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Luther, Napoleon and the Kaiser – German History for Genealogists
Why is what happened in Augsburg on September 25, 1555 one of the most important historical events in German history and of utmost importance to researchers? And why do we need to know about the French emperor Napoleon? Why does it make such a big difference if a birth took place in 1874 or 1876? Find out in this presentation why knowing the most important events in German history can be helpful for your research.
Why is what happened in Augsburg on September 25, 1555 one of the most important historical events in German history and of utmost importance to researchers? And why do we need to know about the French emperor Napoleon? Why does it make such a big difference if a birth took place in 1874 or 1876? Find out in this presentation why knowing the most important events in German history can be helpful for your research.
Wed, October 16 2024: 18:00 UTC
Top 10 Tips for Working with the Old German Handwriting
Learn the 10 top tips and tricks for deciphering the old German script! With tips on how to easily recognize certain letters, how to tell tricky letters apart, abbreviations, spelling variations, names, and more, you’ll be amazed at what you can do after only an hour of learning!
Learn the 10 top tips and tricks for deciphering the old German script! With tips on how to easily recognize certain letters, how to tell tricky letters apart, abbreviations, spelling variations, names, and more, you’ll be amazed at what you can do after only an hour of learning!
Fri, September 27 2024: 15:30 UTC
Translating German Newspapers – As Easy as Eins, Zwei, Drei
Many 19th- and early 20th-century German language newspapers were printed in a Fraktur font. And not only that, they were written in a foreign language! This combination of an archaic font and a foreign language creates two significant hurdles for the 21st century genealogist, perhaps with limited foreign language skills, to overcome. But don’t despair. Modern technology has provided solutions. Learn how to “crack the code” and discover where your favorite newspaper sites have hidden the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) text. Translation tools will quickly make those foreign words readable for even the most die-hard English-only speaker.
Many 19th- and early 20th-century German language newspapers were printed in a Fraktur font. And not only that, they were written in a foreign language! This combination of an archaic font and a foreign language creates two significant hurdles for the 21st century genealogist, perhaps with limited foreign language skills, to overcome. But don’t despair. Modern technology has provided solutions. Learn how to “crack the code” and discover where your favorite newspaper sites have hidden the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) text. Translation tools will quickly make those foreign words readable for even the most die-hard English-only speaker.
Fri, September 13 2024: 16:45 UTC
Using AI to Translate German Church Records (and more) into English
Learn how to use Transkribus, ChatGPT and other AI tools to translate German church records, and other records, into English. Learn about cautions and practical uses.
Learn how to use Transkribus, ChatGPT and other AI tools to translate German church records, and other records, into English. Learn about cautions and practical uses.
Fri, July 26 2024: 0:00 UTC
Moving, moving, moving! Migration Patterns within Germany
Despite their reputation for being rooted to their localities, Germans do have a history of migration within their own country, especially after the onset of industrialization in the mid-19th century. In this presentation, we will explore the various patterns of internal migration, and offer guidance on how to navigate these movements to aid in your search for ancestors.
Despite their reputation for being rooted to their localities, Germans do have a history of migration within their own country, especially after the onset of industrialization in the mid-19th century. In this presentation, we will explore the various patterns of internal migration, and offer guidance on how to navigate these movements to aid in your search for ancestors.
Fri, April 12 2024: 12:00 UTC
How to successfully research at a German archive
Due to the constantly growing offer of online accessible sources for German genealogical research, an important cornerstone of the actual research is more and more disregarded: the classical research in an archive. A good preparation facilitates the archive visit immensely and makes the search in the historical documents an experience that will never replace a research on the screen. Particularly if you intend to add “meat to the bones” and find more valuable information about your ancestors besides dates and places of birth, marriage and/or death. There are many individual records in German archives and it would be a shame never to look at these wonderful documents. A visit to a German archive can be rather intimidating. Besides language barriers, the archival structures are initially often difficult to understand. But help is near! This presentation will cover professional tips & tricks for research in a German Archive – from preparation over execution to follow-up, if applicable. If you are unfamiliar with a specific archive, it is already difficult as a German to make the most of an archival research visit. Particularly as archives do not offer to conduct complex research projects on your behalf, you have to be prepared to do it yourself.
Due to the constantly growing offer of online accessible sources for German genealogical research, an important cornerstone of the actual research is more and more disregarded: the classical research in an archive. A good preparation facilitates the archive visit immensely and makes the search in the historical documents an experience that will never replace a research on the screen. Particularly if you intend to add “meat to the bones” and find more valuable information about your ancestors besides dates and places of birth, marriage and/or death. There are many individual records in German archives and it would be a shame never to look at these wonderful documents. A visit to a German archive can be rather intimidating. Besides language barriers, the archival structures are initially often difficult to understand. But help is near! This presentation will cover professional tips & tricks for research in a German Archive – from preparation over execution to follow-up, if applicable. If you are unfamiliar with a specific archive, it is already difficult as a German to make the most of an archival research visit. Particularly as archives do not offer to conduct complex research projects on your behalf, you have to be prepared to do it yourself.
