Publishing – class 4 of 4

Carol Baxter
Oct 29, 2022
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Play. Playing.
11m 45s
Play. Playing.
13m 33s
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Self Publishing
3m 11s
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Book Sizes
4m 17s
Play. Playing.
Postage Costs
5m 30s
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Cover Design
3m 09s
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2m 40s
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10m 26s
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Font Styles
6m 13s
Play. Playing.
Paragraph Style
8m 05s
Play. Playing.
7m 55s

About this webinar

Many researchers are daunted at the thought of publishing a family history or memoir or “how to” book because they lack knowledge about their publishing and marketing options. Carol has been associated with the publishing industry since the 1980s and her 24 books have been variously mainstream, boutique, indie, and self-published. In this webinar she discusses the editing processes that all works of prose should experience before they are published, whether it be in a journal article or a family history. She discusses publishing and printing options, along with marketing approaches to family members and the broader public. She also covers the practical aspects of self-publishing: writing and publishing programs, font choices, paragraph and column layouts, page sizes, book weight and postage requirements.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Carol Baxter is an experienced and informed historian and genealogist, an internationally-acclaimed, award-winning author, and a dynamic, inspirational presenter. Carol has been a genealogist for four decades having first become interested
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  1. AD
    Arlene Dukanauskas
    2 years ago

    A limited number of hardcover books can be printed for distribution to family members and donations to historical and lineage societies and special genealogical libraries.


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