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Las Californias: Alta, Baja, and Beyond
Learn about key records and repositories to support your research of eighteenth and nineteenth century ancestors from present-day California and nearby regions. We will also cover important historical events and context to help identify additional resources for your research.
Learn about key records and repositories to support your research of eighteenth and nineteenth century ancestors from present-day California and nearby regions. We will also cover important historical events and context to help identify additional resources for your research.
Fri, January 17 2025: 19:00 UTC
Laws of the Indies: Spanish Colonial laws and the records they produced
From town planning to native relations, “Las Leyes de Las Indias” (Laws of the Indies) governed Spanish colonies of North America and beyond, and created unique records for research for anyone with ancestral ties to Spanish America.
From town planning to native relations, “Las Leyes de Las Indias” (Laws of the Indies) governed Spanish colonies of North America and beyond, and created unique records for research for anyone with ancestral ties to Spanish America.
Fri, November 15 2024: 19:00 UTC
Researching in Jalisco
With a rich history and extensive archives, Jalisco is an excellent place for Mexican research. Learn how to prepare and make the most of researching at repositories in Guadalajara, including important tips for travel, collections, available findings aid, catalogs, and more.
With a rich history and extensive archives, Jalisco is an excellent place for Mexican research. Learn how to prepare and make the most of researching at repositories in Guadalajara, including important tips for travel, collections, available findings aid, catalogs, and more.
Fri, September 20 2024: 18:00 UTC
Putting Them in Their Place: Understanding Localities for Your Mexican & Colonial Spanish Ancestors
Familiarity with church and civil jurisdictions helps us make better sense of records we find for our Mexican ancestors, helps us know where to look for records that pertain to a particular place and time, and helps us trace evolving jurisdictional borders through time. Knowing where and how to find historical and background information about different Mexican localities helps you dig deeper into the lives of your ancestors. Learn about essential reference tools and strategies that will help you identify and learn more about the localities in which your ancestors lived and worked.
Familiarity with church and civil jurisdictions helps us make better sense of records we find for our Mexican ancestors, helps us know where to look for records that pertain to a particular place and time, and helps us trace evolving jurisdictional borders through time. Knowing where and how to find historical and background information about different Mexican localities helps you dig deeper into the lives of your ancestors. Learn about essential reference tools and strategies that will help you identify and learn more about the localities in which your ancestors lived and worked.
Fri, July 19 2024: 18:00 UTC
The Mexican National Archive (AGN): A Resource for Genealogists
Housed in an old prison, the Archivo General de la Nación (or AGN, General Archive of the Nation), is home for the historical memory of Mexico. Its origins date back to the late eighteenth century when a royal decree ordered the creation of an archive to preserve documentation from the Viceroyalty. Today, the documents at AGN are a genealogical treasure waiting to be discovered by a wider audience of researchers. In this presentation you will learn about how to navigate the archive, and some of the information you could find there.
Housed in an old prison, the Archivo General de la Nación (or AGN, General Archive of the Nation), is home for the historical memory of Mexico. Its origins date back to the late eighteenth century when a royal decree ordered the creation of an archive to preserve documentation from the Viceroyalty. Today, the documents at AGN are a genealogical treasure waiting to be discovered by a wider audience of researchers. In this presentation you will learn about how to navigate the archive, and some of the information you could find there.
Fri, May 17 2024: 18:00 UTC
Top 10 Digital Repositories for Mexican Research
Are you looking for new repositories to advance your research in México? In this presentation, we will explore the top 10 websites for researching your Mexican ancestors, including where to find digitized original records, catalogs, regional histories, and much more from national and regional repositories.
Are you looking for new repositories to advance your research in México? In this presentation, we will explore the top 10 websites for researching your Mexican ancestors, including where to find digitized original records, catalogs, regional histories, and much more from national and regional repositories.
