Once upon a time: It’s all about the story

Carol Baxter
Dec 1, 2020
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Play. Playing.
3m 04s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 01s
Play. Playing.
9m 09s
Play. Playing.
Story Finding
12m 44s
Play. Playing.
Story Structure
13m 53s
Play. Playing.
Story Ingredients
9m 31s
Play. Playing.
Point of View
21m 40s
Play. Playing.
5m 07s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
16m 07s

About this webinar

‘Facts’ send people to sleep; ‘stories’ keep them awake and alert and eager to learn what happens next. In this seminar, Carol shows you how to tell a gripping story within a family history, and by extension, how to write a gripping a family history.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Carol Baxter is an experienced and informed historian and genealogist, an internationally-acclaimed, award-winning author, and a dynamic, inspirational presenter. Carol has been a genealogist for four decades having first become interested
Learn more...

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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    4 years ago

    A complex topic so well-explained, Very well done. Much appreciated. Look forward to next time to gain an even better understanding.

    A lot of great information. Just wish there was more time that she could have gone a tad slower to let the information sink in.

    After hearing this presentation, I am ready to write my family history. The speaker was excellent in providing examples of key points.

    Always excellent. Keep Carol coming back. Esp. need Down Under webinars …

    Always informative and educational. Thanks for the presentation.

    An excellent presentation and great ideas – if only we had the option of a life Do Over – so much to do so little time;-)))

    Another excellent webinar from Carol Baxter. She conveys complex ideas with clarity, humour and colourful examples.

    As a journalistic writer, it’s great to get these tips to move into a different, yet related, genre. Thank you!


    Awesome!!! I learned a lot!

    Brilliant webinar with lots of great ideas to follow up.

    Carol Baxter does a great job of filling her presentation with useful, focused information and clear examples.

    Carol Baxter gave me so many good ideas, and I am going to start writing my great-grandmother’s story TOMORROW!

    Carol gave so many interesting examples & inspiring ideas for better storytelling.

    Carol has done an excellent job of breaking story-telling into smaller, easy-to-digest pieces. Can’t wait for the next installment.

    Carol is a wonderful presenter. I learned a lot.

    Carol is an excellent speaker and vey knowledgeable. She also has a wonderful way of presenting her subject.

    Carol is an inspiring speaker and knows how to present what she describes as a complex subject in a simple way. The beauty of a self-taught writer not held back by set ways of doing it.

    Carol makes her points and examples in a compelling presentation.

    Carol presented in such a manner that keep your attention and you on the edge of your seat, and waiting for the next nugget to drop, great webinar.

    Carol puts meaning into those old saws about how to write fiction. I wish I was still teaching English. I could have used much of what she shared today.

    Carol was excellent! Can’t wait to read some of her books

    Carol’s webinars are so well-presented, packed with practical writing tips. Wonderful!

    Changed my point of view positively.

    Chock full of useful information presented in an understandable and captivating manner. Well done!

    Content was excellent!

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    4 years ago

    Easy listening leading to a great deal of learning!

    Engaging speaker who demonstrates how to make history come alive

    Enjoyed the presentation, but will watch it again to make sure to catch everything. Also enjoyed Carol Baxter’s last webinar, and look forward to her future webinar on writing for family history.


    Excellent – makes me want to start writing.

    Excellent expansion on her first webinar.

    Excellent lesson for writing memoirs

    Excellent presentation – Carol is very clear in her explanations and I appreciate her examples. This one is worth watching again as I work on creating better family stories.

    Excellent presentation.

    Excellent presentation.

    Excellent presentation. Carol is a dynamic speaker and her use of examples was very helpful.

    excellent presenter

    Excellent webinar; I plan to watch it again.


    Excellent! Thanks!

    Extremely informative, an excellent talk and speaker.


    Fabulous. Carol conveyed her knowledge of writing in such an inspirational way that I want to start my best seller as soon as possible!

    Fantastic presentation by Ms. Baxter. I liked her suggestions of future presentations to dive deeper into the topics covered in this webinar. Thank you!

    fantastic! One of the best genealogical presentations I have experienced in over a decade! I totally agree that the stories are what count, not the dry facts. You do start with the researched facts, but then build from that to present the story of interesting ancestors by using imagination, historical, political, cultural context.

    FANTASTIC. Many, many thanks. learned so much about how to make my family interested in reading the stories. Carol is fabulous and so easy to listen to.

    Fascinating topic well presented. Probably tried to cover a bit too much for one session.

    Full of great information and inspiration.

    Full of great information and tips. Thank you!

    Good review of how to write an interesting story

    good topic

    Good webinar!


    Great content

    Great ideas – very helpful

    great info. i learnt a lot

    Great information for beginning writers.

    Great information!

    Great information!

    Great information, Thanks

    Great information.

    Beautifully presented. I just want to write stories now!!!

    great presentation of a skillset that needs development.. Now the work begins!

    Great presentation!

    Great presentation. Caroi has impressive enthusiasm for her topic.

    great seminar

    Great way to present a common-sense approach to crafting an interesting story of a family history event.

    Great! Wish I was at least a half-way decent writer

    Great, great webinar with so much excellent information!

    Excellent syllabus. Will watch again.

    Helpful and detailed!

  3. Legacy Family Tree
    4 years ago

    I appreciate her visual explanations.

    I can see how to start writing now! Thank you so much!!

