Advanced Autosomal DNA Techniques used in Genetic Genealogy

Tim Janzen
Oct 29, 2017
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Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 24s
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1m 16s
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Traingulated Groups
8m 12s
Play. Playing.
Chromosome Mapping
13m 33s
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Before You Start Mapping
14m 11s
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Visual Phasing
12m 25s
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Questions / answers
9m 33s

About this webinar

This presentation will introduce some advanced techniques used by genetic genealogists including the use of triangulated groups, chromosome mapping, visual phasing, and phasing. Triangulated groups are clusters of matches who all share the same DNA segment and therefore all descend from a common ancestor. All serious genetic genealogists organize their matches into triangulated groups and then look for the shared ancestor common to everyone in each triangulated group. Chromosome mapping is the process of determining which portions of your DNA came from which ancestors and/or which geographic region or population. Chromosome mapping is essential to genetic genealogists. It allows you to focus your attention on a portion of your pedigree chart when you search for a shared ancestor with a match who shares a segment of DNA with you that you have mapped to a specific ancestor. Visual phasing is a powerful technique that helps you refine your chromosome maps if you have autosomal DNA test results from 3 or more siblings.
This class will be broadcast live from MyHeritage headquarters in Or Yehuda, Israel as part of the MyHeritage One-Day Genealogy Seminar.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Tim Janzen is a family practice doctor at South Tabor Family Physicians in Portland, Oregon. He has had an interest in genealogical research for over 35 years and has particularly been involved in Mennonite genealogical research for the past 20 ye
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