Googling with Geoff

Geoff Rasmussen
Jan 31, 2015
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Play. Playing.
3m 39s
Play. Playing.
29m 42s
Play. Playing.
15m 25s
Play. Playing.
4m 09s
Play. Playing.
Google Earth
8m 29s
Play. Playing.
Google Alerts
4m 19s
Play. Playing.
Customized Google Searches
3m 07s

About this webinar

Join's host and Legacy Family Tree developer, Geoff Rasmussen, as he presents "Googling with Geoff" to a live audience in Whittier, California. Geoff will teach about a variety of tools including:

  • Google's Picasa, facial recognition, and syncing with the cloud 
  • Using an email that will last
  • Google Alerts
  • Customized Google Searches
  • Google Earth
While waiting for his airplane en route to Los Angeles, Geoff had the idea to share his in-person class with the rest of the world. Fun for the live seminar audience – they'll get to see the behind-the-scenes of hosting a live webinar. Fun for the webinar audience – they'll get to join one of the classes of the annual Whittier Area Genealogical Society seminar from the comfort of their home.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Geoffrey D. Rasmussen is the father of four budding genealogists. He graduated with a degree in Genealogy and Family History from Brigham Young University and has served as director and vice-president of the Utah Genealogical Association. He is th
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