    I could listen to Carol Baxter for hours. Her passion for her craft exudes with each word and concept. Please continue to feature her writing topics.

    I could listen to Carol over and over she is so clear at explaining and such great info!

    I enjoyed her many suggestions for writing narrative style into family history.

    I found she rushed a little more than I would have liked. I know that we can go back and read the excerpts she showed but I rarely have time to go back to a webinar and watch again. I would have preferred her to split the info into smaller chunks and cover more thoroughly in more than one lecture than be rushed through. I was also glad to find that I have some natural instinct for storytelling, perhaps due to reading lots of good fiction and non-fiction. Will check out Carol’s other webinars.

    I have not watched the first ( which is now on the To Do List ) and i can hardly wait for the next – best Sign of a great talk!

    I love Carol!

    I loved her accent and enthusiasm.

    I think Carol is an excellent presenter. Very good p[points I hope I can bring to my family history.



    Informative and Inspiring. Thank you Carol.

    Inspiring and confirming. Always take away a few new perspectives.

    Interesting approach and I can appreciate the analysis of writing that the speaker offers.

    Interesting, fast passed (sometimes a little too fast!), and well conceived. Inspirational.

    It had a lot of good information.

    It will be hard to wait for the 2022 webinar! I wish we could have heard it all tonight!

    I love Carol’s methods of writing.

    Lively with great examples.

    Lots of good ideas and content. Well presented and well organized. Thank you.

    Love all the ideas for bringing our family stories to life

    Loved it. Lots of great ideas.


    Mind boggling.

    Ms Baxter is always wonderful! Thank you!

    nice presentation, I had not thought about ‘stories’ instead of all else, I really enjoyed it.

    One of the best webinars yet! I find writing scary and this is really motivating me. Thank you!

    Outstanding presentation. Much Food for Thought! Thank-you.

    please have her again


    Really enjoyed – great slides and pacing.

    Really excited about this presentation. I struggle with writing however the person, perspective and point of view tips are very helpful. I will return to her former webinar for more.


    she was great … as usual

    She’s a very interesting and engaging speaker. I very much enjoy learning more about the writing process. I struggle with narrative non-fiction as it violates the rules I learned long ago, but it does make for a more entertaining tale. I look forward to her future talks.

    So helpful! Excellent!

    So much to take in! But greatly helped by all the examples. I’m going back to look at something I’ve almost finished writing, pleased to know I’ve followed some of Carol’s advice unwittingly, but knowing I’ll find much that can be improved. Thank you.

    Super handout.

  4. Legacy Family Tree
    4 years ago

    Thank you

    That was really helpful! I learned a lot and it’s quite timely as my winter/pandemic project is to write 2 life stories – two sets of great great grandparents whom i feel are calling me to tell their tales. EXCELLENT!

    That webinar deserved a 10+ rating 🙂

    That’s a 4++. Carol visually explains writing craft in ways that most college professors cannot. Of course, 18-21 year old coed minds don’t absorb information like our mature minds do! Carol explained one excellent technique…circling pronouns and names on a page to show how your writing is communicating. I once had an English professor who circled every use of the word I and every form of the verb to be on our papers. If more than three were used on one page…we failed. F!

    I enjoyed the webinar. Thank you very much.

    The webinar was fabulous! Carol is very inspiring and makes me want to start writing my family history right away. I’m looking forward to her third writing webinar next year.

    There were at least two and probably three 60-90 minute classes in this presentation. Carol needs to include less material and delve deeper into her content.

    This was an interesting webinar thanks

    This was exactly what I needed as I get ready to start writing family histories.

    This was one of the best webinars I have ever attended.

    This was such an excellent webinar! It was chock full of practical guidance. I appreciated how Ms. Baxter was able to take a complex subject and make it seem doable for the lay person. I can’t wait to use what I learned to write my family’s history.

    This webinar was so inspiring. Carol is covering the mechanics of writing a story, one step at a time. It was really wonderful.

    Thorough, detailed and very interesting. I’m going back to find her past webinars and look forward to seeing what’s coming from her in 2021.

    Thoroughly enjoyed Carol’s webinar. Now to get to work…

    took notes for the time when I will write a family history story.

    Truly a packed webinar!! This is one that merits rewatching!! Thank you.

    Very clear presentation, with numbered points and real examples. Thanks, Carol

    Very engaging! Her animation kept you totally engaged, loved it!!!

    Very enjoyable!!!!!

    Very enjoyable.

    Very helpful – many ideas about developjng an engaging approach to writing family history stories

    very helpful and entertaining as well

    Very informative! We all want our family histories to be more than a list of names, dates, and lists of facts, and she gave us some tools to get started.

    Very insightful!

    Very inspiring! I would like to read some of her books also.

    very interesting suggestions to make family stories more interesting

    Very interesting. A lot of good suggestions that I will think about when reading stories. Will definitely explore Caro Baxter’s books. Thank you!

    Very motivating and informative. Great ideas about how to write our ancestors’ stories.

    Very riveting, am anxious to start the adventure!

    Very specific and informative on how to make family history writing interesting.

    very useful

    Very useful information provided. I have recently finished a story on a U.S. Civil War ancestor. I will go back and reread/edit it with the points Carol brought up.

    Was very informative



    Wow, I am so jazzed about her writing tips! I need to listen to this more times to try to absorb it all.

    Wunderful teacher!


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