Where Did Your U.S. Ancestors Go to Church? 5 Ways to Find Out

Sunny Morton
Dec 14, 2023
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Play. Playing.
2m 15s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 03s
Play. Playing.
5m 36s
Play. Playing.
Family Memory
8m 05s
Play. Playing.
Dig Into Documents
8m 50s
Play. Playing.
The Ethnicity Odds
7m 08s
Play. Playing.
Explore the Neighborhood
9m 36s
Play. Playing.
Research the Minister
5m 15s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
11m 37s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
17m 17s

About this webinar

Finding a U.S. ancestor’s church affiliation is the first key step to discovering their stories in related records, but it isn’t usually easy. Learn 5 essential strategies, illustrated by inspiring examples. Viewers will come away with sensible, actionable steps they can apply to their own research.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Sunny Morton is a popular lecturer for the global genealogy community. She’s a Contributing Editor at Family Tree Magazine and the author of hundreds of articles and blog posts, as well as the brand new book
Learn more...

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  1. DC
    Debbie Cravens
    1 year ago

    Sunny is always a great speaker. I appreciate her clear , well-thought out manner. A good webinar to watch again for so many genealogical tips.

  2. CB
    Cheryl Bohn
    1 year ago

    Sunny’s enthusiasm and easy familiarity with the topic speak to the depth of her scholarship and professional experience with church records. She breaks down the daunting subject matter into manageable principles that make me believe, “Yes, I can do this!”

  3. BN
    Beverly Neal
    1 year ago

    Very informative. I have an ancestor that I know lived. But other than a marriage certificate, it’s as if he never existed. I know where he lived in Texas. But can find no other record. This information, hopefully, will be another avenue to try. Never thought of some of the points she discussed. Anxious to get right to some research.

    1 Reply
    • NB
      Nelda Belle Turner
      1 year ago

      Great! I was hoping I could leave a note for Beverly. I would love to know what town in Texas they were married and the year. I did a great deal of research for my Texas Ancestors. I wanted to let you know that even back in the 1800’s it was ingrained in every person born, married, and deceased to get this information to their nearest town registry – because that office was then responsible for sending it to Austin, Texas. Thus, since you have the marriage record, you could send a copy to Austin to see if they have further information. Google to see what you need before sending and actually call & talk to them. Often times if you get the right clerk they can be very helpful. Back when I was researching in the 1960’s I would drive to the town where my grandmother was buried. Then in town I would start asking around for the oldest person alive in town. I was so fortunate as the oldest person I talked to had actually attended my grandmother’s funeral told me everything about it

  4. DG
    Daniel Graves
    1 year ago

    Very well organized and informative. Thanks!

  5. LK
    Lorraine Kocen
    1 year ago

    more clues for finding the church where my grandparents got married, which isn’t in their marriage license!!

  6. RB
    Renada Brantley
    1 year ago

    Never thought about church records beyond the family bible.

  7. KM
    Kristin Macy
    1 year ago

    What a great presenter and an equally great presentation. This is the most difficult portion of my research and I have some amazing new ideas where to look. Thank you!

  8. RM
    Rochelle Males
    1 year ago

    Absolutely wonderful! I’ve been more than a little intimidated when it comes to jumping into figuring out the religions of my U.S. ancestors (so, so many options to choose from!) but this has helped a lot and now I can’t wait to start trying to incorporate that information more into my own research and stories about my ancestors. Thank you so much!


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