An Easy Trick to Split PDF Pages

Thomas MacEntee
Oct 30, 2020
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Splitting the PDF
1m 26s

About this webinar

What do you do with a large, multi-page PDF when you only need one or two pages? If you use Windows 10, you won’t believe this easy solution that’s been sitting right under your nose all this time.

About the speaker

About the speaker

So, what if I told you that a Baby Boomer guy with a love of punk rock music but also Renaissance Art, somehow “fell” into the technology industry almost 40 years ago, and then left a lucrative career in information technology to pursue his love o
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  1. TL
    Therese Lynch
    2 years ago

    An excellent, simple to use tip. Thank you. I’ll doing this in the future.

  2. CL
    Celia Lewis
    3 years ago

    Oh for heavens’ sakes, I never even thought of that option!
    Thanks Thomas, so quick and easy!!


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