 years ago

    Great seminar. Learned a lot. Still need the syllabus. Will look for it.

    Great thanks!

    Great tips, learned lots!

    Great Webinar and full of very useful information. Enjoyed every minute.

    Great Webinar with lots of useful hints and links. I look forward to watching again

    Great webinar! Thank you.

    Great webinar, great presenter, great information.

    Great webinar. So much info and thanks for making our life easier

    I always enjoy and learn a lot from Thomas MacEntee webinars. Thanks!

    I ALWAYS learn something new from Thomas!

    I have alot to learn!!

    I just LOVE Thomas and his webinars!!! I always learn so much!!! If only I could retain everything! Getting old is not for sissies!

    I learned a few things about the 1940 census (like who gave the information to the enumerator, and the extra info to click on from ancestry). I started on microfilm at the National Archives in San Bruno, California in the early to mid 1990’s. I still have lots of paper copies of census from the Archives.

    I learned a few things that I didn’t know. I have just started going back and adding the citation notes on the papers I have. I am not very tech savvy, so I keep paper records and save on my computer. Thank you for the webinar.

    I learned alot…he explains and demonstrats basic and easy directions I will need to review this again…thanks

    I learned so much today. I will need to get the handout and be able to review the video so much information blew my mind

    I learned soooo much from this webinar. Thank you to Thomas.

    I picked up some tips that I will surely use.

    I really appreciated the analysis on the 1940 census.

    I really enjoy Thomas’ practical attitude and emphasis on being efficient. I definitely need to work on this, but have been trying to be better about. I appreciate his willingness to show us his methodology and explain his rationale behind his choices. It’s very helpful in helping me figure out what aspect to pay attention to as I try to figure out what works best for me. I also appreciate his levity. Genealogy is FUN and it’s nice to have fun while we learn.

    I will now rethink my to do list. Good points that Thomas made. Well worth the viewing.

    I wish there was a 10… 5 is too low for this webinar!! Thomas always makes it look so easy!!! I’ll probably watch it again!!

    I would like to have a list of the column headers on the spreadsheet that Thomas was showing us. The information was great!

  3. Legacy Family Tree
    6 years ago

    I would rate this webinar as beginner but I did pick up a few pointers especially about using Excel which I am just beginning to teach myself. So as always, Thomas gives wonderful hints about all kinds of things.

    I’m glad I can watch it again to glean out each tidbit until I remember it on my own. Thx

    Inspired to get more organized with my to-do list.

    It helped me see where I waste time working with documents. Thank you.

    It was amazing as expected! So much information beyond the topic. Thanks

    It was great!

    It was my first one and I loved it.

    I’ve been doing genealogy since 1992 and still learned a few nuggets. Thomas lays things out in a very easy to understand format and takes the time to explain his methods. Thank you.

    Learn some valuable information..

    learned about several programs and Excel tips

    Learned lots of new things and brushed up on some old. With laughter!!

    Learning from Thomas MacEntee is always great. Thank you.

    Liked some of the tips…alrady familiar with 1940 census

    Lots of good advice and recommendations for other apps and programs. Thank you.

    Lots of good information as usual.

    Lots of great information and will need to watch again to take it all in.

    lots of ideas, and things to try. now where do i find the time

    Love just listening to Thomas talk (he’d make a great counselor with that voice), but get to learn really good, useful stuff, too!

    loved the tips

    Loved the webinar, so much information to take in and good questions at the end with even more tips and tricks!

    Many useful ideas. Issues I hadn’t even thought about.

    My first webinar with Thomas MacEntee. It was great!

    need to watch it again and hope the additional information is included

    Never disappointed when Thomas does a webinar. Highly informative, interesting, and always has lots of helpful hints and shortcuts for doing genealogy. Great webinar, needs rated higher than 5!

    Once again lots of info&tips. Many thanks. Very grateful. Would appreciate a hard copy of the discussion so that I can save the main info for me into my Follow up files especially software suggestions & ideas. OR just transfer Thomas”s Brain onto a LARGE USB stick (sort of like in MATRIX) for us to access whenever we want.?????”

    OUTSTANDING! Love listening to Thomas!

    presentation, show and lecture – interesting and nice

    Really appreciate that Thomas attacks the subject in a pragmatic way. His webinars are not just a restatement of the Genealogical Proof Standard.

    Received some good tips —


    Simply outstanding—always the case with Thomas! The resources and tips are great. I will definitely check out the additional tools he mentioned.

    so informative. Particularly liked the to-do list and not getting distracted by BSO’s. I actually DO have a cousin who sends me shiny objects almost everyday – I go running off in that direction and by the end of the day, I’m exhausted and angry at myself for not securing the information I planned to get for that day. I end up confused with my own research! I have stray pieces of paper all over my desk! argh! So this webinar was particularly helpful for me. Thanks! You may have changed my genealogy life! Ha

    So many helpful ideas. I can do this!

