Proving Parentage Two Centuries Later Using DNA Evidence

David S. Ouimette, CG, CGL
Apr 20, 2022
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Play. Playing.
1m 03s
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About BCG
4m 10s
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Speaker's Introduction
1m 55s
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1m 28s
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Case Study
32m 37s
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Genetic Evidence
16m 19s
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1m 12s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
11m 20s

About this webinar

Proving immigrant origins may seem daunting, especially when the family lived hundreds of years ago. This presentation shows how to navigate multiple border crossings, name changes, and cultural challenges and apply DNA techniques to trace a family of Canadian immigrants from town to town. The right combination of documentary evidence and biological evidence, coupled with sound methodology, reveals the origins of this family.

About the speaker

About the speaker

David Ouimette, Certified Genealogist®, Certified Genealogical Lecturer℠, manages Content Strategy for Asia and the Pacific at FamilySearch, prioritizing records of genealogical value for digital preservation and online publication. His team prior
Learn more...

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  1. CB
    Christine Brugman
    3 years ago

    Great presentation. The diligence on the documentary research will be very helpful. The “French Canadians shared ancestral roots” chart is great. Had not heard this before. Thank you, thank you!

  2. KA
    Kathy Adams
    3 years ago

    Amazing job on this webinar! I found it very helpful and explained very well. Thank you so much! Kathy

  3. HH
    Heather Higgins
    3 years ago

    I watched this from the LIbrary and was super impressed with the presentation. Thank you so much for all the information you have shared, it was so helpful.

  4. BF
    Brad Felmey
    3 years ago

    It’s pretty rare in my experience for someone with the chops to pull off such a research project to be able to communicate it so effectively and with such fluidity. I wish to thank Mr. Ouimette for the obvious preparatory work he put into this presentation for our benefit.

  5. DN
    Diana Nelson
    3 years ago

    Brilliant! I’m going to have to watch it again. Some slides went by fast. Thank you!

  6. BF
    Billie Fogarty
    3 years ago

    David’s masterful description of the process of forming the various hypotheses then methodically working through them is a must-learn skill for all genealogists. Once again the master teacher shows us the way! Thanks, David!

  7. SD
    shelley dewese
    3 years ago

    Building family trees on the witness and sponsors can provide key information on the relationships. I’m inspired!

  8. MS
    Margaret Smith
    3 years ago

    A great presentation, full of reminders of what “reasonably exhaustive” research actually means, when it needs to include DNA evidence in addition to genealogical evidence, and how to structure that part of one’s research to pull out answers that might otherwise never be as certain.


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