Italian Local and Parish Censuses

Suzanne Russo Adams, AG
Sep 8, 2023
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Play. Playing.
1m 10s
Play. Playing.
8m 07s
Play. Playing.
State of the Family
1m 45s
Play. Playing.
Tax Censuses
16m 00s
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Parish Censuses
5m 04s
Play. Playing.
Case Study
3m 34s
Play. Playing.
When to use censuses

About this webinar

A look at Italian censuses across time and how to use them– from parish censuses to tax censuses and finally to municipal censuses. This is an in-depth look at how to navigate and utilize a variety of censuses for Italian research.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Suzanne Russo Adams is an accredited genealogist in Italian research and has been researching Italian roots for more than 20 years. She is a graduate of Brigham Young University with a BS in sociology and a BA in family history/genealogy specializ
Learn more...

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  1. LW
    Lorena Wolfe
    1 year ago

    Suzanne mentions that some censuses are available on FamilySearch, but I haven’t been able to find any. Their wiki page for Italian censuses only has “1748: Census at Geneanet ($).” Any tips for finding these. Thanks!

    1 Reply
    • SA
      Suzanne Adams
      1 year ago

      Hi Lorena, the best way to find censuses on is to go to the town where your ancestor is from in the FamilySearch catalog. Once there, look to see if there are any censuses under the census category in the catalog. If you would like to just get a sense of what is available in general in the catalog try typing the term “censimenti” in the “keyword” search field in the catalog. You will find results that way, too. Other terms to try in keyword are “censimento”, “riveli” , “stato delle anime”, “status animarum”, “onciario”, “catasto” or “catasti”, “stato di famiglia” or “foglio di famiglia”. Those should catch lots of what you are looking for– unfortunately, they are not linked in the wiki– so you have to go through the catalog to find them. Good luck!

  2. KT
    Karina Thomas
    1 year ago

    Thank you, Suzanne; so much useful information, as always!
    Regarding the catasto onciario, at least for various town in Calabria, you can find pdf files at

  3. CH
    Cindy Hudgens
    2 years ago

    Will listen again!

  4. WV
    Webinar Viewer
    2 years ago

    I appreciate any information about Italian records – it’s so difficult to figure this out on your own! Suzanne is doing a great job of sharing this information. It would be helpful to continually specify not only where the examples are from (clearly done) but also include where this type of record is or is not available (or how to determine this). My grandparents are all from various parts of norther Italy.

  5. WV
    Webinar Viewer
    2 years ago

    Suzanne is an excellent presenter. This was very interesting, makes me wish I had Italian ancestors!


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