Formulating a DNA Testing Plan

Blaine Bettinger, Ph.D., J.D.
Mar 28, 2018
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Play. Playing.
3m 49s
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Speaker's Introduction
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4m 11s
Play. Playing.
What Test to Take?
14m 42s
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Where Should I Test?
16m 19s
Play. Playing.
Who Should I Test?
23m 01s
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Announcements / prizes
10m 03s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
16m 49s

About this webinar

DNA testing can be expensive, but DNA evidence is a component of exhaustive research when it is available. Identify some of the ways you can minimize costs while maximizing results by formulating a DNA testing plan early in your (or your client’s) research.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Blaine Bettinger, Ph.D., J.D., is a professional genealogist specializing in DNA evidence. In 2007 he started The Genetic Genealogist (,
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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    7 years ago


    Most useful info ever.

    One of the BEST!!

    Outstanding beginning DNA lecture. Would love more advanced DNA presentations.

    Outstanding!! Clearly articulated concepts and considerations for developing one’s own DNA testing plan. Well developed explanation that no single testing plan fits all situations.

    Outstanding, as always!

    Perhaps Blaine’s best!

    Programs with Blaine Bettinger are always well organized, informative, and insightful.

    Really good!

    Really learned a lot on which company to do my testing, thank you

    Simply excellent!

    So much food for thought!

    Super webminar. thanks to Blaine and Marian!

    Terrific explanation of types of DNA tests, DNA test companies, what family members to test for DNA. Very complete handout also.

    Thank you for the very helpful webinar!

    Thanks for the great information about the different tests and testing companies!

    Thanks. Great info… helped to sort out some of the tangled web of DNA testing.

    That one Needs more stars! fantastic webinar and fantastic info

    The concept of testing vertically first then horizontally is useful.

    this topic came along just when I needed it. Thanks

    This was so helpful for me. I always get a lot out of seeing how researchers approach and develop a particular strategy. Thank you!

    Valuable webinar. Thank you!!!

    very interesting, but the whole subject can be confusing when you have few known relatives.

    Very clear and easy to follow! Now I have to get at the few remaining vertical generations!

    Very good, the best and clearest author on this subject.

    Very helpful presentation of information and handout on a complicated subject.

    very helpful to understand who might be good choices to request testing. Thank you. very informative.

    “Very, very interesting and helpful webinar!

    Thank you!”

    Wow – Blaine is such an engaging speaker. Learned lots – thank you so much!

    Wow, he makes DNA so easy to understand. Great class

    WOW. This is yet another one I’ll have to watch several times to absorb everything!!!!

    You’ve confirmed that the tests I’ve done (or had done) were wise choices, but that I really need to get my eldest cousin’s test done ASAP! You’ve also given me great info on how the transfers work. I’ll work on that next (and watch your other webinars). Thank you!

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    7 years ago

    Fantastic webinar with much to think about with regard to my testing plan for my relatives.

    Good basic info about DNA.

    Great explanation for making a plan.

    Great overview of strategy for who to test. Might even be helpful in your organization of DNA webinars to note – this answers some of the WHO and WHERE questions!

    Great presenter and interesting topic.

    Great session.

    Great slides to explain. Nice to have examples. Thanks!

    Great webinar on formulating a DNA testing plan.

    Great webinar which clarifies who to test.

    Great webinar. Answered a lot of questions I had. Plus gave links to further information. Good job.

    Great! Very easy to follow!

    Great. Always love Blaine’s webinars. Great speaker and wonderful information.

    He does a great job of explaining a complicated subject.

    He makes the subject of DNA so simple and easy to understand

    Helped to think about a plan to use for breaking through brick walls from adoption, illegitimacy, and lost generations who left little to no paper trail.

    Hooray for Blaine. He presented at a level that I could understand!

    I always know that I do not want to miss even a second of one of Blaine Bettinger’s presentations. More, more, more please…..

    I always learn something in Blaine’s webinars–this time I finally “got” the concept of a genetic family tree. Thanks.

    Lots of new stuff learned today. Didn’t realize the importance of 1st cousins and even more so 2nd cousins! Didn’t know that Family Tree DNA actually stores your sample and you can upgrade it later! Thanks for all the new info!


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