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Watch Geoff Live: Adding a Marriage Record Using Legacy 10 (and a first look at the FAN Club report)
After all these years, Geoff has finally found the marriage record of his 4th great-grandparents. To celebrate, he’s inviting you to join him as he adds the new information to his personal Legacy 10 family file. In this live, unscripted, and unrehearsed webinar, you will learn the 7 steps of adding any online document to Legacy. And for the first time, you will get to see the new FAN Club report in action. You’ll be certain to pick up tips and tricks along the way.
After all these years, Geoff has finally found the marriage record of his 4th great-grandparents. To celebrate, he’s inviting you to join him as he adds the new information to his personal Legacy 10 family file. In this live, unscripted, and unrehearsed webinar, you will learn the 7 steps of adding any online document to Legacy. And for the first time, you will get to see the new FAN Club report in action. You’ll be certain to pick up tips and tricks along the way.
Fri, August 2 2024: 18:00 UTC
What’s New in Legacy Family Tree 10
In this quick video, you will be introduced to the new features in the recently-released Legacy Family Tree 10 software.
In this quick video, you will be introduced to the new features in the recently-released Legacy Family Tree 10 software.
Tue, June 4 2024: 0:00 UTC
Learn Legacy Software Live! City directories, obituaries and more
Learn the step-by-steps of downloading and adding a new genealogical document to your Legacy Family Tree software.
Learn the step-by-steps of downloading and adding a new genealogical document to your Legacy Family Tree software.
Fri, August 7 2020: 0:00 UTC
Ask the Legacy software Experts
Join the experts at Legacy Family Tree software for an informal session of Questions / answers, and demonstration of some of our user's favorite tips.
Join the experts at Legacy Family Tree software for an informal session of Questions / answers, and demonstration of some of our user's favorite tips.
Thu, April 9 2020: 0:00 UTC
Watch Geoff Live: Adding a Will and a Tombstone to Legacy
He’s just found an 18th century will which appears to solve a decades-old genealogy brick wall, but it started when he took a second look at Samuel Miller Brown’s tombstone. In this live and unscripted webinar, Legacy’s Geoff Rasmussen will demonstrate what to do from start to finish with both…
He’s just found an 18th century will which appears to solve a decades-old genealogy brick wall, but it started when he took a second look at Samuel Miller Brown’s tombstone. In this live and unscripted webinar, Legacy’s Geoff Rasmussen will demonstrate what to do from start to finish with both…
Thu, July 5 2018: 0:00 UTC
Watch Geoff Live: Adding a World War I (and II) Draft Registration Card
It was Friday the 13th, and the presenter for the scheduled live webinar experienced a massive computer crash minutes before the webinar began. With less than ten minutes to come up with plan B, Geoff decided to research his Oregon-born ancestor – in front of the live webinar audience…
It was Friday the 13th, and the presenter for the scheduled live webinar experienced a massive computer crash minutes before the webinar began. With less than ten minutes to come up with plan B, Geoff decided to research his Oregon-born ancestor – in front of the live webinar audience…
Fri, April 13 2018: 0:00 UTC
Watch Geoff Live: Adding a Passenger Record
In this webinar, Legacy’s Geoff Rasmussen will demonstrate what to do with a passenger record as he adds the information to his real, personal Legacy family file. This class will be presented live and unscripted, giving attendees a first-hand look at how a professional genealogist analyzes and records information from…
In this webinar, Legacy’s Geoff Rasmussen will demonstrate what to do with a passenger record as he adds the information to his real, personal Legacy family file. This class will be presented live and unscripted, giving attendees a first-hand look at how a professional genealogist analyzes and records information from…
Fri, December 8 2017: 0:00 UTC
Watch Geoff Live: Adding a Newspaper
It was a Friday afternoon, Geoff had completed his projects at work, and he was anxious to add the newspaper article that he found last night to his Legacy family file. So he pulled up his webinar software and hit the record button. In this webinar, join Legacy's Geoff Rasmussen…
It was a Friday afternoon, Geoff had completed his projects at work, and he was anxious to add the newspaper article that he found last night to his Legacy family file. So he pulled up his webinar software and hit the record button. In this webinar, join Legacy's Geoff Rasmussen…
Fri, November 17 2017: 0:00 UTC
Using Pictures with Legacy Family Tree
Bring life to your Legacy with digital images. Learn how to add digital photographs and documents to your ancestors’ Media Gallery, how to include them on charts and reports, best practices for digital storage and organization, how to resolve missing links, and much more.
