Hidden Quebec Records on FamilySearch

Johanne Gervais

Did you know FamilySearch has a wealth of Quebec records that are not widely-known? These records have no search index so you would not be able to access them using the Search Records functionality and entering an ancestor’s name. FamilySearch has images of non-indexed Quebec non-Catholic parish registers from 1763 to 1967; images of Quebec non-indexed Catholic and non-Catholic church records from 1642 to 1902; images of Quebec guardianships from 1639 to 1930; images of Quebec notarial records from 1800 to 1920; plus many more hidden Quebec records. This session will show you step-by-step how to access these Quebec records on FamilySearch.

Fri, October 18 2024: 18:00 UTC

About the speaker

About the speaker

Johanne Gervais worked for over 25 years at various large companies in Montreal, Québec implementing computer business systems. She has her own company Quebec Family Search (
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