77 Upcoming Live Webinars
Tue, July 30 2024: 11:00 UTC
Les outils photo de pointe de MyHeritage
Tue, July 30 2024: 11:00 UTC
Découvrez les outils photo indispensables de MyHeritage ! Depuis 2020, MyHeritage est le leader mondial pour les technologies des photos. Lors de cette session, Elisabeth Zetland, membre de l’équipe de Recherche chez MyHeritage, vous expliquera tout sur les outils photo les plus récents et comment ils peuvent enrichir vos recherches généalogiques grâce aux photos de famille.
Découvrez les outils photo indispensables de MyHeritage ! Depuis 2020, MyHeritage est le leader mondial pour les technologies des photos. Lors de cette session, Elisabeth Zetland, membre de l’équipe de Recherche chez MyHeritage, vous expliquera tout sur les outils photo les plus récents et comment ils peuvent enrichir vos recherches généalogiques grâce aux photos de famille.
Tue, July 30 2024: 11:00 UTC
Wed, July 31 2024: 18:00 UTC
Solving a 1770 problem with the 1880 census
Wed, July 31 2024: 18:00 UTC
Follow a case study where a 1770 brick wall was solved using the 1880 census. Learn tips and tricks to use sources creatively.
Follow a case study where a 1770 brick wall was solved using the 1880 census. Learn tips and tricks to use sources creatively.
Wed, July 31 2024: 18:00 UTC
Fri, August 2 2024: 18:00 UTC
African American Research 101 – Antebellum Era (Part 3 of 3)
Fri, August 2 2024: 18:00 UTC
This lecture will discuss how to get started in African American research. The objective of this presentation will be to research African Americans before the Civil War – either as an enslaved or free person. It will introduce Antebellum Era records such as: newspapers, slave schedules, church records, tax records, free people of color registers, plantation records, and probate records. It will also cover methodology for enslaved research.
This lecture will discuss how to get started in African American research. The objective of this presentation will be to research African Americans before the Civil War – either as an enslaved or free person. It will introduce Antebellum Era records such as: newspapers, slave schedules, church records, tax records, free people of color registers, plantation records, and probate records. It will also cover methodology for enslaved research.
Fri, August 2 2024: 18:00 UTC
Wed, August 7 2024: 18:00 UTC
The Power of Siblings – the DNA Tests of Five Brothers
Wed, August 7 2024: 18:00 UTC
This presentation takes the viewer through the results of 5 full brothers who have done a DNA test. It covers the comparison of their ethnicity estimates through to the various differences in their DNA matches including the variance in the sharing amounts. It helps people understand why testing siblings can really enhance their genetic genealogy, even more so if they can not test a parent or parents. The talk will also include a look at some advanced sibling topics, such as utilising X DNA results to establish if two females have the same father, through to advanced tools like visual phasing and creating lazarus kits.
This presentation takes the viewer through the results of 5 full brothers who have done a DNA test. It covers the comparison of their ethnicity estimates through to the various differences in their DNA matches including the variance in the sharing amounts. It helps people understand why testing siblings can really enhance their genetic genealogy, even more so if they can not test a parent or parents. The talk will also include a look at some advanced sibling topics, such as utilising X DNA results to establish if two females have the same father, through to advanced tools like visual phasing and creating lazarus kits.
Wed, August 7 2024: 18:00 UTC
Fri, August 9 2024: 18:00 UTC
English Occupation, Apprenticeship and Guild Records
Fri, August 9 2024: 18:00 UTC
Learn about apprenticeship, freeman and guild records and how they controlled your ancestor’s trade. Identify sources to put your ancestor into a true occupational context.
Learn about apprenticeship, freeman and guild records and how they controlled your ancestor’s trade. Identify sources to put your ancestor into a true occupational context.
Fri, August 9 2024: 18:00 UTC
Tue, August 13 2024: 18:00 UTC
Using MyHeritage DNA to Determine Immigrant Origins
Tue, August 13 2024: 18:00 UTC
This class will briefly explain the different types of DNA (autosomal, Y-DNA and mtDNA) and provide helpful tips for analyzing your DNA matches to identify your strongest matches to help you go back to your immigrant ancestor. A few examples of using this approach will be shown through mini case studies.