Bring life to your Legacy with digital images. Learn how to add digital photographs and documents to your ancestors’ Media Gallery, how to include them on charts and reports, best practices for digital storage and organization, how to resolve missing links, and much more.
Fri, August 11 2017: 0:00 UTC
Hands-On with Legacy Hints: Using MyHeritage Record Matches and Smart Matches
Legacy Family Tree 9 sifts through billions of records from the key websites to bring you relevant and promising matches for your ancestors. In this webinar, Legacy’s Geoff Rasmussen will review – LIVE! – some of the Legacy Hints that are waiting for him in his personal family file. This…
Legacy Family Tree 9 sifts through billions of records from the key websites to bring you relevant and promising matches for your ancestors. In this webinar, Legacy’s Geoff Rasmussen will review – LIVE! – some of the Legacy Hints that are waiting for him in his personal family file. This…
Thu, May 18 2017: 0:00 UTC
Discover the new Legacy Family Tree 9
Learn about the latest innovations in the all-new Legacy Family Tree 9: Hinting FindAGrave.com Searching Stories Cause of Death Charts X-DNA Charts Hashtags Family Dictionary Report Family Tree BINGO Report Compare 2 People Color Coding much more
Learn about the latest innovations in the all-new Legacy Family Tree 9: Hinting FindAGrave.com Searching Stories Cause of Death Charts X-DNA Charts Hashtags Family Dictionary Report Family Tree BINGO Report Compare 2 People Color Coding much more
Fri, May 5 2017: 0:00 UTC
Legacy Family Tree for Complete Beginners
Whether you are a brand new Legacy Family Tree user, or would like a beginning level refresher course, this class will help you become acquainted with the basics of this family tree software.
Whether you are a brand new Legacy Family Tree user, or would like a beginning level refresher course, this class will help you become acquainted with the basics of this family tree software.
Fri, January 13 2017: 0:00 UTC

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Tue, June 24 2025: 18:00 UTC
Latest Updates to the MyHeritage Mobile App
Tue, June 24 2025: 18:00 UTC
More and more, people are preferring to use their mobile devices to access their favorite software and services — and genealogists shouldn’t be left behind. MyHeritage continues to improve the genealogy-on-the-go experience from the MyHeritage mobile app, making it easier than ever to manage your family tree and conduct research from the palm of your hand. In this session, Gilad Katz, Senior Product Manager at MyHeritage, will show you the latest developments in the mobile app.
More and more, people are preferring to use their mobile devices to access their favorite software and services — and genealogists shouldn’t be left behind. MyHeritage continues to improve the genealogy-on-the-go experience from the MyHeritage mobile app, making it easier than ever to manage your family tree and conduct research from the palm of your hand. In this session, Gilad Katz, Senior Product Manager at MyHeritage, will show you the latest developments in the mobile app.