Fri, March 15 2024: 18:00 UTC
Mexican American Mutual Aid Societies
Mutualistas, or mutual aid societies, sprang up in Mexican American communities in the early 20th century to protect and assist members facing economic hardships or discrimination. Health insurance, burial assistance, legal advocacy, cultural activities, and member participation are detailed in an extraordinary array of records.
Mutualistas, or mutual aid societies, sprang up in Mexican American communities in the early 20th century to protect and assist members facing economic hardships or discrimination. Health insurance, burial assistance, legal advocacy, cultural activities, and member participation are detailed in an extraordinary array of records.
Fri, January 19 2024: 19:00 UTC
Tío Juvenal: Putting the Records, Context & Strategies All Together
This 20th century Mexican and Mexican-American case study showcases and weaves together different types of records available online, as well as those that need to be viewed at or requested from physical archives, and family interviews. It demonstrates the essential role that understanding historical context and customs plays in analyzing sources and building out a more comprehensive family history.
This 20th century Mexican and Mexican-American case study showcases and weaves together different types of records available online, as well as those that need to be viewed at or requested from physical archives, and family interviews. It demonstrates the essential role that understanding historical context and customs plays in analyzing sources and building out a more comprehensive family history.
Fri, November 17 2023: 19:00 UTC
Mexican Land Reform and the Ejido: History and Records
Between 1916 and 1945 the Mexican government distributed 74 million acres of land to Mexican citizens – many of whom had been dispossessed of the right to that land in preceding generations. In this session, we will review the laws, administrative processes and records related to the distribution of that land, known as the ejido. We will also review strategies for requesting the original records. Intended for those with experience in Mexican and/or Hispanic genealogy, this session can help you take your research to the next level.
Between 1916 and 1945 the Mexican government distributed 74 million acres of land to Mexican citizens – many of whom had been dispossessed of the right to that land in preceding generations. In this session, we will review the laws, administrative processes and records related to the distribution of that land, known as the ejido. We will also review strategies for requesting the original records. Intended for those with experience in Mexican and/or Hispanic genealogy, this session can help you take your research to the next level.
Fri, September 15 2023: 18:00 UTC
Tracing Ancestors through Revolutionary Mexico
Listen to the story of Atala Apodaca Anaya and her achievements as a female revolutionary during the early 20th century, as well as those of other lesser-known figures from the Revolución Mexicana. Learn about sources and methodologies for tracing your own ancestors in revolutionary Mexico.
Listen to the story of Atala Apodaca Anaya and her achievements as a female revolutionary during the early 20th century, as well as those of other lesser-known figures from the Revolución Mexicana. Learn about sources and methodologies for tracing your own ancestors in revolutionary Mexico.
Fri, July 21 2023: 18:00 UTC
Your 19th & 20th Century Mexican Ancestors in the U.S.
Historical records and social history paint a rich picture of the lives of our Mexican ancestors who were in the U.S. after the mid-19th century. A new border, new laws, a violent revolution, two world wars, and changing economic and political conditions significantly impacted your Mexican ancestors who came to or were born in the United States. Sharing a border, and sharing a long common history in certain regions of the U.S. has presented situations unique to those of Mexican descent compared to other immigrant and ethnic groups.
Historical records and social history paint a rich picture of the lives of our Mexican ancestors who were in the U.S. after the mid-19th century. A new border, new laws, a violent revolution, two world wars, and changing economic and political conditions significantly impacted your Mexican ancestors who came to or were born in the United States. Sharing a border, and sharing a long common history in certain regions of the U.S. has presented situations unique to those of Mexican descent compared to other immigrant and ethnic groups.
Fri, May 19 2023: 18:00 UTC
Padrones of the Past: Colonial-era Censuses of Mexico
Thousands of localized censuses, or padrones, were taken all over Mexico during the Colonial era. Mostly created during the 17th to 19th centuries, these censuses provide a snapshot in time of our ancestral families. Learn to find these censuses for your research locations and discover the content they may hold.
