Seven Immigration Methodologies, with Case Studies Across the Centuries (a 2021 Reisinger Lecture)

David S. Ouimette, CG, CGL
Oct 8, 2021
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Play. Playing.
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
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4m 10s
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Family Handprint
8m 43s
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Follow the Witnesses
4m 48s
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Naming Patterns
8m 13s
Play. Playing.
Cluster Research
8m 12s
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Surname Heat Maps
7m 41s
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DNA Clusters
3m 55s
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Chain Migration
12m 52s

About this webinar

Family historians face significant challenges tracing immigrant ancestors. Changes in language, culture, family composition, given name, surname, country of residence, and occupation tend to obscure the origins of many immigrants. This presentation introduces seven methodologies to effectively trace immigrant origins, illustrated with examples from the early 1600s to the early 1900s.

About the speaker

About the speaker

David Ouimette, Certified Genealogist®, Certified Genealogical Lecturer℠, manages Content Strategy for Asia and the Pacific at FamilySearch, prioritizing records of genealogical value for digital preservation and online publication. His team prior
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  1. GA
    Gail Albert
    3 years ago

    Excellent webinar – so many methods I can use. Thank you

  2. MC
    Maria Capaldi
    3 years ago

    David Ouimette’s lecture was a lot of information and quick, his area of the Naming Patterns using Heat Maps I will definitely be trying as I have it on the Male and Female side…..ugh! Fingers crossed!

  3. AD
    Alice DiMaggio
    3 years ago

    All speakers were excellent. learn so much from each of them. Slides were great. Really liked handout

  4. JS
    James Smith
    3 years ago

    I look forward to implementing some of these methodologies in reexamining various areas of my previous research. Thank you.

  5. BL
    Barbara L. Stanford
    3 years ago

    Very good info. Would like to see more case studies like these to help determine where immigrant ancestors came from in Europe – I know only that my immigrant ancestor, Alexander Andrew Bower (may have been Bauer back in Germany; however today we use Bowers) was German and that he came as a single man on the ship Upton into Charles Town (Charleston), South Carolina, in 1752 with other Germans. The ship left from Rotterdam to Charles Town, so how do I find from where Alexander Andrew was from originally?

  6. MD
    Melissa Dalley
    3 years ago

    This was a superb presentation! Thank you so much! I’m excited to try the surname heat-map methodology for my mystery parish in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

  7. LB
    Lynnea Buchanan-Barnett
    3 years ago

    Great information about Surname and Cluster research. I have to watch this again, but this time take notes.

  8. TH
    Theresa Howell
    3 years ago

    Excellent examples of ways to research immigrant ancestors. I will definitely use these techniques in my research.


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