    So much excellent inormation. I will listen again.

    Some good information, especially for beginners. I was hoping for a more detailed approach, similar to what he showed in his Excel research notes.

    Some review for me as I’m an experience Excel user, but appreciated the hints & tips along the way. Good idea about having a way to log the distractions. Thanks Geoff & Thomas.

    Some useful tips for time management, census records, and Excel.

    Some very good information, which I will use in an upcoming genealogy trip out-of-state. The “extras” were also quite appreciated. I’m going to check out what sessions he has at the OGS conference and try to catch one of them – very good speaker!

    Super as usual! Thanks.

    Super program with fine explanations of the material along with explaining abbreviationgs like BSO, and various website attributes. Thank you. These free webinars do lead to further purchases at times. Thank you again.

    Terrific!!! Thanks Thomas.


    Thank you for all the computer tips. However, I’ll have to watch it again to really understand how to use them since I never use computers in my work or learned how to use them in school. I am taking classes at my local Senior Center and have learned so much and can now understand what Thomas is trying to show us, but, I’m definitely not as fast as he is!

    Thank you for Thomas MacEntee and his great interest in sharing his knowledge, skills, tip and tricks. Always a terrific webinar!

  4. Legacy Family Tree
    6 years ago

    Thanks Thomas!!! Great webinar!


    That was wonderful. So meaningful, easy to follow and simple. Thanks Thomas.

    This was one of the most informative webinars I’ve heard. Very clear passing of information. This area was a constant issue for me. THANK YOU!

    Thomas always gives me better ways to do things – and tips!

    Thomas always has awesome webinars!

    Thomas always has the best and most useful information. Always enjoy his webinars.

    Thomas does his normal wonderful job — so much info that I’m sure I’ll replay it. Thanks!

    Thomas gave some wonderful suggestions to make sure to use a good citation for each document. I really appreciate his excellent tips on Evernote. This is new to me. He helped me with Excel on various info on spreadsheets. Thank you so much.

    Thomas handles subjects in a very practical manner — things that all of us can do

    Thomas has never given a bad presentation! Very informative webinar. Thanks.

    Thomas is a wealth of information. His presentations are always excellent. I try to never miss one.

    Thomas is a wonderful speaker.

    Thomas is always entertaining while teaching us something. I am looking forward to seeing him at the NW Genealogy Conference in August in Arlington, Washington.

    Thomas is always terrific!

    Thomas is an excellent presenter. My husband even recognized Thomas’s voice from the other room! woohoo!

    Thomas is engaging and informative. His presentations are interesting and value added.

    Thomas is excellent as always!

    Thomas is the absolute best! This is so amazing! Thank you.

    Thomas is the best at making fabulous research methods easy to understand.


    Thomas MacEntee is a rock star!!!!!!!

    Thomas MacEntee spoke very clearly, easy to follow, and very understandable. We really enjoyed this webinar. Thank you!!!

    Thomas MacEntee’s exceptional. Great information, always entertaining.

    Thomas McEntee’s webinars always have great content and explanations. Thank you!

    Thomas presented interesting information.

    Thank you Geoff

    Thomas was excellent as always

    Thomas was very enlightening- great process and I appreciated all the tips and tricks.

    Thomas’ webinars are always info-packed. I’ll watch anything he presents. Thanks for having him teach frequently!

    Tons of great information. Thanks!

    Tons of information, looking forward to viewing it a second time.

    very basic great webinar. easy to follow along. Thanks Geoff and Thomas!

    Very enjoyable. Learn new ways to organize genealogical records. Thanks

    very good and useful information.

    very informative and enjoyable – well presented and easy to listen to — Thank You

    Very informative!

    Very informative!

    very informative, one of the best, question left is just what to record from a each kind of record.

    Very informative.

    very knowledgeable — thorough, doesn’t get sidetracked. Easy to listen to and follow along with what he is explaining.

    Very practical webinar for everyone – and doing this live is helpful, seeing how Thomas works through the process, naming patterns, etc. Much appreciated!!

    Very useful and informative

    Very useful information, well presented and described. Thomas is a treasure.

    Very useful presentation as usual.

    Very useful, especially the tips and tricks. Thank you!

    Well paced and very informative. Thank you!

    Well presented and a lot of useful information given. Keep up the good work!

    What can be said???? It’s THOMAS!! Amazing and so much helpful info!!

    Wonderful and informative Webinar!! Thank you!

    Wonderful information – even though we don’t have Census records in Australia (or at least not the way UK US does) the presentation info is completely transferable to other sources. It’s wonderful having the opportunity to participate “”live””.


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