The New Frontier in Genetic Genealogy: Autosomal DNA Testing

Ugo Perego, PhD, MSc
May 29, 2013
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Play. Playing.
2m 08s
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2m 17s
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Speaker's Introduction
2m 10s
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5m 09s
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Who Should Be Tested?
1m 56s
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Two Step Process
6m 25s
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How Does It Work?
3m 07s
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Shared DNA
4m 31s
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Autosomal Testing
5m 30s
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20m 50s
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2m 48s
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4m 05s
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Genographic Project
3m 11s
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6m 54s
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Announcements / prizes
9m 01s
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Questions / answers
14m 25s

About this webinar

After the male-inherited Y chromosome (Ycs) and the maternal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), autosomal DNA testing offers many insights into a person's past and how he/she might be related to other people. While Ycs and mtDNA are limited to the two outermost lineages in the pedigree chart, autosomal DNA offers a genetic painting of all our ancestors. In recent years, four major laboratories have begun to offer autosomal DNA testing with the purpose of reconstructing information about our ethnicity, our genetic cousins, the geography and migrations of our ancestors, traits and medical predispositions we might have inherited from them, and even how much Neanderthal DNA we might have in our genes. It is an exciting time for genealogists as the new cutting-edge technology in DNA testing for family history is both affordable and accurate, revealing information about our past that just few years ago was deemed impossible. In this lecture, Ugo Perego will explain the major autosomal DNA tests available to genealogists, how they work and what to expect from them in order to reconstruct our genetic family history.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Dr. Ugo A. Perego is the owner of the Genetic Genealogy Consultant services, which specializes in helping genealogists with all their DNA needs. He is also a visiting scientist affiliated with the DNA laboratory of Professors Alessandro Achilli an
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