I Had My DNA Tested – Now What?

Ugo Perego, PhD, MSc
May 21, 2014
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Play. Playing.
2m 54s
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Speaker's Introduction
1m 39s
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1m 48s
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Genetics 101
6m 43s
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X Chromosome
1m 32s
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DNA Test
1m 34s
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Y Chromosome
11m 55s
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Exhaust Lab Resources
5m 21s
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Online Databases
2m 51s
Play. Playing.
6m 12s
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Online Databases
1m 46s
Play. Playing.
Donate Your Results
2m 12s
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Testing Companies
6m 00s
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Additional Testing
1m 31s
Play. Playing.
15m 03s
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Announcements / prizes
5m 22s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
21m 50s

About this webinar

Hundreds of thousands of genetic profiles for family history and ancestral purposes have been generated by private laboratories, universities, and the National Geographic's Genographic Project during the past fifteen years. However, many individuals that had their DNA tested were somewhat disappointed, as the information provided by many laboratories is often difficult to understand. What do all these numbers and letters means? What can they tell about my past? As Ann Tuner and Megan Smolenyak stated in their book, Trace Your Roots with DNA, "test results for just one person are like the sound of one hand clapping." The great paradox in genetic genealogy is the fact that in order to understand your own DNA, you need to know something about the DNA of everyone else! Thankfully, a number of online databases are providing large quantities of searchable data in an effort to provide the missing hand. Knowing which resources are available and how to properly use them is key to understanding our personalize genetic genealogy and getting the most out of our own genetic profile.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Dr. Ugo A. Perego is the owner of the Genetic Genealogy Consultant services, which specializes in helping genealogists with all their DNA needs. He is also a visiting scientist affiliated with the DNA laboratory of Professors Alessandro Achilli an
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