Thousands of localized censuses, or padrones, were taken all over Mexico during the Colonial era. Mostly created during the 17th to 19th centuries, these censuses provide a snapshot in time of our ancestral families. Learn to find these censuses for your research locations and discover the content they may hold.
Fri, March 17 2023: 18:00 UTC

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Fri, March 21 2025: 18:00 UTC
Mexican Notarial Records: An Invaluable Source for Reconstructing the Past of Mexican Families
Fri, March 21 2025: 18:00 UTC
Testaments, dowry letters, land sales, cattle leasing, power of attorney letters, and many other types of documents were created by public and royal scribes all over Mexico in the last five centuries. Notarial archives are rich in detail and history. Whenever they are available, they become an essential tool for genealogical research, adding depth to the lives of ancestors, or bridging gaps when church records have been lost. This conference is a basic outline of these records and where to find them both offline and online.
Testaments, dowry letters, land sales, cattle leasing, power of attorney letters, and many other types of documents were created by public and royal scribes all over Mexico in the last five centuries. Notarial archives are rich in detail and history. Whenever they are available, they become an essential tool for genealogical research, adding depth to the lives of ancestors, or bridging gaps when church records have been lost. This conference is a basic outline of these records and where to find them both offline and online.
Fri, March 21 2025: 18:00 UTC
Fri, May 16 2025: 18:00 UTC
Traditions of Death and Burial in Mexico
Fri, May 16 2025: 18:00 UTC
Burial records may be one of the least used records in Mexican genealogical research and yet are also one of the more easily accessible. Seemingly brief in content, these records reveal more than the dry facts of a person’s death. Once placed in the greater context of traditions, church practices, and remembrances like Día de los Muertos, we gain insight into our ancestors’ experiences with death and mourning.
Burial records may be one of the least used records in Mexican genealogical research and yet are also one of the more easily accessible. Seemingly brief in content, these records reveal more than the dry facts of a person’s death. Once placed in the greater context of traditions, church practices, and remembrances like Día de los Muertos, we gain insight into our ancestors’ experiences with death and mourning.
Fri, May 16 2025: 18:00 UTC
Fri, July 18 2025: 18:00 UTC
Strategies for Sorting Out and Documenting Mexican Names and Families
Fri, July 18 2025: 18:00 UTC
This presentation demonstrates methods and tools for tackling two common predicaments when researching families of Mexican origin. First, distinguishing between people with the same names, living in the same place, at the same. And second, determining which compound given names and compound surnames to record in your source citations, online trees, and family narratives.
This presentation demonstrates methods and tools for tackling two common predicaments when researching families of Mexican origin. First, distinguishing between people with the same names, living in the same place, at the same. And second, determining which compound given names and compound surnames to record in your source citations, online trees, and family narratives.
Fri, July 18 2025: 18:00 UTC
Fri, September 19 2025: 18:00 UTC
Mexican Immigration Records Through the Centuries
Fri, September 19 2025: 18:00 UTC
For the last 500 years, Mexico has been a crossroads of peoples, cultures and ethnicities. Starting in the XVI century, wave after wave of European, African and Asian people. Many records have been preserved which can help you discover your ancestor’s movements. Explore the rich migratory history of Mexico from Passenger Lists to the Indies to XX century foreign registries.
For the last 500 years, Mexico has been a crossroads of peoples, cultures and ethnicities. Starting in the XVI century, wave after wave of European, African and Asian people. Many records have been preserved which can help you discover your ancestor’s movements. Explore the rich migratory history of Mexico from Passenger Lists to the Indies to XX century foreign registries.
Fri, September 19 2025: 18:00 UTC
Fri, November 21 2025: 19:00 UTC
University Archives in México: Manuscripts, Photos, and Theses, Oh my!
