Tracing Your Alberta Connections

Dave Obee
Aug 26, 2022
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Play. Playing.
2m 38s
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Speaker's Introduction
1m 23s
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6m 41s
Play. Playing.
7m 35s
Play. Playing.
Vital Statistics
4m 41s
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Newspapers and Directories
12m 03s
Play. Playing.
Local Histories
3m 28s
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Land Records
7m 25s
Play. Playing.
5m 16s
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Other Sites
6m 36s
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Announcements / prizes
4m 08s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
7m 31s

About this webinar

Alberta is unique among the 10 Canadian provinces. It was the last of the three Prairie provinces to be opened to homesteading, which meant land in that province was available just as quality homesteading land dried up in the United States. That brought a rush from south of the border, and the American influence is still felt today. There has been another mass influx of people eager to work in the energy industry. Many of the key sources used in researching your ancestors or cousins in Alberta are also unique, so local knowledge is essential. This session identifies those sources for you, and will help you get results in your searches.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Dave Obee is a journalist and genealogical researcher who has written a dozen books and given more than 700 presentations at conferences and seminars in Canada, the United States and Australia since 1997. He is Editor and Publisher of the T
Learn more...

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  1. SS
    sue Schooler
    2 years ago

    So many new sources for locating information. We knew some, but he had so many additional angles to find genealogical tidbits! Very appreciated webinar!

  2. GL
    Graham Lowe
    2 years ago

    Dave, thank you for a very informative presentation. Some of my maternal ancestors immigrated from England, and some of them migrated from Ontario and Manitoba to Alberta. The information you have provided has given me new avenues to pursue in my research of those family lines. Thanks!!!

  3. TQ
    Tamara Quiring
    2 years ago

    So many excellent resources to add to my toolbox!

  4. PS
    Patricia Smith
    2 years ago

    I learned of several new places to look for information on my Alberta ancestors

  5. DS
    Diane Strome
    2 years ago

    This was fantastic! The reference to Peel’s will be especially helpful as I did not know about it before

  6. MB
    Michelle Bolden
    2 years ago

    Am impressed with how thorough Dave’s presentation was and how comprehensive his website is. Am anxious to check out his website.

  7. PD
    Patricia Diane Godinez
    2 years ago

    Excellent. Lots of Information. It is helpful for learning about my DNA contacts, who are in Alberta, after their ancestors and mine went west from Ontario.

  8. XM
    Xana Miller
    2 years ago

    Very enjoyable.


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