Simply using timelines will make a difference in your research!

Dr. Shelley Viola Murphy
Apr 8, 2022
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Play. Playing.
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Speaker's Introduction
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3m 59s
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4m 21s
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Building the Timeline
7m 52s
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Gaps and Next Steps
8m 09s
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8m 52s
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Announcements / prizes
1m 20s
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Questions / answers
16m 40s

About this webinar

This session will walk attendees through the steps of using a timeline and building a research plan at the same time.

About the speaker

About the speaker

An avid genealogist for over 40 years, Dr. Shelley Viola Murphy, aka “familytreegirl,” was born and raised in Michigan, now living in central Virginia. She conducts genealogy workshops at local, state and national conferences. Murphy i
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  1. LF
    Lorraine Forster
    3 years ago

    I enjoyed Dr. Shelley Viola Murphy’s webinar. She is so friendly and it comes across listening to her. I felt like we were sharing a cup of tea and talking about genealogy. Also she is very easy to understand and speaks so clearly. I frequently cannot understand when some others are talking or miss some of their words. I will keep my eyes open for more of her webinars.

  2. RC
    Renee Cue
    3 years ago

    This is one of the best, concise webinars I have watched (and I watch a lot). Even as an advanced researcher, I recommend EVERYONE watch this one to learn, to review, to remind!!!

  3. CL
    Celia Lewis
    3 years ago

    Excellent and easy-to-use timeline format! Very helpful – I’ve used a variation for some years, and I will need to modify mine to include another column!! Much appreciated.

  4. SD
    Shelley Dewese
    3 years ago

    When I reach that brick wall, I must resort to doing timelines. It always pays off with my journey.

  5. MM
    Maureen MacDonald
    3 years ago

    Most of the time when you go looking for ‘timelines’ forms, you will see a line with the years noted and big events noted, wars, census, royalty, etc. What se just explained is more of a chronology, it allow the placement of all types of events for the family, the community, state and the world. It shows the ‘gaps’ and tells the story. I always include the whole family’s BDM as they can often explain what I call the ‘temperature’ of the family and their movements.

  6. PB
    Paul Bing
    3 years ago

    +5+5 WOW Gotta try this

  7. MP
    Merridee Pavlenko
    3 years ago

    i have never used a time line, but think i should, i’ve been doing research since 1970 and have 8- 3 ring binders full of names, dates, places etc, but still need info on several of the names in the books.

  8. LH
    Louise Hinzmann
    3 years ago

    Love Timelines .Did one for my dads 80th birthday. Did one with what is happing in the world & what was happing in his life. It helped me see him in a new light.


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