Fri, November 21 2025: 19:00 UTC
With original records and bibliographic resources, university archives are genealogical treasures. This presentation will include an introduction to common resources available at universities in Mexico, including original manuscripts, newspapers, historic photos, dissertations, etc., with examples from Universidad Autónoma de México, Colegio de Sonora, Universidad de Guadalajara, and many more.
With original records and bibliographic resources, university archives are genealogical treasures. This presentation will include an introduction to common resources available at universities in Mexico, including original manuscripts, newspapers, historic photos, dissertations, etc., with examples from Universidad Autónoma de México, Colegio de Sonora, Universidad de Guadalajara, and many more.
Fri, November 21 2025: 19:00 UTC
Fri, February 7 2025: 17:00 UTC
50 State-Level Digitized Memory Platforms You Don’t Want to Miss!
Fri, February 7 2025: 17:00 UTC
Many states now have so-called Memory or Digital Archives platforms, which contain a ton of material relevant to genealogists, whether original documents, historical context, images, and more often covering from the state’s founding to now. Examples include Indiana Memory, Portal to Texas History, North Carolina Digital Collections, Virginia Memory, etc.
Many states now have so-called Memory or Digital Archives platforms, which contain a ton of material relevant to genealogists, whether original documents, historical context, images, and more often covering from the state’s founding to now. Examples include Indiana Memory, Portal to Texas History, North Carolina Digital Collections, Virginia Memory, etc.
Fri, February 7 2025: 17:00 UTC
Fri, February 7 2025: 19:00 UTC
Researching Your LGBTQ+ Ancestors
Fri, February 7 2025: 19:00 UTC
Those who we today call LGBTQ+ have been around throughout history. Discover the rich legacy our people have left behind. And sharing these stories with our family members is even more important in an age where prejudice tries to cover the truth of our existence.
Those who we today call LGBTQ+ have been around throughout history. Discover the rich legacy our people have left behind. And sharing these stories with our family members is even more important in an age where prejudice tries to cover the truth of our existence.
Fri, February 7 2025: 19:00 UTC
Tue, February 11 2025: 19:00 UTC
Norwegians in the New World: Tracing Norwegian Immigrants in the American Midwest
Tue, February 11 2025: 19:00 UTC
This presentation delves into the lives of Norwegian immigrants in the United States during the 1800s, exploring their contributions to American society and the challenges they faced along the way. As waves of Norwegians sought better opportunities, many settled in the Midwest, particularly in states like Minnesota and Iowa, where they played a pivotal role in shaping local communities. By examining historical newspapers within the OldNews archive, we can uncover valuable insights into their everyday experiences through personal stories, community events, further bringing the process of cultural integration to life. Ultimately, not only highlighting the resilience and determination of Norwegian immigrants but also providing a broader context for understanding early Norwegian-American experiences, whilst also discovering the personal narratives that have shaped their enduring legacy.
This presentation delves into the lives of Norwegian immigrants in the United States during the 1800s, exploring their contributions to American society and the challenges they faced along the way. As waves of Norwegians sought better opportunities, many settled in the Midwest, particularly in states like Minnesota and Iowa, where they played a pivotal role in shaping local communities. By examining historical newspapers within the OldNews archive, we can uncover valuable insights into their everyday experiences through personal stories, community events, further bringing the process of cultural integration to life. Ultimately, not only highlighting the resilience and determination of Norwegian immigrants but also providing a broader context for understanding early Norwegian-American experiences, whilst also discovering the personal narratives that have shaped their enduring legacy.
Tue, February 11 2025: 19:00 UTC
Wed, February 12 2025: 19:00 UTC
Finding Your Elusive Female Ancestors in Local Archives
Wed, February 12 2025: 19:00 UTC
Local archives of all kinds have records for your female ancestors. Many times, these records are not digitized or available online. Learn from a seasoned archivist how to locate and research female records in local archives.
Local archives of all kinds have records for your female ancestors. Many times, these records are not digitized or available online. Learn from a seasoned archivist how to locate and research female records in local archives.
Wed, February 12 2025: 19:00 UTC