This class will briefly explain the different types of DNA (autosomal, Y-DNA and mtDNA) and provide helpful tips for analyzing your DNA matches to identify your strongest matches to help you go back to your immigrant ancestor. A few examples of using this approach will be shown through mini case studies.
Tue, August 13 2024: 18:00 UTC
Thu, August 15 2024: 0:00 UTC
Genealogy of East and West Prussia
Thu, August 15 2024: 0:00 UTC
This presentation discusses the turbulent history of the former German states of East Prussia and West Prussia, now part of Poland and Russia, and introduces resources for genealogical research in the region. The evolution of German culture in these two neighboring Prussian states was surprisingly divergent. Insight into the social and political history of these states is essential for successful research in the area.
This presentation discusses the turbulent history of the former German states of East Prussia and West Prussia, now part of Poland and Russia, and introduces resources for genealogical research in the region. The evolution of German culture in these two neighboring Prussian states was surprisingly divergent. Insight into the social and political history of these states is essential for successful research in the area.
Thu, August 15 2024: 0:00 UTC
Fri, August 16 2024: 18:00 UTC
Six MORE free websites for Ontario genealogists
Fri, August 16 2024: 18:00 UTC
You loved her last webinar on this topic and requested six more! In this webinar, Janice will introduce you to her next favourite online sources for Ontario family history.
You loved her last webinar on this topic and requested six more! In this webinar, Janice will introduce you to her next favourite online sources for Ontario family history.
Fri, August 16 2024: 18:00 UTC
Wed, August 21 2024: 0:00 UTC
He Had a Brother Who Disappeared: Finding John H. Hickey, Formerly of Rockton, Winnebago County, Illinois
Wed, August 21 2024: 0:00 UTC
Family tradition holds that John H. Hickey of Rockton, Winnebago County, Illinois, disappeared. This case study proves John “disappeared” and establishes the missing man’s fate. A patchwork of records allowed a glimpse into the life of a person thought dead.
Family tradition holds that John H. Hickey of Rockton, Winnebago County, Illinois, disappeared. This case study proves John “disappeared” and establishes the missing man’s fate. A patchwork of records allowed a glimpse into the life of a person thought dead.
Wed, August 21 2024: 0:00 UTC
Wed, August 21 2024: 18:00 UTC
Who Hid the Body? Finding Your Ancestor’s Place of Burial
Wed, August 21 2024: 18:00 UTC
It’s not over ’til the fat lady sings? Nope. It’s not over until you find where the big girl was buried. This presentation offers examples of records that can lead genealogists to an ancestor’s elusive final resting place.
It’s not over ’til the fat lady sings? Nope. It’s not over until you find where the big girl was buried. This presentation offers examples of records that can lead genealogists to an ancestor’s elusive final resting place.
Wed, August 21 2024: 18:00 UTC
Analyzing Deeds & Wills: I See What It Says—but What Does It Mean?!
Fri, August 23 2024: 18:00 UTC
Legalese. Boilerplate. Obsolete laws. Ancestral idiosyncrasies. The documents our ancestors created are full of such traps. This session uses two typical documents from different regions to illustrate, line by line, how to sort chaff from wheat, interpret deceptive language, and develop clues.
Legalese. Boilerplate. Obsolete laws. Ancestral idiosyncrasies. The documents our ancestors created are full of such traps. This session uses two typical documents from different regions to illustrate, line by line, how to sort chaff from wheat, interpret deceptive language, and develop clues.
Fri, August 23 2024: 18:00 UTC
Wed, August 28 2024: 2:00 UTC
Using MyHeritage for Family History Research in Australia
Wed, August 28 2024: 2:00 UTC
Looking for your ancestors Down Under? Aussie genealogist Shauna Hicks will show you how to use MyHeritage to access a vast array of resources and make new discoveries about your ancestors from Australia.
Shauna Hicks
Looking for your ancestors Down Under? Aussie genealogist Shauna Hicks will show you how to use MyHeritage to access a vast array of resources and make new discoveries about your ancestors from Australia.
