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Historical Records

Watch webinars that focus on specific record categories including adoption, vital records, cemetery records, census records, city directories, immigration records, newspapers and more for locations around the world.

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Analyzing Deeds & Wills: I See What It Says—but What Does It Mean?!
Legalese. Boilerplate. Obsolete laws. Ancestral idiosyncrasies. The documents our ancestors created are full of such traps. This session uses two typical documents from different regions to illustrate, line by line, how to sort chaff from wheat, interpret deceptive language, and develop clues.
Legalese. Boilerplate. Obsolete laws. Ancestral idiosyncrasies. The documents our ancestors created are full of such traps. This session uses two typical documents from different regions to illustrate, line by line, how to sort chaff from wheat, interpret deceptive language, and develop clues.
Fri, August 23 2024: 18:00 UTC
Connecting Generations through Probate and Property
Genealogical research involves identifying ancestors, linking them to family members, and then connecting them to the previous generation: sons and daughters to fathers and mothers. As our research moves back in time, particularly once we’ve gotten to the 19th century, connecting one generation to the previous generation becomes more difficult. Vital records expressly stating a parent-child relationship are rare. Consequently, to establish kinship we must broaden our research approach. Using case studies, Teri will demonstrate how to use probate and property records to identify family members and connect them to their ancestors.
Genealogical research involves identifying ancestors, linking them to family members, and then connecting them to the previous generation: sons and daughters to fathers and mothers. As our research moves back in time, particularly once we’ve gotten to the 19th century, connecting one generation to the previous generation becomes more difficult. Vital records expressly stating a parent-child relationship are rare. Consequently, to establish kinship we must broaden our research approach. Using case studies, Teri will demonstrate how to use probate and property records to identify family members and connect them to their ancestors.
Fri, September 1 2023: 14:15 UTC
No Will? No Problem!
Anything handled by a court of law is lengthy, and that is good for genealogical research. Documents containing information about a death date, relationships, personal and/or real property, and place of residence are common in intestate files. Learn about the court process from first petition to final discharge, and picture…
Anything handled by a court of law is lengthy, and that is good for genealogical research. Documents containing information about a death date, relationships, personal and/or real property, and place of residence are common in intestate files. Learn about the court process from first petition to final discharge, and picture…
Fri, November 22 2019: 0:00 UTC
Beyond the Docket Books: Digging for Gold in Probate Packets
Probate records provide an intimate window through which to view the lives of our ancestors, revealing information about them that make their identities unique.
Probate records provide an intimate window through which to view the lives of our ancestors, revealing information about them that make their identities unique.
Fri, October 20 2017: 0:00 UTC
Reasonably Exhaustive Research of African American Families That Came Out of Slavery
The first component of the Genealogical Proof Standard is the conduct of reasonably exhaustive research. This lecture will highlight the sources and strategies available to meet this requirement in the case of African American ancestors who were enslaved.
The first component of the Genealogical Proof Standard is the conduct of reasonably exhaustive research. This lecture will highlight the sources and strategies available to meet this requirement in the case of African American ancestors who were enslaved.
Fri, October 6 2017: 0:00 UTC
Analyzing Probate Records of Slaveholders to Identify Enslaved Ancestors
This webinar will provide an overview of the probate process, the genealogical information that can be found in a slaveholding estate, and related records that a probate proceeding may point to.
This webinar will provide an overview of the probate process, the genealogical information that can be found in a slaveholding estate, and related records that a probate proceeding may point to.
Tue, August 15 2017: 0:00 UTC
Ohio's Probate Court (BONUS webinar for subscribers)
Formed from the Common Pleas Court, the Probate Court offers birth, death, marriages, wills, estates, inventories, naturalizations, and licenses. Learn the dates for vital records in Ohio as they pertain to the court.
Formed from the Common Pleas Court, the Probate Court offers birth, death, marriages, wills, estates, inventories, naturalizations, and licenses. Learn the dates for vital records in Ohio as they pertain to the court.
Thu, October 1 2015: 0:00 UTC
Early Ohio Wills and Estates (BONUS webinar for subscribers)
Learn the types of records created during the probate process. Analyze probate information for further clues in your genealogical research. Compare different types of published abstracts of Ohio wills and estates.
Learn the types of records created during the probate process. Analyze probate information for further clues in your genealogical research. Compare different types of published abstracts of Ohio wills and estates.
Thu, October 1 2015: 0:00 UTC
New England Deeds and Probate – A Powerful Combination (BONUS webinar for subscribers)
Did you know that all the members of a family may be named in an old deed? Have you ever tried to get a close-up view of what your ancestors wore and the tools they used from an estate inventory? Learn how to use the records in New England Registry…
Did you know that all the members of a family may be named in an old deed? Have you ever tried to get a close-up view of what your ancestors wore and the tools they used from an estate inventory? Learn how to use the records in New England Registry…
Wed, May 13 2015: 0:00 UTC
Tracking Migration Using the Big 4 U.S. Record Sources
Tracking migration in the United States involves using census, vital, land, and probate records, the bread and butter of American research. Get an overview of each of these types of records; learn where to find them, and how to use them effectively to track migration.