Tue, June 24 2025: 18:00 UTC
AI Video Creation for Genealogy
Fri, August 22 2025: 18:00 UTC
Do you have genealogy-related PowerPoint presentations full of interesting material that could benefit other researchers, except your presentations are languishing in a file on your computer? For whatever reason, do you no longer wish to share your research knowledge or material in front of a physical or digitally-linked audience? Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help you share your knowledge in a much different way. In today’s dynamic digital landscape, visual content remains a dominant force. As genealogy professionals, we are always exploring new ways to captivate, educate, and motivate our audience. Enter PowerPoint to video converters — these revolutionary tools empower us to transform our static presentations into engaging videos. It’s time to give our PowerPoint presentations the upgrade they deserve. In today’s fast-paced digital era, transforming your PowerPoint presentations into dynamic videos can elevate your content’s appeal and broaden its reach across multiple platforms. This presentation will show you how to move forward with AI to create and distribute video content.
Do you have genealogy-related PowerPoint presentations full of interesting material that could benefit other researchers, except your presentations are languishing in a file on your computer? For whatever reason, do you no longer wish to share your research knowledge or material in front of a physical or digitally-linked audience? Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help you share your knowledge in a much different way. In today’s dynamic digital landscape, visual content remains a dominant force. As genealogy professionals, we are always exploring new ways to captivate, educate, and motivate our audience. Enter PowerPoint to video converters — these revolutionary tools empower us to transform our static presentations into engaging videos. It’s time to give our PowerPoint presentations the upgrade they deserve. In today’s fast-paced digital era, transforming your PowerPoint presentations into dynamic videos can elevate your content’s appeal and broaden its reach across multiple platforms. This presentation will show you how to move forward with AI to create and distribute video content.
Fri, August 22 2025: 18:00 UTC
Tue, March 11 2025: 18:00 UTC
RootsTech 2025 Recap
Tue, March 11 2025: 18:00 UTC
Join Daniel Horowitz, genealogy expert at MyHeritage, for a detailed review of all the exciting MyHeritage announcements and events that took place at RootsTech! Hear all about the biggest news from the conference and enjoy some behind-the-scenes tidbits from a MyHeritage insider.
Join Daniel Horowitz, genealogy expert at MyHeritage, for a detailed review of all the exciting MyHeritage announcements and events that took place at RootsTech! Hear all about the biggest news from the conference and enjoy some behind-the-scenes tidbits from a MyHeritage insider.
Tue, March 11 2025: 18:00 UTC
Thu, March 13 2025: 0:00 UTC
Danish Probate Records
Thu, March 13 2025: 0:00 UTC
Probate records are a gem for those researching ancestors in Denmark. However, understanding the jurisdictions for these records is very complicated. This webinar will discuss the basics of the Danish Estate system the influence it had on our ancestors’ lives. We will also learn about the county records, finding aids and online resources for successfully navigating Danish probate records.
Probate records are a gem for those researching ancestors in Denmark. However, understanding the jurisdictions for these records is very complicated. This webinar will discuss the basics of the Danish Estate system the influence it had on our ancestors’ lives. We will also learn about the county records, finding aids and online resources for successfully navigating Danish probate records.
Thu, March 13 2025: 0:00 UTC
Fri, March 14 2025: 18:00 UTC
Researching Your Hampshire Ancestors
Fri, March 14 2025: 18:00 UTC
The county of Hampshire covers over 1 million acres, bordered to the south by the English Channel and includes the Isle of Wight. As one might expect the ancestral roots of the county are widely represented by agricultural workers, but it also has a strong maritime history. This includes not only coastguards, fishermen, and latterly Merchant Navy seafarers, but also the Royal Navy with its Portsmouth dockyard, now home to Nelsons’s flagship HMS Victory. Join Gill for a user’s guide to online and offline resources, including local archive collections, a guide to boundary changes, and where to search for missing ancestors. Our aim is research enlightenment.
The county of Hampshire covers over 1 million acres, bordered to the south by the English Channel and includes the Isle of Wight. As one might expect the ancestral roots of the county are widely represented by agricultural workers, but it also has a strong maritime history. This includes not only coastguards, fishermen, and latterly Merchant Navy seafarers, but also the Royal Navy with its Portsmouth dockyard, now home to Nelsons’s flagship HMS Victory. Join Gill for a user’s guide to online and offline resources, including local archive collections, a guide to boundary changes, and where to search for missing ancestors. Our aim is research enlightenment.