Fri, April 12 2024: 10:00 UTC
Driven by Faith: The German Protestants in Ukraine
Ethnic Germans went to Ukraine for two major reasons: For economic opportunities and for the chance to practice their chosen religions. The Lutherans, Baptists and Mennonites who migrated east often followed different paths, but there are common factors in their history as well. This session reviews some of the most important sources that apply to all, as well as sources that are specific to each denomination.
Ethnic Germans went to Ukraine for two major reasons: For economic opportunities and for the chance to practice their chosen religions. The Lutherans, Baptists and Mennonites who migrated east often followed different paths, but there are common factors in their history as well. This session reviews some of the most important sources that apply to all, as well as sources that are specific to each denomination.
Fri, September 15 2023: 16:45 UTC
Finding Prussian Ancestors in Online Archives
Discover online records for German-speaking ancestors from Brandenburg, East Prussia, Pomerania, Posen, Silesia, and West Prussia. Despite some record loss for these geographic areas, hundreds of years of church and civil records can be found in archives in Poland, Germany, and the US, using the search strategies in this presentation.
Discover online records for German-speaking ancestors from Brandenburg, East Prussia, Pomerania, Posen, Silesia, and West Prussia. Despite some record loss for these geographic areas, hundreds of years of church and civil records can be found in archives in Poland, Germany, and the US, using the search strategies in this presentation.
Thu, August 10 2023: 0:00 UTC
Working with German Vital Records You Find on MyHeritage
German vital records can be goldmines of information for your ancestors. Learn how to search MyHeritage to find these records and how to decipher them once you do.
German vital records can be goldmines of information for your ancestors. Learn how to search MyHeritage to find these records and how to decipher them once you do.
Tue, April 25 2023: 18:00 UTC
Different calendars in German genealogy
Only since 1893, there is one time zone in Germany! However, in the sources relevant for genealogy there are also dates referring to the Julian and Gregorian calendars, as well as the French revolutionary calendar and the church calendar. Here the differences and conversion to today’s dates are explained.
Only since 1893, there is one time zone in Germany! However, in the sources relevant for genealogy there are also dates referring to the Julian and Gregorian calendars, as well as the French revolutionary calendar and the church calendar. Here the differences and conversion to today’s dates are explained.
Fri, April 14 2023: 10:00 UTC
Germany to Pennsylvania: 18th Century Odyssey
There are many stereotypes about the immigrants who came from German-speaking lands to America in the 1700s. This lecture uses the personal memoirs of the immigrants themselves to dispel the myths about why they came, what the voyage was like, and how they liked America.
There are many stereotypes about the immigrants who came from German-speaking lands to America in the 1700s. This lecture uses the personal memoirs of the immigrants themselves to dispel the myths about why they came, what the voyage was like, and how they liked America.
Fri, September 16 2022: 14:15 UTC
The Voyages of Our German Immigrants
Germans began immigrating to the United States in 1683, according to documented history. This talk will highlight significant aspects of the first four major waves of migration, through 1910. The areas from which they came and motivations that typified each wave will be detailed. Available immigration and emigration records help tell the immigrant’s story. Laws changed over time and impacted various aspects of the immigration experience.
Germans began immigrating to the United States in 1683, according to documented history. This talk will highlight significant aspects of the first four major waves of migration, through 1910. The areas from which they came and motivations that typified each wave will be detailed. Available immigration and emigration records help tell the immigrant’s story. Laws changed over time and impacted various aspects of the immigration experience.
Fri, May 27 2022: 22:57 UTC

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Wed, February 5 2025: 1:00 UTC
Oops! Married twice (at the same time) Case Studies in Bigamy!
Wed, February 5 2025: 1:00 UTC
Divorce in Queensland Australia was very difficult to obtain. Some couples then just lived together and some underwent a bigamous marriage. What were the penalties? The records? Follow these ten bigamy case studies.
Divorce in Queensland Australia was very difficult to obtain. Some couples then just lived together and some underwent a bigamous marriage. What were the penalties? The records? Follow these ten bigamy case studies.
Wed, February 5 2025: 1:00 UTC
DNA: Proof, Citation & Privacy
Fri, December 27 2024: 19:00 UTC
Genetic testing has taken the genealogical world by storm—but many good genealogists feel lost in that storm; and more than a few family trees have suffered damage. How do we harness the power of genetic genealogy without being swept away in the surge? This session guides genealogists through four areas: (1) converting DNA data into evidence; (2) turning that evidence into proof; (3) crafting citations that include all genetic details needed for proof; and (4) protecting privacy throughout the research and presentation of our conclusions. The session offers simple but solid ground rules—no geek speak!—illustrated by a variety of case studies.