Tracking migration in the United States involves using census, vital, land, and probate records, the bread and butter of American research. Get an overview of each of these types of records; learn where to find them, and how to use them effectively to track migration.
Wed, January 14 2015: 0:00 UTC
Estate Records – More Than Just Wills
This session will introduce a large variety of documents that may be located within the Estate files of individuals dying with or without a will. The records may provide researchers with direct or indirect evidence of heirs of the deceased, descriptions of property (both real and personal), occupation, literacy, and…
This session will introduce a large variety of documents that may be located within the Estate files of individuals dying with or without a will. The records may provide researchers with direct or indirect evidence of heirs of the deceased, descriptions of property (both real and personal), occupation, literacy, and…
Fri, April 11 2014: 0:00 UTC
Inheritance in Scotland – Wills, Testaments, and Land Records
This webinar will cover inheritance in Scotland and will explore wills, testaments and land records which are all useful in providing further evidence and documentation for your Scottish ancestors.
This webinar will cover inheritance in Scotland and will explore wills, testaments and land records which are all useful in providing further evidence and documentation for your Scottish ancestors.
Wed, January 30 2013: 0:00 UTC

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Wed, February 19 2025: 1:00 UTC
Applying Research Standards to the Census
Wed, February 19 2025: 1:00 UTC
After years of using census records, genealogists may take for granted that they’re using them fully and correctly. But as they learn about genealogy standards and best practices, do they go back and re-think their census practices? What does it even mean to evaluate a census record? Let’s learn a bit more about the U.S. census and the specific ways that standards can help us to maximize its usefulness.
After years of using census records, genealogists may take for granted that they’re using them fully and correctly. But as they learn about genealogy standards and best practices, do they go back and re-think their census practices? What does it even mean to evaluate a census record? Let’s learn a bit more about the U.S. census and the specific ways that standards can help us to maximize its usefulness.
Wed, February 19 2025: 1:00 UTC
Wed, February 19 2025: 19:00 UTC
Navigating the Mayflower Families Silver Books: A Guide for Genealogists
Wed, February 19 2025: 19:00 UTC
Join Bonnie Wade Mucia, Silver Books Director, as she delves into the invaluable resource of the Mayflower Families Silver Books published by the General Society of Mayflower Descendants. This presentation covers the history of the Silver Books project and provides you with the tools and knowledge to effectively use them in your genealogy work, particularly for researching the colonial period. These books trace the descendants of Mayflower passengers through multiple generations, offering a treasure trove of genealogy scholarship. Whether you’re a seasoned genealogist or just starting out, this presentation will equip you to unlock the full potential of the Mayflower Families Silver Books in your research, revealing lineages enriched by meticulous research and documented with original records and sources.
Join Bonnie Wade Mucia, Silver Books Director, as she delves into the invaluable resource of the Mayflower Families Silver Books published by the General Society of Mayflower Descendants. This presentation covers the history of the Silver Books project and provides you with the tools and knowledge to effectively use them in your genealogy work, particularly for researching the colonial period. These books trace the descendants of Mayflower passengers through multiple generations, offering a treasure trove of genealogy scholarship. Whether you’re a seasoned genealogist or just starting out, this presentation will equip you to unlock the full potential of the Mayflower Families Silver Books in your research, revealing lineages enriched by meticulous research and documented with original records and sources.
Wed, February 19 2025: 19:00 UTC
Wed, March 19 2025: 0:00 UTC
The Influence of Free and Cheap Land on Migration
Wed, March 19 2025: 0:00 UTC
From the beginning of European settlement in North America, free and inexpensive land has been a tool for enticing settlers to migrate to new areas. The English and Spanish granted large tracts to individuals in return for bringing new people into areas with sparse European populations. Bounty land was granted to soldiers in America’s early wars. The end of the American Revolution led to a number of Federal plans to sell or grant vast acreages of public domain land. Homesteading opportunities attracted Americans and immigrants to the west after the Civil War. The availability of affordable land was a catalyst for the migration of many of our ancestors.
From the beginning of European settlement in North America, free and inexpensive land has been a tool for enticing settlers to migrate to new areas. The English and Spanish granted large tracts to individuals in return for bringing new people into areas with sparse European populations. Bounty land was granted to soldiers in America’s early wars. The end of the American Revolution led to a number of Federal plans to sell or grant vast acreages of public domain land. Homesteading opportunities attracted Americans and immigrants to the west after the Civil War. The availability of affordable land was a catalyst for the migration of many of our ancestors.