Fri, March 14 2025: 18:00 UTC
Wed, March 19 2025: 0:00 UTC
The Influence of Free and Cheap Land on Migration
Wed, March 19 2025: 0:00 UTC
From the beginning of European settlement in North America, free and inexpensive land has been a tool for enticing settlers to migrate to new areas. The English and Spanish granted large tracts to individuals in return for bringing new people into areas with sparse European populations. Bounty land was granted to soldiers in America’s early wars. The end of the American Revolution led to a number of Federal plans to sell or grant vast acreages of public domain land. Homesteading opportunities attracted Americans and immigrants to the west after the Civil War. The availability of affordable land was a catalyst for the migration of many of our ancestors.
From the beginning of European settlement in North America, free and inexpensive land has been a tool for enticing settlers to migrate to new areas. The English and Spanish granted large tracts to individuals in return for bringing new people into areas with sparse European populations. Bounty land was granted to soldiers in America’s early wars. The end of the American Revolution led to a number of Federal plans to sell or grant vast acreages of public domain land. Homesteading opportunities attracted Americans and immigrants to the west after the Civil War. The availability of affordable land was a catalyst for the migration of many of our ancestors.
Wed, March 19 2025: 0:00 UTC
Wed, March 19 2025: 18:00 UTC
Off the Boat: Tracing Your Ancestor back to the Old Country
Wed, March 19 2025: 18:00 UTC
Although most American records do not specify immigrants’ exact places of origin, by doing a wholistic study of an entire family, it’s often possible to determine exactly from where they came. Learn about the different kinds of records that can help determine an immigrant’s exact place of birth, such as parish records, ship manifests, naturalization petitions, social security applications, alien registrations and more!
Although most American records do not specify immigrants’ exact places of origin, by doing a wholistic study of an entire family, it’s often possible to determine exactly from where they came. Learn about the different kinds of records that can help determine an immigrant’s exact place of birth, such as parish records, ship manifests, naturalization petitions, social security applications, alien registrations and more!
Wed, March 19 2025: 18:00 UTC
Fri, March 21 2025: 18:00 UTC
Mexican Notarial Records: An Invaluable Source for Reconstructing the Past of Mexican Families
Fri, March 21 2025: 18:00 UTC
Testaments, dowry letters, land sales, cattle leasing, power of attorney letters, and many other types of documents were created by public and royal scribes all over Mexico in the last five centuries. Notarial archives are rich in detail and history. Whenever they are available, they become an essential tool for genealogical research, adding depth to the lives of ancestors, or bridging gaps when church records have been lost. This conference is a basic outline of these records and where to find them both offline and online.
Testaments, dowry letters, land sales, cattle leasing, power of attorney letters, and many other types of documents were created by public and royal scribes all over Mexico in the last five centuries. Notarial archives are rich in detail and history. Whenever they are available, they become an essential tool for genealogical research, adding depth to the lives of ancestors, or bridging gaps when church records have been lost. This conference is a basic outline of these records and where to find them both offline and online.
Fri, March 21 2025: 18:00 UTC
Tue, March 25 2025: 18:00 UTC
Start Your Family History Journey for Free with MyHeritage
Tue, March 25 2025: 18:00 UTC
Genealogy doesn’t have to be expensive—MyHeritage offers a range of free tools to get you started. This session will walk you through how to begin your family history journey without spending a dime. Discover how to build a basic family tree, explore free records, and utilize MyHeritage’s free trials and features to uncover your roots.
Genealogy doesn’t have to be expensive—MyHeritage offers a range of free tools to get you started. This session will walk you through how to begin your family history journey without spending a dime. Discover how to build a basic family tree, explore free records, and utilize MyHeritage’s free trials and features to uncover your roots.
Tue, March 25 2025: 18:00 UTC