Wed, August 28 2024: 2:00 UTC

Featured Webinars

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FamilyTreeDNA Tree Integration with MyHeritage
Great news! FamilyTreeDNA is now using the MyHeritage tree platform. You can easily transfer your existing FamilyTreeDNA tree, create a new tree, or link to your existing MyHeritage tree. Each option has benefits. A handy decision guide is included in the syllabus. This webinar provides step-by-step instructions on both platforms, plus a problem-solving section, aka, “things I wish I had known…sooner.” We close with a 10-point summary.
Great news! FamilyTreeDNA is now using the MyHeritage tree platform. You can easily transfer your existing FamilyTreeDNA tree, create a new tree, or link to your existing MyHeritage tree. Each option has benefits. A handy decision guide is included in the syllabus. This webinar provides step-by-step instructions on both platforms, plus a problem-solving section, aka, “things I wish I had known…sooner.” We close with a 10-point summary.
Fri, July 26 2024: 19:00 UTC
Genealogical Research & Writing: Are You a Saint, Sinner, or Bumfuzzled Soul?
As researchers, family historians, compilers, bloggers, or writers of other ilk, genealogists face legal and ethical perils they often do not anticipate. This crash course offers practical guidance to enhance your skills and keep you safe as you explore history, reconstruct lives, and “write up” your findings. While the issues are serious—from the legal issue of copyright to the ethical issue of plagiarism—the lessons are taught with a light heart and humor.
As researchers, family historians, compilers, bloggers, or writers of other ilk, genealogists face legal and ethical perils they often do not anticipate. This crash course offers practical guidance to enhance your skills and keep you safe as you explore history, reconstruct lives, and “write up” your findings. While the issues are serious—from the legal issue of copyright to the ethical issue of plagiarism—the lessons are taught with a light heart and humor.
Fri, July 26 2024: 18:00 UTC
Using AI to Translate German Church Records (and more) into English
Learn how to use Transkribus, ChatGPT and other AI tools to translate German church records, and other records, into English. Learn about cautions and practical uses.
Learn how to use Transkribus, ChatGPT and other AI tools to translate German church records, and other records, into English. Learn about cautions and practical uses.
Fri, July 26 2024: 0:00 UTC
Y-DNA Highways of History
What are reasonable testing goals for Y-DNA, and why do we want to take Y-DNA tests anyway? What can we discover when we test, and when we encourage our cousins to test? Where and how do we find those cousin? I’m “collecting” Y-DNA testers from each of my ancestral lines to reveal their history that has been forgotten to time – and to assure my recent genealogy is accurate. Who were my ancestors? Where did they come from? How are they related to other people, including ancient burials and notable people who lived more recently? I’m sharing several fun case studies from my own genealogy. Come join me on my journey as I discover that my ancestor is related to a burial along the old Roman Road in France, who lived there before the Romans, and what that means to me today. I’ll also share with you how I solved an adoption case within a generation with JUST Y-DNA, and how I then used autosomal DNA matches to augment and refine that information. In another case, we learned something VERY interesting!!! Oh, and I almost forgot, another of my ancestors appears to have been a retired Roman soldier in England. My Jewish friend provided that his ancestors settled in Spain and exactly when they migrated to Eastern Europe, and another tester discovered that he and a famous lineage match. Their ancestors are found in the baptismal records of the same church in England, but their common ancestor reaches back to the peoples buried beneath the Saxon tombstones outside. How did we Discover all of this??? Once you adopt Y-DNA testing, you’ll have fascinating success stories of your own too.
What are reasonable testing goals for Y-DNA, and why do we want to take Y-DNA tests anyway? What can we discover when we test, and when we encourage our cousins to test? Where and how do we find those cousin? I’m “collecting” Y-DNA testers from each of my ancestral lines to reveal their history that has been forgotten to time – and to assure my recent genealogy is accurate. Who were my ancestors? Where did they come from? How are they related to other people, including ancient burials and notable people who lived more recently? I’m sharing several fun case studies from my own genealogy. Come join me on my journey as I discover that my ancestor is related to a burial along the old Roman Road in France, who lived there before the Romans, and what that means to me today. I’ll also share with you how I solved an adoption case within a generation with JUST Y-DNA, and how I then used autosomal DNA matches to augment and refine that information. In another case, we learned something VERY interesting!!! Oh, and I almost forgot, another of my ancestors appears to have been a retired Roman soldier in England. My Jewish friend provided that his ancestors settled in Spain and exactly when they migrated to Eastern Europe, and another tester discovered that he and a famous lineage match. Their ancestors are found in the baptismal records of the same church in England, but their common ancestor reaches back to the peoples buried beneath the Saxon tombstones outside. How did we Discover all of this??? Once you adopt Y-DNA testing, you’ll have fascinating success stories of your own too.