Wed, March 19 2025: 0:00 UTC
Wed, March 19 2025: 18:00 UTC
Off the Boat: Tracing Your Ancestor back to the Old Country
Wed, March 19 2025: 18:00 UTC
Although most American records do not specify immigrants’ exact places of origin, by doing a wholistic study of an entire family, it’s often possible to determine exactly from where they came. Learn about the different kinds of records that can help determine an immigrant’s exact place of birth, such as parish records, ship manifests, naturalization petitions, social security applications, alien registrations and more!
Although most American records do not specify immigrants’ exact places of origin, by doing a wholistic study of an entire family, it’s often possible to determine exactly from where they came. Learn about the different kinds of records that can help determine an immigrant’s exact place of birth, such as parish records, ship manifests, naturalization petitions, social security applications, alien registrations and more!
Wed, March 19 2025: 18:00 UTC
Fri, April 4 2025: 1:00 UTC
Seven Sources for Seeking Scoundrels
Fri, April 4 2025: 1:00 UTC
Janice loves researching scoundrels and black sheep – they leave behind such wonderful records! This webinar looks at seven types of records family historians rarely use: police records, criminal court records, jail records, coroner’s records, church disciplinary records, divorce records and juvenile reformatory records.
Janice loves researching scoundrels and black sheep – they leave behind such wonderful records! This webinar looks at seven types of records family historians rarely use: police records, criminal court records, jail records, coroner’s records, church disciplinary records, divorce records and juvenile reformatory records.
Fri, April 4 2025: 1:00 UTC
Fri, April 11 2025: 18:00 UTC
Neglected Gold in Older Genealogical and Historical Periodicals
Fri, April 11 2025: 18:00 UTC
Digitized, shelved, and some in obscure places. Online indexes and searchable images. Genealogical and historical society periodicals remain as important tools. This session illustrates the kind of treasures in those periodicals that might not be found anywhere else. Decades upon decades of articles have covered culture, migration, ethnicity, military, churches, cemeteries, family connections, queries, and other aspects of town, city, county, and state ancestral research. Indexes and record explanations with hundreds of names that are not on major genealogy websites. The webinar demonstrates how those periodicals are useful and vital for research, how to access them, and special considerations for using them to benefit your research.
Digitized, shelved, and some in obscure places. Online indexes and searchable images. Genealogical and historical society periodicals remain as important tools. This session illustrates the kind of treasures in those periodicals that might not be found anywhere else. Decades upon decades of articles have covered culture, migration, ethnicity, military, churches, cemeteries, family connections, queries, and other aspects of town, city, county, and state ancestral research. Indexes and record explanations with hundreds of names that are not on major genealogy websites. The webinar demonstrates how those periodicals are useful and vital for research, how to access them, and special considerations for using them to benefit your research.
Fri, April 11 2025: 18:00 UTC
Wed, May 21 2025: 0:00 UTC
From Despair to Cargoes of Hope: WWII’s Displaced Persons
Wed, May 21 2025: 0:00 UTC
Many immigrants entered the US under the Displaced Persons Act. Based on specific criteria, eligible displaced persons (DPs) could be admitted to the US if they would not become a public charge and have safe and sanitary housing and employment without displacing some other person. The displaced person or refugee was the concern of the International Refugee Organization. The US created the Displaced Persons Commission to oversee the act’s enactment. Is your ancestor named in the record sets created? The presentation will discuss the History of the Act and the records created as a result of the Act.
Many immigrants entered the US under the Displaced Persons Act. Based on specific criteria, eligible displaced persons (DPs) could be admitted to the US if they would not become a public charge and have safe and sanitary housing and employment without displacing some other person. The displaced person or refugee was the concern of the International Refugee Organization. The US created the Displaced Persons Commission to oversee the act’s enactment. Is your ancestor named in the record sets created? The presentation will discuss the History of the Act and the records created as a result of the Act.
Wed, May 21 2025: 0:00 UTC
Wed, June 4 2025: 9:00 UTC
Hidden in the Newsprint: UK Edition
Wed, June 4 2025: 9:00 UTC
An insight into the wealth of information that is available within newspapers including the British Newspaper Archive and The Gazette as well as hints and tips for getting more out of searching and finding useful articles within the newspapers.
An insight into the wealth of information that is available within newspapers including the British Newspaper Archive and The Gazette as well as hints and tips for getting more out of searching and finding useful articles within the newspapers.
Wed, June 4 2025: 9:00 UTC
Wed, June 25 2025: 18:00 UTC
Southern Ancestors…Black and White…in the Freedmen’s Bureau
Wed, June 25 2025: 18:00 UTC
Explore the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands to discover details of the Reconstruction lives of black freedmen and free people of color as well as white farmers and wealthy planters.
Explore the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands to discover details of the Reconstruction lives of black freedmen and free people of color as well as white farmers and wealthy planters.
Wed, June 25 2025: 18:00 UTC