Tim Janzen

Tim Janzen is a family practice doctor at South Tabor Family Physicians in Portland, Oregon. He has had an interest in genealogical research for over 35 years and has particularly been involved in Mennonite genealogical research for the past 20 years. For the past 13 years Tim has been using DNA analysis to help complement traditional genealogical research. Glenn Penner and he are the co-administrators of the Mennonite DNA project at www.mennonitedna.com. Tim has a strong interest in many areas of genetic genealogy, particularly in regards to phasing and autosomal DNA analysis. He is a consultant to many genetics company companies regarding their features related to autosomal DNA. Tim helps lead the advanced genetic genealogy classes in Portland, Oregon for the local ISOGG group and has given many presentations at genealogy conferences about genetic genealogy

Tim's Webinars (2)