Thu, July 25 2024: 12:00 UTC
Researching Oregon Trail Ancestors
The Oregon Trail extended approximately 2,000 miles from Independence, Missouri to Oregon City, Oregon from 1840 to 1869. More than 50,000 people traveled to Oregon and a great number died on the journey. This talk will cover resources for conducting research on the people and their lives along the trail.
The Oregon Trail extended approximately 2,000 miles from Independence, Missouri to Oregon City, Oregon from 1840 to 1869. More than 50,000 people traveled to Oregon and a great number died on the journey. This talk will cover resources for conducting research on the people and their lives along the trail.
Wed, July 24 2024: 18:00 UTC
Putting Them in Their Place: Understanding Localities for Your Mexican & Colonial Spanish Ancestors
Familiarity with church and civil jurisdictions helps us make better sense of records we find for our Mexican ancestors, helps us know where to look for records that pertain to a particular place and time, and helps us trace evolving jurisdictional borders through time. Knowing where and how to find historical and background information about different Mexican localities helps you dig deeper into the lives of your ancestors. Learn about essential reference tools and strategies that will help you identify and learn more about the localities in which your ancestors lived and worked.
Familiarity with church and civil jurisdictions helps us make better sense of records we find for our Mexican ancestors, helps us know where to look for records that pertain to a particular place and time, and helps us trace evolving jurisdictional borders through time. Knowing where and how to find historical and background information about different Mexican localities helps you dig deeper into the lives of your ancestors. Learn about essential reference tools and strategies that will help you identify and learn more about the localities in which your ancestors lived and worked.
Fri, July 19 2024: 18:00 UTC
Explore What’s Changed with HathiTrust
The HathiTrust Digital Library has undergone some big design changes since Colleen’s 2020 webinar. Find out how to navigate these changes while taking a tour of more invaluable types of genealogical sources you can find there.
The HathiTrust Digital Library has undergone some big design changes since Colleen’s 2020 webinar. Find out how to navigate these changes while taking a tour of more invaluable types of genealogical sources you can find there.
Fri, July 19 2024: 12:00 UTC
Finding Your Ancestors at the National SAR Genealogical Research Library
The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution has been collecting research material since its beginning in 1889. Not many people know that their national headquarters and award winning genealogical research library is located in Downtown Louisville Kentucky. Join us on a tour of the research facility and take a deep dive into the rare and expansive collection that awaits national researchers of all skill levels and timeline needs.
The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution has been collecting research material since its beginning in 1889. Not many people know that their national headquarters and award winning genealogical research library is located in Downtown Louisville Kentucky. Join us on a tour of the research facility and take a deep dive into the rare and expansive collection that awaits national researchers of all skill levels and timeline needs.
Wed, July 17 2024: 18:00 UTC
Oral Genealogy in Asia-Pacific: The Essence of Personal Identity and Tribal Connections
Oral genealogies celebrate ancestral connections in indigenous cultures across Asia-Pacific. As one paramount chief in Samoa declared, “The most important thing for children to understand is their family connections. The knowledge of history is their treasure—not gold and silver, but genealogy.” Learn about the significance and richness of oral genealogies and current efforts to preserve them in Asia and the Pacific.
Oral genealogies celebrate ancestral connections in indigenous cultures across Asia-Pacific. As one paramount chief in Samoa declared, “The most important thing for children to understand is their family connections. The knowledge of history is their treasure—not gold and silver, but genealogy.” Learn about the significance and richness of oral genealogies and current efforts to preserve them in Asia and the Pacific.
Wed, July 17 2024: 0:00 UTC