Researching Your LGBTQ+ Ancestors

Michael J. Leclerc, CG
Feb 7, 2025
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Play. Playing.
1m 38s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 37s
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7m 46s
Play. Playing.
4m 18s
Play. Playing.
Thomas/Thomasine Hall
11m 02s
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Eloi Morin
10m 56s
Play. Playing.
2m 12s
Play. Playing.
9m 20s
Play. Playing.
Caroline Hall
8m 00s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
4m 04s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
19m 16s

About this webinar

Those who we today call LGBTQ+ have been around throughout history. Discover the rich legacy our people have left behind. And sharing these stories with our family members is even more important in an age where prejudice tries to cover the truth of our existence.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Michael J. Leclerc, CG, is a well-known professional genealogist who teaches family historians around the world. He is a longtime member of the teaching team for the Boston University Online Genealogy Study Programs. He has authored countless arti
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  1. CV
    Cheryl Villigan
    1 month ago

    Great culture and history lesson. LGBTQ family members are family members and must be researched and remembered as such. Thank you.

  2. CD
    Cynthia Davis
    1 month ago

    Good presentation. An interesting perspective on a topic which is rarely addressed.

  3. EH
    Elizabeth Hunt
    1 month ago

    This was an excellent webinar. I learned so much and it inspires me to go back and look through my research again. Well done and many thanks to Mr. Leclerc!

  4. DP
    Dominique Preyer
    1 month ago

    Michael provided invaluable guidance on conducting LGBTQ+ ancestral research with sensitivity and respect. His presentation was particularly helpful for my work in probate cases and heir determination, offering practical strategies for understanding and documenting family relationships accurately. The methodologies he shared will improve how I approach research for both personal and professional genealogy projects.

  5. JP
    Jan Pennington
    1 month ago

    I found this webinar more interesting than I expected. I hadn’t considered that it might be possible to identify people long dead as potentially gay. Or that legally it was OK for women to be gay – one of the few instances in the past when being a women was an advantage.

  6. HG
    Heather Goebel
    1 month ago

    Nice to see a topic so seldom presented and presented well! Thank you.

  7. DC
    Dawn Carlile
    1 month ago

    I have several LGBTQ+ people in my family tree and appreciate knowing the history. The explanation of not dead naming a trans person without their permission was very insightful. This is hard for genealogists to understand and deal with in the records and our family trees. Michael, thank you for your honesty.

  8. LB
    Lori Bowers
    1 month ago

    I appreciate the tips given on researching LGBTQ ancestors as some of them I have not thought of before. This was an informative and refreshing discussion. Thank you for covering this topic as it has not been discussed often within mainstream genealogy research.


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