50 More Websites Every Genealogist Should Know

Gena Philibert-Ortega
Jul 22, 2020
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Play. Playing.
3m 02s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 32s
Play. Playing.
1m 23s
Play. Playing.
Genealogy Databases
2m 51s
Play. Playing.
Social Media
8m 35s
Play. Playing.
3m 29s
Play. Playing.
4m 52s
Play. Playing.
Digital Collections
13m 23s
Play. Playing.
1m 39s
Play. Playing.
3m 35s
Play. Playing.
Digitized Books
6m 01s
Play. Playing.
Wikis and Encyclopedias
5m 57s
Play. Playing.
6m 26s
Play. Playing.
1m 07s
Play. Playing.
5m 29s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
7m 16s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
7m 06s

About this webinar

We are so lucky to live at a time when we have a wealth of information at our fingertips. Previously Gena explored 50 websites you should know so now it’s time for 50 more! And these aren’t just the same old, same old websites. Let’s take our research around the world and explore more websites that are vital for the family historian.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Gena Philibert-Ortega is an author, researcher, and instructor whose focus is genealogy, social and women’s history. She holds a Master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies (Psychology and Women’s Studies) and a Master’s degree in Rel
Learn more...

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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    a lot of valuable info


    Absolutely fabulous!! Some new and interesting (and undoubtedly useful) resources to explore. Thank you, Gena . . . . and thank you Legacy.

    always enjoy Gena’s presentations; she is knowledgeable and friendly

    Always excellent information from Gena

    Amazing! Gena Philibert-Ortega never ceases to amaze me! She is also an amazing teacher!

    As a non-member, had to write fast!

    Awesome presenter.

    Awesome…so much information to help me

    Enjoyed Gena’s presentation. Very informative for both new & older genealogists. Thanks

    enjoyed it !


    EXCELLENT as always

    Excellent information and love the new webinar format

    Excellent information; excellent presentation.

    Excellent list of resources!

    Excellent presentation !

    Excellent Speaker!!!

    Excellent syllabus and review of the various website. Thanks again for an excellent webinar!


    Excellent! Thank you!


    Excellent. So many resources!

    Extensive list!

    Extremely informative! Thanks


    FABULOUS! I will have to watch this over and over again and make it a must use for research site suggestions/reminders. Thank you for providing the absolute best webinars that cover almost every genealogical topic. I would like more on Native American research and Asian American research. I’m positive that your library of presenters would give us the most well-rounded and comprehensive presentations.

    Fantastic as always. Gena makes it sound so easy that time flew by!

    Fantastic! Thank you so much, so much to learn about.

    Fantastic, easy to follow. I loved it!

    Fast, Furious & Superior. Thank you.

    Gena is always a great presenter.

    Gena is incredibly knowledgeable. This handout is a great tool all by itself, for organizing sites to use. Thanks very much.

    Gena is so easy to listen to, very, very informative. I plan on checking out her other webinars. Thanks for a great webinar today.

    Gena knows her material and presents in a logical and organized manner. Very upbeat. Thanks

    Gena was excellent as always!!

    GREAT !!!! Now for the time to try some of them out ……

    Great handout for wonderful resources! Thanks!!

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    Great ideas! I will use many of these websites. Thank you for doing all the work to share with us.

    Great information!

    great information. May have to become a member so I can get the syllabus!

    Great presentation

    Great sources. Suggestion–allow purchase of individual handouts for non-members

    Great to learn about new web sites for doing family history and research.

    Great webinar by Gena, as always. Thanks so much for these wonderful webinars and keeping us sane during these crazy times – & I second the comment that Geoff read near the end.

    Great webinar!

    Great webinar!! I also really like the new software you used to project the webinar. The picture seems to be clearer and larger, and the format is more eye appealing. Use it more often.

    Great websites / Loads of information


    Happy to learn about so many new resources.

    Hard to match notes and lecture.

    I always love to attend Gina’s webinars have seen her at society meetings in the past at NSDCGS.

    I got on very late, but the part that I heard was very interesting.

    I learned many useful leads to my research. Thank you.

    I really needed this. Thanks so much for all the helpful hints.

    I thought this might be too boring subject but it was not. I never have attended a webinar that went so fast! Very good presenter.

    I’m amazed at what Gena knows and that I don’t know about useful websites. I will be busy for awhile checking these sites out. Many thanks!

    interesting, information

    Interesting. More new sites to visit and collective information.

    It was very informative. I look forward to checking out a number of the sites she mentioned.

    It was wonderful. Lots of new sites to look at and explore. Gena is always a great speaker to listen to!

    learned a lot about some of the many websites we can go to for genealogy information

    Learned a lot!

    Learned about a lot of places

    Learned so many new websites to check out. The webinar was very interesting and helpful!!

    Like drinking from a fire hose!

    Lots of great ideas that will keep me busy looking for that break through.

    loved it cannot wait to see the syllabus and chat log.

    Loved this one. Very useful information. Thanks

    Really good; fast note taking required. Exactly info I need as I graduate from Ancestry.com. My 1st time; recommended by my friend Judy Griebel.

    So many new sites to use….

  3. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    So many new websites I’d never heard of!

    So much more research to do. lol

    Sooooooo many new places to research. This was great. Thank you

    Super informative, well presented, interesting, motivational. Thanks so much!

    Ten plus…soooooo good

    Terrific information for helping my research.

    Terrific! Lots of information, well explained and useful!

    The expertise is unmatched.

    This my first Legacy webinar; I just downloaded the software and am trying to get started.

    This was a great webinar. I haven’t gained so much from a Webinar in two years. I look forward to hearing from Gena again.

    This was an incredibly helpful session. Thanks Gena for all the great, well organized information! Will be reviewing again (and probably again)

    This was great info! The question about how to find sites like Gena presented was also very helpful.

    This webinar was amazing! I learned so much. Can’t wait to put into action! Thank you for your time Gena!

    This webinar was fantastic. So many sites to investigate. Excellent presenter and presentation.

    tons of data! great presenter!

    Tons of resources! It will take me the rest of the year to access and view the sites that I marked off on my syllabus!

    totally enjoyed the content and inclusion of Canadian content

    Very helpful info.

    very informative

    Very informative

    Very informative and helpful.

    Very informative!

    Very informative!

    Very informative, The webinars are definitely worth the price of a subscription.

    Very informative, love her webinars

    Very informative. Thank you.

    very informative–especially the Canadian info.

    Very interesting and useful information

    very interesting to hear about the other non-typical websites


    Well organized and very informative!!

    Well paced, clear, concise. Excellent resources. Well done.

    Well prepared

    Wonderful list of websites to check out. Now if only I had the time to go through them all! I may just join just for the syllabus. 😉

    Wonderful webinar, came at the perfect time as I was looking for new avenues to research.

    Wow, so many great websites. Just the fact that Gena has discovered them shortens my own research time considerably as well as opening up new avenues to me. Bravo!

    Wow, so many websites I didn’t know about before this webinar. As someone commented – we’ll all be busy for months now (HUGE smiley face).


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