Genetic testing has taken the genealogical world by storm—but many good genealogists feel lost in that storm; and more than a few family trees have suffered damage. How do we harness the power of genetic genealogy without being swept away in the surge? This session guides genealogists through four areas: (1) converting DNA data into evidence; (2) turning that evidence into proof; (3) crafting citations that include all genetic details needed for proof; and (4) protecting privacy throughout the research and presentation of our conclusions. The session offers simple but solid ground rules—no geek speak!—illustrated by a variety of case studies.
Fri, December 27 2024: 19:00 UTC
Wed, January 15 2025: 19:00 UTC
Collaborative Trees: Making Them Work for You
Wed, January 15 2025: 19:00 UTC
Genealogists can work together using the FamilySearch Family Tree, WikiTree, and Geni. Learn the differences among them and the best practices for each.
Genealogists can work together using the FamilySearch Family Tree, WikiTree, and Geni. Learn the differences among them and the best practices for each.
Wed, January 15 2025: 19:00 UTC
Thu, January 16 2025: 12:00 UTC
La généalogie et les enfants : comment intéresser les jeunes générations à leur histoire familiale
Thu, January 16 2025: 12:00 UTC
Qu’adviendra-t-il de votre généalogie lorsque vous passerez du statut de généalogiste de la famille à celui d’ancêtre ? Les jeunes générations de votre famille aimeront-elles la généalogie comme vous ? Contribueront-elles à faire vivre vos histoires familiales ? Découvrez comment utiliser les fonctionnalités de MyHeritage pour impliquer vos enfants et petits-enfants.
Qu’adviendra-t-il de votre généalogie lorsque vous passerez du statut de généalogiste de la famille à celui d’ancêtre ? Les jeunes générations de votre famille aimeront-elles la généalogie comme vous ? Contribueront-elles à faire vivre vos histoires familiales ? Découvrez comment utiliser les fonctionnalités de MyHeritage pour impliquer vos enfants et petits-enfants.
Thu, January 16 2025: 12:00 UTC
Wed, January 22 2025: 19:00 UTC
Using the Collaborate Tool at FamilySearch
Wed, January 22 2025: 19:00 UTC
Have you enjoyed a unified effort in which you accomplished so much more with the help of others than you could ever have done alone? The cooperation, connection, and associations that result from such unified effort also established a protection to the results that were unexpected. Join Karen Clifford as she shares a ten-year experiment using the Collaborate tool at FamilySearch to shine a light on selected ancestors, and help to attract unknown, yet later proven relatives to our common family tree. See how the partnership between FamilySearch, and MyHeritage opened the previously closed door to a new generation.
Have you enjoyed a unified effort in which you accomplished so much more with the help of others than you could ever have done alone? The cooperation, connection, and associations that result from such unified effort also established a protection to the results that were unexpected. Join Karen Clifford as she shares a ten-year experiment using the Collaborate tool at FamilySearch to shine a light on selected ancestors, and help to attract unknown, yet later proven relatives to our common family tree. See how the partnership between FamilySearch, and MyHeritage opened the previously closed door to a new generation.
Wed, January 22 2025: 19:00 UTC
Tue, January 28 2025: 19:00 UTC
Latest Updates to the MyHeritage Mobile App
Tue, January 28 2025: 19:00 UTC
More and more, people are preferring to use their mobile devices to access their favorite software and services — and genealogists shouldn’t be left behind. MyHeritage continues to improve the genealogy-on-the-go experience from the MyHeritage mobile app, making it easier than ever to manage your family tree and conduct research from the palm of your hand. In this session, Gilad Katz, Senior Product Manager at MyHeritage, will show you the latest developments in the mobile app.
More and more, people are preferring to use their mobile devices to access their favorite software and services — and genealogists shouldn’t be left behind. MyHeritage continues to improve the genealogy-on-the-go experience from the MyHeritage mobile app, making it easier than ever to manage your family tree and conduct research from the palm of your hand. In this session, Gilad Katz, Senior Product Manager at MyHeritage, will show you the latest developments in the mobile app.
Tue, January 28 2025: 19:00 UTC
Thu, April 3 2025: 23:00 UTC
Organizing Your Genealogy Files
Thu, April 3 2025: 23:00 UTC
Overwhelmed with too many paper documents and digital files? Learn to organize these so that you’ll quickly find just the one you need.
Overwhelmed with too many paper documents and digital files? Learn to organize these so that you’ll quickly find just the one you need.
Thu, April 3 2025: 23:00 UTC